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[Reg]We’re All Juvenile Delinquents (Paris + Sydney) - FIN Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Sunshine Alouette

Eternal Senshi

PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:07 pm
There was nothing to do. Paris stood in the midst of a crowd of shoppers, glancing between two different store fronts before deciding that neither looked promising. He already held a set of purchases in one hand, a couple of shirts and a new pair of shoes, but so far his half hour perusal of the mall had offered nothing else. He must have been in these stores a hundred times before.

Sighing, Paris figured he could always get something to eat and scope out the food court, and maybe even pick up a few guys while he was at it. You can never go wrong with a little socializing.

Pay no mind to the fact that Paris's definition of “socializing” usually involved some hanky-panky. It was all just details. Details, details.

Resolved to his new plan, Paris turned on his very fashionable heel and began to saunter in the direction of the food court, contemplating his many choices of sustenance once he arrived. He wasn’t quite sure what he was in the mood for. Definitely not crappy fast food. Not that there was much else, but the idea of eating slivers of potatoes soaked in grease and covered in a layer of salt failed to appeal to him. Maybe he’d get something Asian, or a sub… Or he could just skip the main meal and go straight to dessert. Ice cream sounded good right about now.

He was on his way to a nearby ice cream stand when a shock of red hair caught his eye. He blinked and peered closer, wondering why the particular shade and style looked so familiar, before his eyes settled on the figure it crowned.

Ah. A sufficient distraction from his bored. Lovely.

Paris immediately stalked over, coming to a stop when he reached the table the figure occupied. “Fancy seeing you here, Sydney,” he greeted her.
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 7:22 pm
The wheels on Sydney’s skateboard had recently worn themselves out—she humorously prayed for their safe arrival to skateboard-wheel heaven—so she immediately whizzed over to the nearest mall. Thankfully it hadn’t taken her long, years of tirelessly exploring the city allowed her to see the quickest route to the nearest shop or restaurant, whatever she wanted. Unfortunately her lack of a working skateboard made the trip longer than she was used to. Heck, by the time she arrived her freckled face was flushed red and she was heavily panting. Forcing herself to take slower breaths, she decided to idly stroll around the shops for a bit before buying her wheels.

It didn’t take her long to recover; Sydney was well-used to the sprinting and leaping she did at night. She strolled into the skateboard shop, knowingly walking over to a particular section to select a certain pair of wheels. After mauling through numerous brands and types of wheels, the redhead found these to be the most durable. People didn’t seem so fond of skateboarding, so the counter was completely free when she plopped the package onto the table for the cashier to casually slide across the scanner.

She mumbled a quick thank you before swiping up her new wheels and ambled out towards the food court, whimsically deciding she was hungry. Hungry. Hungry. Hungry. Sydney mindlessly repeated over and over in her mind, even when she ordered her milkshake and fries, even when she sat down at the table and heard her name being called, even when she looked up and vaguely recognized the bright green hair. “Hungry. Hungry—I mean, hiiii Paris!” She finally cut away from her id thoughts. Forking another round of fries into her mouth she stood up and reached out to grab him into a crushing hug. “Heard you got kicked out of school a while ago, eh? Now that’s what I’m talking about.” She approvingly waggled her eyebrows, notably impressed.


Sunshine Alouette

Eternal Senshi

PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:50 pm
Paris gave Sydney a strange look at her "hungry, hungry" mumbles, wondering if he was perhaps interrupting something important. He let her hug him, awkwardly patting her back until she let him go. "Yes, well, these things do happen," he said when the subject of his expulsion came up. "I can't say I miss it, although I'm not all that fond of Hillworth. Can you believe they put up such a fuss about my shoes?"

It was simply horrifying to wear the uniform everyday. Not that it had been much better at Meadowview; that uniform hadn't gone with his coloring quite as well as his new one, but at least there'd been more leniency. They'd actually let him get away with wearing a skirt.

"So, how have things been since I left?" he wondered, plopping down in the seat across from her. "Am I being missed? Is everyone talking about it? Please, tell me everyone's talking about it," he said, smiling widely as the memories began to return. "Though I expect the administration wouldn't say anything. It was really bad. I suppose going into one of the bathrooms to do it wasn't my best idea."
PostPosted: Fri Nov 26, 2010 4:27 pm
The boy threw her a strange look that she gladly returned with a beam, silently reassuring Paris that he wasn’t disturbing Sydney at all! In fact, she was beginning to get rather lonely all by herself. Sure, being surrounded by a giant crowd of people was somewhat comforting for her loneliness complex, but that just wasn’t enough these days.

