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[PRP] Moments For Us (Dysi & Athena)

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Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:12 pm
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Dysi was getting more and more restless as days went by. He couldn't breath properly in the pride now, he realised, and took any opportunity he could get to leave the pride. Thankfully, those opportunities came up often and he didn't need to be feel stifled for always.

He was grateful for the easy strolls he could have in the rogue lands, and sighed heavily, tilting his face upwards towards the lightly clouded sky.

It was a beautiful day, he thought, smiling brightly to himself. He felt bad that he could not take his daughters with him, but they would not be able to leave the pride so easily. If only he could have brought Leto, one of his youngest, he knew she'd enjoy it out here, away from the scowls that people gave her because of her heritage.

Dysi didn't mind the different species, as shown by his various flings, and though he agreed that sometimes, different species could be dangerous, it wasn't like him to cast judgement. The birth of Leto cemented that opinion. He would have rather died then allowed his baby to be hurt due to people who feared lions, or those of lion heritage.

He sighed. Now he felt guilty for leaving her alone. Wonderful.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:09 am
Athena strolled along and wondered what he would find today. His plans to get a group going were taking a bit longer than he had expected, but what did one expect? Females could be fickle, and so could males it would seem. If he just got a break on one end or the other, it might lead to the success he wanted. The whole thing was stressing him something awful and he needed some relief. Maybe he could find at least a night fling for the moment.

He was determined to at least try to get more out of anyone he met tonight, but he would definitely settle for a fling. He is lost in those thoughts when he hears someone else approaching and stops. His ears flick in his bushy white mane and he watches as a white leopard with blue spots approaches. Male... and damn handsome. Athena turns on the charm and steps up with a purr and winning smile. "What are you doing out here all alone, my little cloud puff?"

So he was a little over the top. Everyone liked compliments, and Athena figured the more the better. Not everyone agreed with him on that, but it seemed to work about half the time. If it had not, Athena certainly would have changed tactics a long time ago. His problem was getting them to stick around, not usually getting them to come in for a taste of what he had to offer.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Sun Jan 02, 2011 12:21 am

Dysi had not realised that anyone else was around, and startled slightly as the male lion approached him, but the sound of the pur and the warm smile on his face set Dysi at ease. He had no problems with lions, as long as they had no problems with him. He was a little confused by the name 'cloud puff' and it took him a while to realise that the male was, in fact, talking to him with that nickname.

"Me? I am just...wandering and trying to pass the time," Dysi said pleasantly, smiling at the male warmly. "What are you doing out here?" He asked, flicking his gaze over the other male.

He was larger then Dyis, obviously, being a lion but he was still rather handsome. The shock of blue that his fur sported was rather beautiful, and definitely not in a feminine way. Dysi appreciated beauty in either gender, and so the male's obvious handsomeness appealed to him, rather then confused him. His smile grew a little more, and he returned his gaze to the male's face.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 05, 2011 4:48 pm
Athena watched the leopard with soft violet eyes. He puffed himself out to be fluffier and thus look more friendly. So far the reaction he had gotten from the leopard was good. If he was lucky he could keep it that way and maybe make it better. "I wander the Roguelands all the time... It is my home... but such a handsome cloud puff as you does not belong out here alone. You should have a loving family, adoring mates and cubs all around!"

Athena took a moment to regret not having that himself, but he kept the happy look on his face while he did so. "Do you have a name, cloud puff? Mine is Athena." Always good to offer a name for a name. It was the only proper way to do it really. Athena had learned his manners the hard way, by making mistakes in them first. He would move to nuzzle the male, but something told him in this situation he best hold off on that for the moment.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:08 am

Dysi nodded in understanding as the male spoke, but looked amused at his comment relating to Dysi. It was true though. Dysi, while he had been raised and had spent a lot of his adult years in the rogue lands, wasn't really the type to 'thrive' in the harsh conditions. "I have cubs," he mused quietly, but there was a touch of sadness in his voice, thinking of his daughters who were more his would-be-mate's then his own, though they were not related to her by blood. He didn't have an adoring mate any more, at least, not that he could see.

