Nasira - -_Wish of the Goddess_-
Daelote - Das Tor

Mmmm...sunset. Daelote loved watching the sunset. She'd even made sure her adult den faced the proper direction, so when she opened her eyes it was the first thing she saw. It was such a beautiful thing...Like a demon in the sky. She was curled up in her den at the moment, admiring the sunset in all its blazing glory. And then something clicked in her mind.

"Oh!" She scrambled to her paws, and disappeared into the back parts of her den, before returning to near the entrance with several skin bags. Carefully, with the sunset as her inspiration, she started laying the design for a new necklace and bracelet, using stone beads of deep red and brilliant yellow and orange, a feather added in here and there.

His tail flicked back and forth, as he moved his way through the grass. Sunset was pretty, and he let the last rays of sunshine warm his pelt. The dark spots drew it to him, and it made the young lion purr low. Now an adult, he was rather happy. He was well adjusted in his role as a Na'artu to his sister. He padded over towards the dens, which was on his way to the border after all, when his eyes caught a familiar face, ".....Daelote?"

Dae looked up from the entrance to her den, and smiled slightly at her brother. She still didn't understand why their parents had dubbed him a Na'artu...his pink wasn't THAT bad. She found his pink rather pleasing to the eye. "Hello Nasira. You look well." Especially considering his position within the pride. That meant Gentha was doing well...that gave her a small sense of relief. "It's nice to see I'm not the only one of our family up at the moment." Not that she much cared for most of the rest of their family...

Nasira chuckled low in his throat, "Yeah. I've been getting up earlier. I feel well. Things are going great." He purred, trotting over to her, his paws pressing into the Earth, "How are you doing, sister? I've missed you. Our other sister's been treating me well." He lanced down at what she was looking on, his maw curving up into a smile, "That's gorgeous, sister."

Dae's smile grew. "That's good. I'd been worried, since I haven't seen much of you." She cared for her brother, in her own way. "I've been well. My training is finished, and I've enjoyed being able to create things. It's...enjoyable and satisfying." She looked down to her piece as well and nodded. "Thank you. I'm pulling inspiration from the sunset."

He nodded, "I can tell. It's beautiful, Sister." The pink male purred low, looking down at it. The colors were stunning. "That's amazing, truly." He enjoyed sunsets. He also liked Sunrise, but he was rarely up that late, "You're talented, sister. I'm proud.

Dae looked rather satisfied with herself, loving the praise. "I just hope my talent is enough to keep up with this pride and compete with Moto'ubele." There was something...EXCITING about knowing she was in competition with the pride's FIRST Kurwa'e. "I think...once I am done, it shall be yours. You haven't gotten a new piece from me since that pretty beetle shell."

The other grinned widely, "I'd like that, sister....That piece is going to be stunning!" Leaning his nose in, he nuzzled his sister, "You're going to be the best, Dae. I know it." 'Sira was dead serious, too. He meant every word.

Dae chuckled softly and returned the nuzzle. "Those words mean a great deal to me, Sira." She drew back. "So...have you broken any Na'artue hearts or anything else?" She got an amused look. "Surely a handsome lion like yourself can't be lacking for company."

He laughed a bit, "I have a female I'm intending to have Cubs with. Her name is Neige." His tail flicked back and forth, and he thought, carefully, "...She's pale. And I am too, but....I'm hoping my Cubs will be dark, sister. I don't want.....I don't want my children having to go through the hard life of a Na'artu or Na'artue."

Dae put a paw on one of his, smiling gently. "I am sure you'll have at least one dark cub. Especially if this Neige has any dark markings. After all...your own coloring came from Mother's markings." She hoped, for his sake as well, that the majority of his cubs were dark. It would be good for him.

Nasira nodded, "Hopefully, Sister will take them before Mother finds out.....She wouldn't want them around me. But since Gentha is my Mistress....." He sighed in relief, "It'll be nice...." He purred low in his throat, and looked up.

Dae nodded. "That sounds like a good idea. If you'd like, when the time comes, I can do my best to keep an eye out for Mother. So you've some warning." The thought of her mother with Nasira and this Na'artue Neige's made her shudder inside. Her mother could NOT be allowed to take her brother's happiness when it occured!

He nodded, shivering slightly, "Mother....Isn't exactly understanding. Purring, he gently pressed his nose into her fur, "I thank you, Daelote. You've been so helpful, much like Sister." The Na'artu's smile was true, "I know I am truly a Demon. It's only a matter of time before I prove it."

Dae nodded, and leaned to nuzzle her brother, purring. "I know. One day, you will prove it. Even if Mother and Father do not acknowledge it, you'll prove yourself to everyone else. And even Mother and Father would not dare speak out against the Aran'shale." She smiled slyly.

Laughing, the male's head tossed back, "I doubt the Aran'shale would see me as a Demon. Or see me at all. My track record is not exactly one to boast of." Sighing heavily, he closed his eyes, "I truly doubt that the Aran'shale would see me any differently than mother and father."

Dae frowned. "Now don't be sure of that. It does you no good to be pessimistic of everything. Now with our's not pessimism. Simply realism. But not every demon is like them. I'm not, you're not, Gentha is not." She smiled slightly again. "Don't loose hope, dear brother. You don't want your demon deciding you unworthy because you lost your spark, right?"

He chuckled low, "No, I would not. But with the fun Gentha and I have," Black eyes darkened in delight as he thought of it, but within a moment, he was out of it. and his tail d once more, "Anyways. I shall not loose my Demon. I refuse."

Daelote chuckled and nodded. "Of course. Well...I've kept you long enough. Perhaps it's best for you to continue on. I need a reason for you stopping here if anyone asks...ah!" She smirked at him. "Perhaps you might relay to Gentha I'd like to meet her by the pools in two nights? And have her bring you, of course." It gave him a nice cover.

Chuckling, he trotted forwards, moving towards the area he was headed for originally, "I will tell Gentha, sister. I promise." Licking her ear, his paws padded forth quickly, "I will see you in two nights, Dae! Take care!"