Hi, my name is Florence Walsh Brendon.

I'm a female.

I will be your Caretaker.

I'm precisely 20 years old.

The house I'm in is Hufflepuff.

I may seem serious, creative, maybe cold and reserved from times to times, cautious, disorganized, energetic but I'm really friendly, emotional, humorous, sensitive, confident, pretty bad self-controlled, and I'm also known as a sing-song bird.

My background story is that I was born in New York, and I attended a Muggle school, since I'm a half-blood… Type. I moved to Forks, where I spent seven happy years studying and working my head off. After graduation, I left to Miami and back to New York, where began my passion for singing. I sang with few famous artists such as Beyoncé Knowles, Tina Turner, young Julian Perretta and Samuel Preston, the main singer of the band Ordinary Boys. Later on, I moved to London, and I decided to apply as a teacher here, at Hogwarts. Oh, and I got engaged last summer! Yes! Not to Johnny Depp, but still to a nice, sweet guy… He works in the Ministry of Magic, for the Daily Prophet, some kind of paparazzi and stuff. But still, he's sweet, kind and-I'm getting off my track again. Why do I always get offtrack, why…? Oh, never mind! Offtrack again. Never mind! So, yeah. Singin' and havin' fun. Now, about class, I hate when juniors are late and-stuff. No late in my class. Late is not part of my self-dictionary. I don't give much homework. I hope. No. Er-whatever. Yeah, I'm kind of-stumbling on words type. Well-not really, I think. I hope! Okay, stopping now. Sorry.

Oh, scratch the 'I'm married' act. I'm a widow. Whoo-hoo.

I enjoy
- Singing (duh...?)
- Enjoying life. Carpe Diem!
- Pubs like the Leaky Cauldron. It's always nice to see familiar faces and hang out with them around Diagon Alley.
- Well, call me a freak, but I kinda like teaching... Otherwise I wouldn't apply for the job, would I?! No, I think teaching can be fun if you're enthusiastic and energetic. If you're half dead, it doesn't really make your class joyful and stuff.
- Dancing! Dance is my middle name! ... It isn't. It's just an expression. You understand that, right...?

I despise
- Getting laryngitis... I like to keep my precious little voice safe!
- Men flirting with me. Hello, married here! So back off, okay?! Sorry. Offtrack again, silly me! Ha… Ha… Whatever.
- I don't very like sunny weather… I don't know why. I mean-yeah, I'm tanned, but-not a fan of Sunny-Side-Up type of thing.
- I don't very like swords. I have a bad experience with them-I mean, I used to fight with swords-and daggers-and arrows-and stuff, but everything stopped after a weenie, tiny incident back in Forks. Some kind of trolls-or demons-or something. Well, one of them slaughtered my brother, I couldn't just-offtrack again. Sorry.
- Love stories on TV shows. Please, what a band of drama lamas! There's dates, marriages and divorce! Oh, and the cheating, too. Can't people just have a normal relationship without all the snuggling-vomiting-giggling/snorting part? Oh, forget about it!

I look like this

My wand is a 11¨, blackthorn and Phoenix feather. Pretty rare, but yeah, lucky me!