He chuckled, sounding a little force, at the continued use of 'cloud puff' as his nickname. "A pleasure to meet you, Athena," he said politely, but the smile on his face was genuine. "My name is Dysini'mbus, but you're free to call me Dysi. It's far easy to say." His posture was friendly, but still mildly cautious. While he had no real problem with lions, he knew they were far bigger than he was, and could do real damage if this 'nice act' was just that, an act.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:53 pm
Athena closed the distance between them slowly so that Dysi could retreated if he wished to. "Dysini'mbus? It is a good name for the handsome cloud puff. It is a pleasure to meet you, Dysi." He stretched his neck out to lick the leopard's nose playfully. "Cubs are wonderful, but no mates? That is sad. I have none of either myself as of yet."

"One would expect you to have far more luck than I at gaining such, but I still try." Athena purrs loudly and half closes his eyes contentedly. This was going very well so far if he did say so himself. And if things kept going well he might be nuzzling that pretty white fur soon.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Wed Jan 19, 2011 9:09 pm

Dysi chuckled, pleased and amused at the lions obvious affectionate nature, not disturbed when his nose was licked playfully. "Thank you," he said with a low chuckle. Though that momentary good mood faded when Athena brought up mates again, and he hesitated, before shaking his head. Nyoka was not his mate, though they had always planned on it...when she left her mate and that appeared as if it would not happen now, and Dysi was left, once again, without. "No, just cubs," he told Athena honestly, forcing a smile.

"I'm sure the ladies would flock to you," Dysi said, chuckling again - though weaker then before. "You are an attractive male, and look better to protect others then I do," he motioned to his own lightly boned frame. He wasn't 'small' or 'petite', he just wasn't 'muscular' or 'strong'.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:21 pm
Athena snuggled up to Dysi and nuzzled his neck. "You are just as likely to have females flock to you as I do to me, little cloud puff." Athena could not see that Dysi would be any less qualified to protect anyone than himself. What he lacked in size the other feline gained in speed. "You are attractive and I'm sure quite agile."

He licked the other male's ear and started on a grooming session. Soothing someone that one wished to have fun with was just as important as the fun itself could be. "I am sure you are a fine father to your cubs... Alas, some of us have yet to have the blessing of them." He kept purring loudly as he groomed.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 3:14 pm

Dysi chuckled at the repeated use of the nickname 'cloud puff'. Perhaps he should have been offended, but it was meant nicely, or so he thought. So he did not care. "I suppose there is my agility," he mused out loud, nodding with an amused expression. He did not mention the 'attractive' comment. "Have you a mate you've settled with?" He asked, sounding curious. The male was rather openly flirtatious, and Dysi was interested to see if he was actually taken and just a playful flirt, or actually flirting.

He beamed, the pride in his face for his cubs rather obvious. "I adore them," he remarked, lovingly thinking of his many babies, especially his little daughters. "You have no cubs? That is a sad thing, but I am sure you will find someone more then willing to bear your cubs," he remarked with a soft laugh. "Women will not be able to resist." He winked playfully at the male, enjoying the light-hearted nature of their meeting.

PostPosted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 5:20 pm
Athena laughed loudly at the question, having not been expecting it. "Settled? Me? No no no. Not at all. I do sometimes have a female or male that I travel with, but most of those I've spent much time with move on shortly." He got back his composure with some effort, still grinning and chuckling. "I have this idea you see, and most don't share my enthusiasm for it." He nuzzled into the leopard's neck and went back to grooming him. "I want to have a big group of males and females where everyone is on an equal paw and the love is shared around freely..."

