After the incident with the chicken he'd almost told Cordy to screw off when she mentioned patrolling again. He was okay with getting in messes with youma but the damn chicken had been a whole other problem. That thing had been ... it wasn't worth repeating. He knew though that he couldn't just not go patrolling just because he was pissed at his cousin for almost getting him squished by a bird. It was better to go out in pairs anyway. There were still strange things going on and knowing what it took for Corvus to use her powers he wasn't going to just let her go out alone.

Leaving Rikard attached to some videogame (or whatever it was he was doing) with a promise that he'd do something with him tomorrow he'd tracked down his cousin and drug her out of the house on the pretence that he needed advice on something for his aunt.

Cordelia had come up with a thing or two to say to Lucien about chickens when he'd first protested going out on patrol with her all because of heir last encounter, at least one of which had included likening -him- to a chicken. There was no point in being mad at her for leading him into 'trouble' on a patrol when that was, generally, the entire -point- in patrolling. Senshi patrolled so that civilians could be safe. They patrolled to take down the Negaverse one agent or youma at a time.

Luckily enough, Luc had agreed without too much protest and she was able to put her 'with great power comes great responsibility' speech on the back burner for next time (more than certain that there would be a next time). "... So what does Rikard think of you ditching him all the time?

He'd glared at his cousin for calling him a chicken and had returned that getting trampled by a chicken was not on his list of things that happened durring patrol. Giant snarling dogs or bird-like things with fangs sure but not giant chickens. He'd just reminded her that she'd been the one to kick it in the a** instead of blasting it and it's eggs from a distance. He had agreed that taking down the Negaverse and the youma were the important thing and so long as no more chickens were involved he would go out on patrol with her.

"He's playing a game. I"m sure he's fine." Rikard didn't need him to be around constantly right? He was pretty sure the other boy would like some time to himself every now and then so he could do whatever it was he liked.

"You invited him home with you for the holidays and now all you're doing is ditching him." She smirked, casting a glance at her cousin as they made their way down the walk. "You're eventually going to have to make it up to him, you know. I -still- don't know what made you decide to bring him on in the first place." She shook her head, patting herself down lightly to make sure she had remembered to bring her henshin pen along.

"Twice. I've ditched him twice and it's not like i really have a choice. It's not like the Negaverse is just going to take the holidays off not with how much energy they can gather from all the 'happy festivities." He rolled his eyes as they headed out of the driveway and onto the street

"if you're so worried about him being alone why don't -you- keep him company?" He eyed her for a moment before shaking his head. "I invited him because he was going to be stuck at Hillworth, alone. You're suppose to do nice things for people this time of year.""I'm not going to keep him company because he's not -my- guest." Cordelia stuck her tongue out at Lucien in a most childish manner, rolling her own eyes right back at him after. "I still don't think it's very nice to ditch him all the time... Not that it would really be all that great trying to explain everything to him along the way." Not that great. Not that safe. A giant mistake? Yeah.

"You'll just have to drag him on your next shopping trip or something, When you aren't busy telling me that you're certain that there's something wrong with the youma I wind up running into specifically when compared to all of the other crazy beasts out there."

"He's a guest at your house. What happened to that nice little girl i remember who always wanted to do everything proper just like grandma?" He smirked at her. She hadn't been that little girl in -years- and he knew it. "I can't just tell him what i'm doing." Cordy only knew because she was his -cousin- and he planned to tell Denebola who he was eventually, maybe.

"You must attract crazy or something." After the mall incident and now the giant chicken he was pretty sure Corvus was a 'crazy' magnet. "I hate christmas shopping...." He never knew what to get anyone

"-Actually-, if we want to use that particular technicality... He's a guest at my -parent's- house. I might feel compelled to be a little bit nicer to him were it truly my house, but alas, I just live there which gives me little control over who does and doesn't take up space in a room down the hall from mine." She snorted softly as she shook her head, trying not to sigh as her cousin continued on. "Do you really need to say something like that? It just... Confirms what I've already thought and the last thing I really need is to attract -more- crazy than I already have."

A pause.

"Have you actually finished all of your shopping, Luc?"

