I was bored and I wanted to make sure I could perfect a deck based around two of my favorite Fairy-type monsters, Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin and The Agent of Force - Mars. Still needs minor tweaking, but thought I'd show it off anyhow in case I get more ideas. Considering a sideboard of The Agent of Judgment - Saturn since the idea is very similar and the effect is significantly easier to pull off in theory.

Deck: 42 (As per usual)

Monsters: 21

Airknight Parshath x3
Archlord Kristya x1
Gellenduo x3
Guardian Angel Joan x1
Honest x2
Neo-Parshath, the Sky Paladin x2
Nova Summoner x3
The Agent of Force - Mars x3
Zeradias, Herald of Heaven x3

Spells: 17

Ancient Leaf x3
Field Barrier x2
Mystical Space Typhoon x2
Sebek's Blessing x3
The Fountain in the Sky x2
The Sanctuary in the Sky x3
Valhalla, Hall of the Fallen x2

Traps: 4

Royal Decree x3
Solemn Judgment x1

Main Strategy: Gain Life, Gain Life, Gain Life, play Sanctuary in the Sky, summon either Neo-Parshath or The Agent of Force - Mars and beat face due to their effects.

Yes, Simochi / Nurse Reficule could wreck this deck, but who runs that in the meta nowadays?