He sighed a little blissfully at the thought. "Leopards, cheetahs, lions, I don't care about what kind of feline we are and cubs everywhere." His expression was soft at the thought of cubs. "Ah little cloud puff I have yet to find a female that wants to put up with me long enough to bear me cubs. And those that have, unfortunately, I did not bless with them before they found a reason to move on. It takes a special type of female to put up with my playful nature, and dashing good looks."  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2011 3:40 pm

Dysi nodded, curious at why the male laughed at the idea of settling, but smiling anyway. “Well, at least you are not always alone then, which can make travel dreadfully boring,” Dysi remarked, with an over-dramatic tone. He was pleased when the bigger lion groomed him, and he allowed it, listening to the male speak with a curious expression. “Oh?” He listened to the idea, and he could see the appeal, but...it simply was not something he would want. Having to share Nyoka with Nanashi had been bad enough, but imagine if love was given everywhere, and no one was 'yours'. It saddened Dysi to think, but he did not speak against the idea, for fear of insulting Athena.

He chuckled at the male's reasons for not yet having cubs. “I'm sure you'll find one,” he assured the male, with another chuckle. “There are plenty of females around. One must be able to resist getting jealous over your ridiculously good looks,” he teased lightly.

The talk of Athena's dream had reminded Dysi why was out in the rouge lands, rather than with his babies. He didn't want to be in that pride anymore, but he could not leave his babies – especially not his baby Leto. He sighed a little, but tried to shrug off the thought, despite how strongly it lingered.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2011 1:58 am
Athena shook his mane again, fluffing it out once more. "When one knows nothing but travel, it does not seem so horrible a thing when it is slightly boring. I try to find ways to make it more exciting whenever possible." Which usually involved having a good time with whomever he happened to cross paths with. He had gotten quite good at that at least. The cute fluffy factor probably helped a lot.

Athena grinned at the good natured teasing. "Jealous over me? Never, I may be fluffy and dashing, but I am sure most have no problem resisting being jealous over such big flirt as I." He licked Dysi on the nose. "Now, you on the other paw... you... I can see someone being jealous over having to share. You are just too handsome, and kind to want to not wish all to one's self."  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Wed Mar 23, 2011 3:31 am

Dysi gave a lopsided grin. "A good philosophy," he agreed. "Company always makes wandering better though." He shot the male a playful look, pleased at the light-hearted nature of their conversation.

He chuckled at the licking, though it seemed a little on the sad side. "Oh, I'm not that special," he told Athena was a wave of his paw. "You'd be amazing how few are interested in keeping me for themselves." He made it playful, but the idea of Nyoka no longer wanting him was a saddening thought.

He wouldn't think of that though. He pushed it aside. He wasn't going to think of her for now. She was not on his mind. He refocused on Athena, with a grin. "So, have you wandered through here for long?" Perhaps he'd been in the area for a while or he was just passing through, but Dysi was just trying to change the conversation.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:24 pm
Athena grinned brightly at the leopard. "Company makes EVERYTHING better, Cloudpuff." He grinned smugly and listened to the leopard closely. "Not special? Of course you are special. You must have met a lot of crazy people like me if none wished to keep you for themselves." He shrugged his shoulders at that. "And I would like to keep you, even if in my case it means I share you with others, so I am only half crazy." He nodded to himself.

"I rarely wonder too close to any of the prides for long. I think there is a group of non-lions not too far from here, but I keep my distance... but no I have not been here that long... I will likely be back again, though." Athena licked one of Dysi's ears. "Especially knowing a handsome leopard like you is about. I would not want you to get lonely afterall." He chuckled, knowing that Dysi wasn't likely to suffer that fate even without Athena around.  

Kathryn Dragonna

Romantic Streaker

Velveteen Angel

PostPosted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:36 pm

Dysi let the compliment go not-responded too, unsure how he could respond to someone who said he wanted to keep him. Dysi knew he was attractive, in a girly way, and had been told before, but not quite so boldly and not from such an obviously cheerful and bubbly male lion.

He felt his cheeks heat a little at the second compliment, and gave Athena a warm smile. "I think I'd like seeing you come around more," he told him, honestly and playfully. He liked feeling wanted and like someone actually liked him, instead of thinking of him as some dirty secret that was easily cast aside, or a single night amongst hundreds, even if those single nights had given him his daughters and he did not regret them. Athena made him feel like a treasure, not a secret, and that was one type of company that Dysi wouldn't turn away.

- f i n -

[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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