Upon mention of his shoes, her face lit up with remembrance as she stared at his heels. That was right! Hillworth probably wouldn’t agree about Paris’ rather eccentric choice of footwear, huh? That was a real shame. “Gosh, Paris, that’s disappointing. You’re like the only guy I know who can walk around in heels like it’s nobody’s business. I can’t walk around in heels like it’s nobody’s business.” She hadn’t even worn heels before. The closest she had gotten to heels so far were the boots she was forced to don while being Sailor Sinon, and she planned to keep it that way!

“If people weren’t talking about it I’d be seriously surprised. What school doesn’t talk about someone who got expelled?” she replied with a curious quirk of the eyebrow. Sydney plopped back down in her seat, fishing for more fries to nibble on. “School is the same as ever, but of course everyone is gossiping about you,” she reassured with a casual wave of her hand. “There’re a bunch of wild stories about what you did! The administration and teachers are keeping it all hush-hush, so I have no idea what happened.” She leaned in, an excited spark in her eyes. “So, what happened?”


Sunshine Alouette

Eternal Senshi

PostPosted: Sat Nov 27, 2010 2:31 pm
Paris shrugged at Sydney's quasi-compliment about his ability to wear heels, but he was smiling widely, pleased with the admiration. It wasn't so difficult once you got used to it, and they were so much more fun than the bland penny loafers he was supposed to wear at school. Just... ugh! Who chose those??

"Oh, well, that's disappointing," he said, a little sad that the administration really had been keeping the truth tight under wraps. He supposed it was to be expected. Of course, that just meant he could tell people about it on his own, which was just as well! He'd be able to see the looks on their faces when they found out!

"Okay, so I was skipping class, because you know how dull math can be, and I was bored so I talked one of the other guys into joining me in the bathroom. I figured since classes were still in session, there wouldn't be very many people coming to use it, but I guess that was kind of stupid of me," he said, considering. Then he waved his hand to dismiss the idea. "Whatever. Either way, one of the teachers ended up walking in on us. You should have seen his face! It was hilarious! But let me tell you, those floors in the bathroom are not good for the knees."
PostPosted: Sun Nov 28, 2010 1:05 pm
Noticing the slight disappointment in his tone, she lightly patted him on the shoulders. Sydney grinned. “Don’t mind!”

Once Paris began his tale, she immediately shut her mouth and listened with her gaze always focused on her friend while she constantly fished out fries to munch on. She reached over to grab her soda, fighting back an amused smile at his story. “Why am I not surprised?” Sydney chuckled. Leaning forward so that she could prop her elbows on the table, she rested her cheek against a gloved hand. “Still out there stirring up trouble? We need to have one of our night outs again.” She grinned, a brilliant idea entering her mind. “In fact, why not start now?”

Sydney gobbled up the rest of her food at a monstrous rate. Casually burping before sipping at her drink again, she added, “I—this guy, the librarian? He showed me how to hotwire a car.” Her eyes slowly looked over at Paris to gauge his reaction. “I’ve done it a couple times already, so I’m sure I can show you. Maybe even take a quick spin around town with it afterwards? I think I’ve got my license with me, so if we get caught I’ll be no problem. Unless you wanna take a crack at driving.” She didn’t look like she minded the idea at all.


Sunshine Alouette

Eternal Senshi

PostPosted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:30 pm
He was about to agree to Sydney's comment about having a night out, and perhaps suggest a trip to one of the local clubs sometime soon, but he was unable to voice his idea when Sydney had one of her own. "Wait, a librarian taught you how to hot-wire a car?" he asked, his eyes slightly wide in surprise. "Shouldn't adults be advising against those sorts of things?"

He watched her gobble up her food as he thought over he revelation. "Maybe I should hang out at the library more often," he considered. "I wonder what kinds of things he could teach me." And here he'd always thought the library was such a dull and dreadfully boring place. Perhaps it had its merits after all.