"I don't even get what your problem with him is. I mean i know he can be a bit annoying but he said you dumped him." So technically Rikard should be the one with the problem and not Cordy. Then again he had never heard her side of the story and wasn't exactly sure he wanted to hear it either. He was so not the one to get in the middle of those sorts of things. "Someone has to say it. Maybe saying it will make it stop? Never know." He shrugged slightly as they turned into a slightly closed off alley where they could henshin up. "At least you're not dating anyone and don't have to worry about the crazy there."

He looked down at the snow at the last question. ""

"He's a -d**k-." She said plainly, putting a bit more emphasis on the word 'd**k' than she likely needed to get her point across. "He's always been one and will likely always -be- one... And it's -not right- that he can just, just... Charm people the way he does when it's pretty obvious how much of a d**k he is." Her parents didn't seem to mind that he was visiting, at the very least. If anything, they seemed rather content that Lucien had made a friend in Destiny City.

Her face did fall a bit when Lucien mentioned how she wasn't dating anyone and, for the moment, she let go that he hadn't finished his shopping where, normally, she might have reminded him just how few days left he had to get everything done. "No, I'm not, but..." She sighed, a puff of warmth forming a cloud in the crisp air in front of her. "Sometimes I really, really wish I was... But it's always when I find myself wishing it that I find myself looking at the reality that maybe he just... Doesn't see me that way and..."

And this was likely inching into territory that Lucien might not want to get too far with as far as chats with his cousin went; Girl Talk.

"He's not that bad." He was pretty sure Rikard could be bad, he had been the first time they'd met, but he didn't think he'd call Rik a d**k. "You're just upset that he charmed -you- and he wasn't what you thought he was ... wait. He who?" His cousin wasn't seeing anyone that he remembered. She hadn't even mentioned someone and usually Cordy was the sort to talk about that.

"No wait, you can answer he who later." He held out his phone, which had appeared in his hand, and looked at a little light flashing on the screen. "I think we have something we have to take care of."

"It's nothing, anyways, really." The rose color flooding her cheeks was either proof that she was lying or it was a good bit colder outside than she was willing to admit. Whichever it was, she seemed happy for the distraction from it

Cordelia pulled out her pen, holding it up before calling out the words to signal the start of her transformation

He wasn't going to let her live that down and he would bring it up later but for now it could wait. They had a youma to deal with and that was a bit more important than figuring out who cordy 'wasn't' seeing at the moment. Digging out his pen he stepped a bit away from his cousin so he could henshin up.

Once his shoes settled on the snow he shivered slightly. "... i will be -very- happy when it's not cold anymore. This outfit was not made for snow."

"Just be glad you're not wearing a skirt." She snorted softly as she stepped up beside him, sheer ruffles and sash-like bow catching in the chilled winter breeze. "Maybe once you hit Super the Cosmos will see fit to give you some socks?" Her brow quirked as she glanced at him before craning her neck to peer at his phone. "So what does it seem like we're after tonight?"

"I will kindly not ever be caught in a skirt thanks." He shook his head and ran a hand though his hair, knocking out some snow flakes that had stuck there. "Oh yes. Socks with sandals. That's really what i need." he rolled his eyes. He'd be the laughing stock of the entire senshi brigade. He hoped for something like a coat or something but given the whole 'magic' thing with their clothing there was no telling what he'd end up with.

Pulling out his phone again he turned on the scanner. "Looks like a youma, i think. It's that way." He pointed off toward another section of suburbs.

"Tabi socks, Lucien. Aren't they meant to go with sandals like yours?" Her brow lofted as she gave her cousin a gentle nudge before glancing in the direction he'd pointed in. "How comfortable are you with traveling across the rooftops? It's the fastest way I've found to get from point A to point B unless you know enough of the city's layout from the ground." Which, she had discovered, she most certainly didn't.

"Yea and my feet would be warm and my legs would still freeze off." He was just going to pray for warm weather and hope that the negaverse somehow stopped trying to do things at night and started during the day when it was slightly warmer. Or summer, summer would be nice.

"I can do rooftops. They're just pretty icy at the moment." He and Denebola had already figured that one out.

"I still think they're safer than the alleys are, at this point." Corvus wasn't a fan of alleys in the first place. It was in an alley much like this one that she had first awakened and she generally tried to do her best to avoid getting trapped in one since then.

