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Today had proven rather strenuous. His muscles ached, his body moving slowly forwards as he aimed for a rather well known little pond, to soothe his tired muscles. Closing dark eyes, he let the water run over him, and he nearly purred, delighted by the feeling. Gentha liked working him hard. Even as a Na'artu, his sister, his Master, still believed in his Demon side. Maybe if he had Dark cubs, they'd believe there was a Demon in him...

It wasn't often Neige wandered this far from Rasul's den, aside from gathering materials for her crafting. She never really wanted to...after all, her Master took care of her, and cared for her, and she got to create beautiful things for him! But...well, sometimes one's own tongue just did not get all the dirt out. And Rasul liked her fur clean and white. So outside the den she was, making her way to a little pond to clean off with water what her tongue could not remove.

She was surprised to see another there, tilting her white head to one side. Was he...a demon like Rasul? Or a Na'artu, like herself? She cautiously stepped up to the edge, careful. If he was a demon, she needed to be sure she had permission. She didn't want to shame Rasul with bad behaviors! "Excuse me...would it be alright for me to join you? I won't be long, and I'll stay on this side. I can wait, too."

Pulling himself out from under the water, he glanced at her with dark eyes, black mane flopping around his absurdly pink face. Blinking a few times, he canted his head, "Yeah! Come on in. The water's nice." Shaking out his pelt, he purred slightly, letting the water roll off him, soothing the ache away. She was...kinda pretty, for a Na'artue....

Neige relaxed a bit at the tone, glad she was welcome in the pool. She stepped in carefully, almost delicately, and once in the water she ducked her head under for a few seconds before surfacing. She looked over to the other, curious...then found the courage to ask what was on her mind. "I hope I don't sound rude but...are you a Na'artu?" Despite his black mane, the rest of him, save a few markings, was rather...well, PINK. Certainly not a demonic color, last she knew.

He chuckled softly, nodding, "Yeah. Not really in spirit, but in color and rank. My Mistress..." The rather small Lion stopped there, scratching his ear with a paw. He wasn't supposed to tell other Lions that. It could be bad for Gentha if people knew he was in training to be a demon, in secret, that is. Ear twitching, he grinned at her, "I'm Nasira, and you are?" he was one of those born into the pride than. She smiled brightly "I am Neige le'Croix, Na'artue to Rasul." She ducked her head in acknowledgement of Nasira. "It is a pleasure to meet you Nasira. It is a shame your birth dictated you into a place you are not happy in." She herself was quite happy as a Na'artue.

Shrugging, he ducked his head under the water again, getting his mane wet, "Hey, Mistress treats me well enough, and I can't really say I have anything to complain about....after all, she is my sister. But....You know....sometimes I wish I HADN'T been the only one of the litter born Pale. Especially with my Parents as...what they were...are....whatever..."

Neige couldn't really understand. She'd come from outside, through and through. And Rasul had, in a way, rescued her. From loneliness, from being lost...She could barely remember the faces of her own mother and siblings, it had been so long. But she could understand wanting something you couldn't have. "Perhaps, one day, you will prove your spirit? Your fur is pale, but not as pale as mine. And if you have such a spirit, than it certainly won't stand to be somewhere it does not belong for too long!"

He smiled and moved over to her, being as kind as he could, gently licking her ear, shyly, "Well, I can hope, Neige. You're certainly open minded for a Na'artue. It's refresting, since I'm usually...kinda lonely." He was curious about her...and he kinda wondered if maybe...this wouldn't be so lonely after all?

She was? She wondered if that was something she could ask her Master about. "Well...Master has a pale brother, but he is an Incubus, if I remember correctly. So it is possible." Neige gave him a slight smile, an almost shy one. "I'm sorry you're lonely. Perhaps Master would let me visit, if you wanted someone to talk with?" She didn't like to see others lonely, as she'd once been.

He purred, "That would be nice." Nasira couldn't help but wonder if she'd be open to maybe, after he got to know her a bit better....No. Now that was just thinking like his brothers and family, "I'm also kinda hunting for a mate, though I doubt that will happen. You know how Masters are about us forming attachments..."

Neige's smile grew a little, and she shuffled that away in her mind. She'd make sure to ask Master Rasul about it. Surely he wouldn't object to her associating with another Na'artu? "A mate?" He was right far as she knew, her Master was rather...covetous of her. Would he appreciate her having a mate to give him more Na'artu and Na'artue? If it made him happy..."I'm...not entirely sure how they are about it. Master has never brought it up, and I've only seen other masters, never been in their company."

He chuckled softly. "As far as I know, the only thing okay would be a bit of a fling. At least." The male looked away, "I'm hoping at least one of the Cubs I sire turn out Dark like my family....for their sake..."

Neige nodded. "That would certainly be good for the cub. I don't think any cubs I had would be dark. I...I vaguely remember my mother was pale like me. But I know my cubs would have a good Master." Perhaps, if her Master had cubs as well, her own cubs could be their companions and loyal Na'artu and Na'artue...It would certainly make her happy.

He purred softly, "My mother, Father, brothers, and sisters were all dark, Mom had pink marks, and somehow, I ended up all pink." He sighed heavily, "Anyways...If we both d to our Masters....maybe...?"

It took Neige a moment to process just what he was getting at. She blinked...the got a look of recognition. OH! She looked down at the water a moment, before nodding. If it made her Master happy, she'd gladly do it. "If that is what you and our Masters want." She smiled again.

The pink demon-wannabe grinned brightly, ears flicking, eagerly."Perfect. I'll meet you back here in two days, then, Neige?" He was purring like a motorboat now, the thought of cubs making him eager.

Neige nodded, returning his purr with a softer one. "Two days it is." She...almost hoped her Master would agree to the plan. This...was likely as close as she'd ever get to what she truly wanted. And perhaps she could even give her Master a demon, a son or daughter to claim as his own. THAT would make her heart soar.