"Either way," he he began again, "let's do it. But you can drive. I'm not exactly the driving type. I prefer to be chauffeured," he said. He put on an expression of feigned snobbishness that was quickly replaced by a wide grin. "Sydney, I do believe you are the only thing I miss about Meadowview." Having a friend who knew how to hot-wire and drive definitely had its advantages.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:12 pm
Sydney grinned, sympathizing with Paris. “I know, right? I caught him hotwiring the car I share with my brother, so I had him show me,” she excitedly explained, eyes wide with glee. Still broadly smiling she paused, quickly adding, “But try not to tell anyone else about that, okay? For a librarian, he’s pretty chill.”

“Who knows? Adults are people too,” she reasoned, placing her hands on the table and propping herself up. “Maybe! Just make sure you catch the right librarian though.” She chuckled, looking pleased at the compliment. “Yes, I am pretty awesome, huh?” Sydney chirped, ambling out of the mall while swinging her arms up and down in large arcs.

“Is there a car you specifically want to jack? Preferably one not in plain view, please.” She uneasily laughed, recalling the time she had nearly been caught. Stupid Tony look-alike.


Sunshine Alouette

Eternal Senshi

PostPosted: Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:33 pm
Paris continued to consider the prospect of wasting a few hours at the library as he followed Sydney out of the mall, steering clear of her swinging arms. He looked over the lot of cars when they made their way outside, avoiding the vehicles closest to the entrance and setting his sights a little further back.

"Let's find a nice one," he decided. "I refuse to be seen around town in an old, rusty clunker. A convertible would be nice, but I guess it's a little cold out to be driving around with the top down." Either way, he'd prefer something shiny. Something expensive. Something that screamed class and style. Something that would make the owner weep if and when they realized it was nowhere to be found rather than just plain angry.

Paris completely ignored the consequences of the situation, heedless of the trouble they could potentially get into. He'd deal with it if it happened. Until then, he was ready for some fun. "That one, back there," he finally said, pointing to a car, sleek and black, toward the back of the lot. He grabbed Sydney's arm to pull her toward it, smiling wide in excitement.
PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 3:55 pm
“Not surprising,” she agreed with a nod, crossing her bare arms in order to keep herself from against the chilly breeze. It wasn’t exactly the greatest idea to be out wandering around town without at least a jacket or scarf. Oh well. Lifting her eyes to the sky as Sydney imagined herself driving a convertible with the roof down in the cold weather, and she shuddered. “Yes, yes! I think it’s a little too cold for that. Maybe when spring comes?” suggested the redhead as she slowed down to let the green-haired boy to lead the way.

Following his finger, she grinned, looking pleased with Paris’ choice. “Nice, now make sure no one gives us any funny looks, okay? One time I tried it and almost got caught.” Sydney’s face twisted into an exaggerated scowl as she trotted towards the chosen vehicle. “In the mean time I’ll try to make quick work of this, yeah?” She cracked her knuckles, mischievously smirking while her eyes darkly gleamed. Her mind fresh from her last experience, Sydney quickly flipped open the hood and fiddled with the wires. Unlike the previous time, her thoughts did not clumsily shift through the information and found herself easily sliding from one step to the next. This wouldn’t take long at all!

Hearing the engine quietly hum to life, she grinned a devil’s grin as she snapped shut the hood. “Mission accomplished.”


Sunshine Alouette

Eternal Senshi

PostPosted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 7:02 pm
Paris leaned against the car while Sydney worked her magic, looking around to make sure no one suspected anything. There were a few other people wandering through the lot, but none of them really took the time to look -- and if they did, he suspected they merely though he and Sydney were having car troubles. Every once in a while he peered beneath the opened hood to see what Sydney was doing, but he didn't really get cars and had absolutely not idea what piece was what, so he went back to making sure they were in the clear, occasionally lift a hand to examine his nails.

"You seem like you do this often," he commented. At least she looked like she knew what she was doing, which meant she had to have had some practice at it. This definitely wasn't something he ever thought he'd do, mainly because he didn't drive. Rarely was he in a car; rarely did he so much as touch a car. It should prove exciting, though -- definitely more fun than wandering around the mall aimlessly.

He perked up when Sydney announced the end of her endeavor. "It's that easy?" he asked, surprised. He'd expected a little more time would be taken, but the car was up and running. Sweet. He looked over the vehicle to make sure, staring at it as if it were suddenly going to blow up in his face. When nothing else happened besides the humming of the engine, he shrugged and made his way to the passenger side door. "Well, I'm impressed."
PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 1:19 pm
“Often? Hahaha . . . maybe,” Sydney vaguely replied, eyebrows furrowing and stretching her lips into a sheepish grin that was wonderfully concealed with the car hood. “After a couple tries, it doesn’t get that difficult anymore. Let’s put it at that.” She nodded to herself.