Flipping out her own phone she eyed the tracking blinker on the screen before banishing it to her subspace (something she had been practicing since her last outing with her cousin) so that nothing would happen to it as she took to the rooftops, making it to the first one after a few bounds up a fire escape. "Come on, Arsinoe. Evil's not just going to hang around and wait for us."

"Depending on what's in the alley's, yes." It would be nice to somehow get a map of the city on his phone and lay the power source tracking over the map. It would make running through the city a bit easier and you were a lot less noticable if you were running on streets rather than over someone's room. He'd have to see if he could find someone who was more tech savvy and see if they knew anything about pulling that off.

Dusting the snow off his gloves he pulled himself up onto a fire escape and jumped up the few flights of stairs to the roof. One thing he'd give himself, even if he had to admit he was s**t at physical activity, is long legs came in handy when you were jumping things. "I'm sure some evil would do just that." He smirked before taking off over the rooftops toward the energy source they were targeting.

He had a point. A small one, but a point at least. There were definitely some things lurking in the shadows that were likely just waiting for someone to come along... But she didn't think the youma they were currently tracking was one of them. She was hoping this would just be another quick KO of some sort so that they could go back to their nice, warm bedrooms.

Corvus watched Arsinoe for a bit before bounding off after him, letting him lead the way on this adventure for the moment.

He kept his phone out as he ran useing it to triangulate where the youma was and eventually skidded to a hault at the edge of a roof. Hopefully whoever was inside wasn't awake enough to hear their footsteps over their heads. The creature had picked a ncie spot in the middle of the suburbs which meant fighting the creature was going to take some finess unless they wanted to be dodging the cops too. For all that cops and robbers was fun when you were a kid when the real ones were pointing guns at you it was a whole different story and not one he wanted any part of.

Looking down into the expance of yard that spread out behind the house he could see the youma sniffing around in the perfectly cut grass. He would have called it a dog if it hadn't looked up and revealed a far more crocodile looking head. The creature didn't have any eyes though which explained why it had been snuffling around. ".... great. Giant teeth"

"Have I ever mentioned how much I -hate- going toe to toe with these uglies?" Her eyes narrowed as she watched the youma snuffle for a bit before it cocked its head. While the creature didn't seem to have eyes its sense of sound didn't seem to be hampered at all.

"Heads or tails, cous?"

"No but i think i can imagine." They seemed to get unglier every time he saw them and he wondered why the Negaverse couldn't just create better looking monsters. There was no reason for them to -all- be hidious right? "how much you want to bet if we get any closer it will be able to feel our energy too?" That would just be icing on the cake. It was probably a good guess that the blind thing 'hunted' by some sort of energy receptor.

"I am not going to ask where you're hiding a coin in that outfit but tails."

"Of course you'd leave me with the teeth." She snorted as she dropped to the ground from the rooftop above, landing several feet from the monster... Watching, waiting to see if it would make the first move upon recognizing her for what she was if it was at least intelligent enough to notice the difference. Corvus kept her muscles tight either way, ready to spring back away from the beast at the quickest flash of its fangs in her direction. She was -not- going to let it just tear into her... Blunt damage, as long as it wasn't to the head, was a lot easier to deal with than the snapping, searing pain of fangs slicing through skin.

When she landed on the grass the creatures head snapped in her direction. The youma sniffed a few times before snapping it's teeth together and charging her. Whatever it had sensed it wanted and it was going to get it. Down on the ground it was easier to see how big the youma was. The creatures head was almost level with Corvus' as it charged across the lawn oddly eerily silent. One would have thought something that big would at least bellow.

He jumped from the roof while the youma was distracted and untied the lantern from his hip. He didn't want to risk letting the attack go now with Corvus so close but it would be good to have handy. He was pretty sure if it knocked Corvus over he could distract it until she could get her attack off at least.

Corvus shifted her weight slightly, leaning a bit heavier on her heel before rocking onto her toes, waiting until the last possible minute before leaping out of the youma's way, heels planting on the creature's head before she bounded off to the side again to wait for its next attack. "This one's at least a little bit more graceful than the last one... Even if it's lacking the pretty plumage."

"I wouldn't exactaly call the chicken pretty." He shook his head. Only Corvus would think that the chicken had been 'pretty' in any way. The youma seemed to take notice of him but after having it's muzzle shoved into the dirt by Corvus didn't seem to take much of an interest in him.

