Tsetsiliya was starting to have second thoughts. They started to dwell in her mind after she had left the booth a few minutes prior, and now while canvasing the halls, they did nothing but fester. The auction had certainly seemed like a good idea, but what if nobody bid on her? It would be terribly embarrassing. It would be a failure for a good cause, but still.. she couldn't get the sinking feeling to disappear. What was mostly concerning her was what her parents might say. That is great news that you volunteered for something so noble! But why would none bid on you, SĹ‚oneczka? Surely something must have gone wrong!

Disappointing her folks and the embarrassment were almost enough to make her want to turn right back around and cross her name off the list. Almost. If Tsetsiliya could say something about herself, it was that she prided herself on her persistence. When she set herself to a task, she would see it through to completion, no matter what the outcome. So she would stick it through, no matter what, if only for her own tiny ego.

The hubbub that had been raised by her simple question on Groanspring made her cheeks burn brightly as well. A certain boggart's answers made her feel even more ashamed - was she really that dense? She had always been used to solving her problems by herself; trying to get help was a new experience. But no, she had to believe that she was doing something that would work out. For once she had to be confident in her actions!

If only that nagging feeling would disappear.