Icy fingers ran over the smooth black surface of the front of the car, giggling as she pulled open the door and slid into the driver’s seat. The prospect of cruising around in a hotwired car was sending excited anxiety through her body. “Let’s see, I has driver license, yes?” Sydney began to mumble in meme speak as she pressed her back against the chair so she could fish out her card, thin and already bent from careless management. She slapped the card onto the dashboard. “In case some cop pulls me over, ya know?” she explained with a grin, though she appeared to be confident about her driving skills. Hmmm.

Her hands finally gripped the stirring wheel and surprisingly, she fluidly slipped out of the parking spot and slid into the fairly empty streets. “So, want to cruise around the neighborhood and drop this baby in a random place afterwards or what?” Sydney casually inquired as she glanced away from traffic to flick on the radio. “I’m fine with anything, ya? Whatever bright idea you’ve got, shoot ‘em at me!”


Sunshine Alouette

Eternal Senshi

PostPosted: Wed Dec 15, 2010 5:01 pm
Paris let himself into the passenger seat once he opened the door, pulling the seat-belt across him and clicking it in place. He waited for Sydney to pull out of the lot before going through a careful examination of the car, twisting nobs and pushing buttons, turning the radio on before finding a station to his liking -- something peppy and up-beat.

"We could always leave it on the bad side of town, some porn shop in the red light district or something," he said, pulling open the glove compartment door to being rummaging around inside. He didn't find much at first, just an owner's manual and a bag of cough drops, but eventually his hands grasped some slips of paper that caught his curiosity. "Check this out. Plane tickets. Looks like whoever owns this forked out some cash for a round trip to Europe. Oh, how ironic. He's going to Paris."

Paris snorted and shoved the tickets back into the compartment, sifting through things a bit longer, though he didn't find much else of interest. "This guy must be loaded. I wonder what he does for a living. Probably some pompous lawyer. Or a doctor. Or some elite business man. If we leave this over in my neighborhood, I guarantee it won't last the night. Someone'll come along and snatch all the good parts."
PostPosted: Thu Dec 16, 2010 2:46 pm
Sydney had no particular music preference, but danceable or catchy music was always the best to her. She loudly laughed over the cheery beats the radio blasted out. “As hilarious as that is and how much I would love to do that, the merciful side of me says that we shouldn’t do that,” she rejected. A regretful frown flashed in the mirror. “We can just leave it in some nearby neighborhood instead.”

Her eyes widened at Paris’ golden discovery and she was tempted to turn around to ogle the tickets in his hands. Sydney would have, if she was not reminded of the fact that her hands were on the wheels and their lives—police-free lives---were on the line. With great reluctance, she pushed down the urge to pull her gaze away from traffic and continued to dutifully stare out onto the road. “Lovely. Maybe he’ll pay you handsomely,” retorted Sydney with a sly grin.

She shrugged as the radio sang out another preppy tune. “Hey, rich man is rich. Can’t disagree with that, can you?” Sydney smiled. “Tempting. Tempting, but if I was him and I had my car stolen, finding it in one piece would be nice.” She was being sympathetic for once. Amazing.


Sunshine Alouette

Eternal Senshi

PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:20 pm
"What's the point in being merciful?" Paris wondered cynically, looking out the window as the buildings passed them by. "Guy's probably a douche anyway. This car screams 'douche.'" Actually, it screamed "classy," which was why he'd picked it in first place, but under the ownership of someone less visually appealing than himself, it lost a bit of it's sophistication.

Part of him enjoyed imaging what the owner must look like. He suspected them to be at least mildly attractive, but not quite as beautiful as he was himself nor as handsome and sexy as he preferred his lovers to be, therefore some overcompensation might be coming into play. Thus, the purchase of such a nice car. He envisioned a mixture of designer suits and chipped, un-manicured nails, polished shoes and careless, untamed hair.

The other part of him would rather not imagine it. Thinking that such undeserving people had so much more than he did made him feel bitter.

Paris snorted softly. "I'm worth more than he could give him," he said. Being in this car, though, made him crave things he didn't, and would never, have. "I could use a Sugar Daddy, though, especially if he really is loaded. I have such expensive tastes. It'd sure give 'being in Paris' a whole different meaning for him."
♥ In the Name of the Moon! ♥

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