((This takes place before The Triple Cage Match, and is in Rachel's office. I'm puppet mastering your character Nuke, hope its alright))

A video package opens up, and appears to be a hidden camera footage.

Yuke Clepsydra can be seen in WWE:E CEO Rachel Hollett.

Yuke: Well isn't this a surprise, blondie has requested my presence personally. I don't know if I should be flattered, curious, or do I want to kick your a**, put you through your own table and smash your pretty little face in with your lap top. So I think I'm gonna start with the a** kicking part what do you say?

Yuke slams her hands on the desk, and prepares to grab Rachel, but Rachel holds her arms out and stops her.

Rachel: Hold on, don't get your panties in a bunch, I want you to do me a favor, you know... You scratch my back, I scratch yours?

Yuke has an insulted look upon her face, as her eyes narrow. She places her hand on her chin and rubs it with her thumb and forefinger like she's contemplating.

Rachel: So hear me out, I want to make a deal..

Yuke had an appalled look on her face as she seemed disguised with the very thought of what Rachel was asking, however curiosity got the better of her.

Yuke : So let me get this straight, you want me to make a deal with you? Now, why would I do that. I got what I want, not only do I get a chance at the WWE:E Undisputed Championship, but also a chance to get some revenge now I don't think you can make the deal any sweeter than what I've already got. Now if you'll excuse me....

Yuke turned around and prepared to walk away..

Rachel: Because I have the power, remember I can just as easily fire you.

Yuke turned back around and slammed her hands on the desk again, and knocked over several objects like a lamp, paper work, and Rachel's laptop.

Yuke: So you want to fire me just before your advertised main event starts, one of which that I'M apart of. I heard you were stupid but really? Really?! Besides, You fired me once before and I came back just as easily, and all I had to do was beat Nuke Fusion, and it was quite honestly no effort at all.

Rachel: Yes, I'm aware of the little deal that you and Nuke had, and the so-called Bloody Carnage Mafia you two are apart of, but what I have to offer something else.

Yuke: And just what kind of something else do you have in mind, as I said you've got nothing to add to the table that I want.

Rachel: Just because you're in a match doesn't mean you'll win it, do I think you can win it? You have all the right tools, but what I want from you is quite simple. I want is to insure that a promise that I made gets kept involving a monster, a dreadnought if you will...

Yuke had a look on her face, as if she knew what Rachel was talking about

Yuke: You.. b***h! You're saying that I can win but you don't want me to win? Don't insult my intelligence Blondie, and just for that means I'm definitely going to smash your face in...

Yuke grabbed the laptop off the floor, and was about to hit Rachel in the face with it.

Rachel: Wait! Hold on a second, I'm not done..

Rachel reached under her desk and got a briefcase, and put it on the table. She opened it and placed the contents on the table. It appeared to be paper work that the camera couldn't pick up what was written/type on it but the object appeared to be a replica of the WWE:E Dementium Championship. Yuke looked at the title, and it didn't seem to phase her, after all she had the real one and brought it to EWA only to retire it there.

Yuke: So? I've got the real one, you making a cheap copy of it means nothing to me. Only makes me want to break this over your head more.

Rachel: I'm well aware that you have the real title, and I'm aware that while you had the championship you not only made it into a unisex title, kudos to you on that one by the way. But you also made a stipulation to where the opponent had to bleed first before following the match condition to win it. Genius by the way...

Yuke: What's your point? That I want to make people suffer? That you're waving a title in my face that I already own, that I retired, that I created? That you want your a** kicked more and more...

Rachel: That I want to re-instate it...

Yuke: What?

Rachel: You heard me, I want to re-instate it. Only I want to add my own stipulation to it. Course since you retired the real one in EWA, and I have no power over there I can't change that one. However since you technically created the title, and you're married to the owner of EWA and the title belongs to you I figured that I'd talk to you about THIS title. Now while I want to change the stipulation of this title, I need your permission. Damn courts.

Yuke raised an eyebrow, out of curiosity with what was Rachel talking about.

Yuke: So you want me to lose a match on purpose, and then you want me to take something that is rightfully mine, that I created and you want me to change it to something that suits you? Do I have all that right.

Rachel looked at Yuke, then nodded as Yuke saw this, she laughed uncontrollably.

Yuke: Excuse me for a second while I call a mental hospital because we have an escaped mental patient in the room.

Rachel: I don't enjoy being mocked Mrs. Clepsydra..

Yuke: Oh really? Because you're mental. You need to be locked up for even considering that I'd even do this deal with you....

Rachel: Have you even read the stipulation? Here read it for yourself.

Rachel handed Yuke one of the papers that was in the case. Yuke glanced at it and put it down like it didn't effect her. She then quickly picked it back up, read and re-read it over again. She placed the paper down and started to think about it.

Rachel: Do we have a deal?

Yuke walked behind the table, behind Rachel. Naturally the WWE:E CEO turned around and now she was face to face with Yuke. Yuke grabbed Rachel by the neck, and slammed the back of her head on to the top of the desk. She then pinned Rachel's arms to the desk and got her face mere inches away from Rachel's face.

Yuke: I'll let you know during the match however, I know you're quite good at the occasional screw job so if you try and screw me over well...
You'll find out that I play a lot harder than I fight..

With that Yuke pecked Rachel on the lips, then let her drop to the floor. Rachel was confused and flustered, and somewhat angered.

Rachel: You know you owe me a new laptop and lamp!

Yuke who was walking out of the room stopped for a moment

Yuke: Kiss my a**!

Rachel: I'd sooner fire it!

The WWE:E CEO placed her hand on her lip, then took it off there was a small bit of black lipstick on her fingers. She then turned around and noticed the hidden camera. The next thing you could see was Rachel removing one of her heels, throwing it towards the camera and the camera falling.

The feed died.