Once it had shook itself clear of the dirt it rounded on Corvus again and started another charge, mouth open this time. "Tell me when you want me to roast it."

"Some of the green feathers weren't all that bad." She muttered, more to herself than to Arsinoe at this point as she kept her eyes on the beast, watching its tail flick before it's jaws opened and it charged. Corvus waited... Waited... And then sprung out of the way again, calling out to her cousin. "Now! Aim for it's head!"

Did his attack even work that way? God, she hoped so...

He was pretty sure he'd told her before that he couldn't aim his attack for s**t but decided now wasn't the time to explain that one again. "Dancing Lights!" He light the stick he had ready and let the orbs fly in the general direction of the creatures head. One of them missed completely and floated into the grass by the youma's feet. A second colided with the empty scales where it's eyes should have been. The third, and only useful one, was caught inside the youma's mouth as it snapped it's teeth at Corvus again.

The orbs exploded and the youma reared back in pain, still oddly silent, from the orb that had landed in it's mouth.

She escaped the youma's jaws this time thanks to Arsinoe's diversionary attack, although this leap didn't take her completely out of harm's range. Corvus hadn't managed to spring away completely, the youma tossing her aside as it reared back, sending her skidding into another snow bank. The cushion of landing on the cold, white fluff was likely the only thing that she would miss about being a senshi in winter...

He tied his lantern back off before picking up a pinecone and throwing it at the youma. If he was lucky that knock would give Corvus something to work with and she could dust the thing. If not ... well he'd have to hope he could run. The pinecone clocked the youma on the side of the head as he thrashed around trying to deal with it's singed mouth.

Shaking it's head again the youma turned it's blank face onto Arsinoe and eyed him before starting through the snow in his direction. "... s**t"

From where she'd landed in the snow she was shaking herself off, dusting a bit of white powder off of her head before looking up to make some sort of smart comment... Only to see the youma charging at her cousin. "You stupid. Things. Never. Learn." Her eyes narrowed as she sent one of her weaker attacks at the creature's head, hoping to catch it in the mouth just as Arsinoe had, determined to draw its attention back towards her for the moment. "The day they start making smarter youma is the day we're all in for it."

"How about they just .. not." As her attack caught the youma on the head he aimed a kick at it's already injured jaw and sent the youma skidding into a snow bank. "Stupid works for me. They're easier to dust that way." He landed back in the snow on one knee and looked over at his cousin. "Think you can do that again?"

He wasn't about to go kick the stupid youma again and risk loosing a foot.

"I'm sure I can it's just a matter of when... And I should probably make this next one matter." She huffed as she stepped up beside Arsinoe again, gathering a ball of energy the color of storm clouds crackling with lightning. "Any idea where its weak spot might be? Hitting in the head doesn't seem like it's done much more than daze it... And maybe piss it off a bit."

"It really didn't like it when i got the fireball in it's mouth." He watched carefully as the youma pulled itself up out of the snowbank and shook itself out. "Maybe try to get it to swallow it? Everywhere else seems to be covered in the scales."

The youma swung it's head around a few times seeming to be looking for the two of them. Eventually it's head faced them and it cracked it's jaw open on another silent roar.

"Wish me luck." She murmured softly, wondering whether or not it was even a good idea to rely on silly things such as luck. Figuring that it had yet to fail her she decided that was that, nodding her head once before letting off her attack, sending the sphere crackling towards the youma's gaping mouth.

"Violent Revenge!"

The youma was snapping it' sjaws again before another charge and managed to once again snap it's mouth shut on the ball of energy. "Good shot." He raised a brow at his cousin. The youma reared back again, clawing at the air, before crumbling into a pile of dust into the snow. "Okay, that was probably the creepiest one of those things i've come across. I wonder what it was looking for."

He looked back at the house, glad to see that no extra lights had come on, and wondered who or what was inside it that the youma might have been after

"More energy... Or a starseed. Whatever it was ordered to find for the night." She shook her head slowly as her eyes drifted from the dust on the ground up towards the house they were now hanging around the front of. "Doesn't matter now. That thing's dust."

That said, the senshi turned on her heels, walking slowly back the way they'd come. "Let's go, Arsinoe... Before something else ugly decides to rear its head up."