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The day was just at its peak and the hyperactive pale cheetah cub was exhausted from her day of play. She played all morning and now she wanted a nap. She saw a tree near her families den. It was a pitiful tree but it was decent for a quick cat nap. It provided a pillow of fallen leaves. Ming trotted over lethargically to the decent shade of the tree. She plopped down on the bed of leaves…
…the leaves began breaking, the cub let out a big yawn before laying her head on her paws and falling asleep.

Today was a tolerable day for the young bird. He was very bored as he stood perched in a tree watching the clouds. Although the sun was beaming down at him and he didn’t mind. He never would get very hot due to his pale colors. His deep purple eyes were like glass as he watched the clouds form. The only sounds he heard were the leaves rustling as the wind blew until…
Zhong looked down to see a young cub making herself comfortable with the net of fallen leaves that the tree provided. A devilish smile grew across the birds face. As the cub fell asleep, the bird began to jump down from branch to branch until he reached the branch closest to the cheetah. He jumps down to the ground and crept upon the cheetah. He pecked at her till she started to react and then flew up to the safety of is branch…

Ming sat up and looked around her to see nothing no one was there. She shook then painful wakeup call and tried to get back to sleep. Was she going crazy she could have sworn that someone was tapping her head? Maybe she was crazy, Perhaps not only was she the hyperactive person in the family but she was also the crazy one. That made sense since her sister was always loopy, perhaps she really was crazy. Well there’s not much she could do except let it happen. She just hoped she wouldn’t become like that pride that mommy’s always talking about. Its filled with everyone talking to themselves and there all off there whackers.

Zhong watched from his prestigiously perched branched and laughed at the foolish cheetah. She was slow looking around. Zhong was the cocky type of bird that always had the smart mouth. He wanted to shout to her that it was him but then that would just ruin the fun. However he did feel some kind of connection with the female. Maybe it was due to their similar color but other than that he didn’t feel a thing. Well he didn’t want to feel anything the last thing he wants was a female to tie him down and the worst part would be that there not even the same species. No he was just fine messing with her from afar. He jumped back down and crept toward her; being as quiet as possible before pecking at her head and flying back to his branch.

Ming sprang up and began to circle around herself. Who was doing that, she was really starting to get annoying and it hurt her head…. She laid back down in hopes that once more she could get some sleep.

Zhong was highly entertained, she was a slow one so once more he flopped onto the dirt and made his way to her. Being as quiet as possible, he got ready to peck again.

Ming wasn’t going to let this happen again, she pretended to sleep but if the attacker was paying attention he would notice her ears were twitching. She could hear it getting closer than with a quick turn and leap she attacks the… bird? Ming held down the bird with her paw. “You?! You were the one pecking me?!”She stared at the bird. This small thing was so greatly irritating?

Zhong began panicking he didn’t know what to do; she was going to eat him! It was just a harmless prank he didn’t mean to hurt her! He squirmed and did the only thing he could think of… He began pecking at her paw till she let up. He wasn’t going to die! Not today! Ha-ha! Once the cheetah let her paw up he flew up to the third branch in the tree.

Ming was confused and a little sad she felt like she was being bullied, “Why… why are you being so mean to me…. I didn’t do nothing to you…” Her throat began to tighten…. She was just a baby and this bird was being so mean to her… She felt tears start to well up. She sat with her back to the tree and swallowed in her own sorrow. She was just a baby and was trying to sleep she didn’t do any harm the bird was being a bully and she didn’t like it.

Zhong watched the cub what was she doing… She was attacking or trying to kill him… was she…. Crying? He was utterly speechless he actually made her cry…. What should he do now…? “I….im sorry?” his statement sounded more like a question. He flew down and landed next to the cheetah. “Are you okay?”

“No!” Ming shouted “You hurt me for no reason! You’re a bully!” She looked away from the bird.

Zhong began to feel really guilty he had no idea this cheetah was so small… “I’m really sorry….” He hoped into her line of vision… “Is there something I could do to help?”

Ming looked up into the purple eyes of the bird, so similar to her, “Will you…? Will you be my friend….?” She wasn’t mad she just wanted friends. But strangely enough she felt connected to him like they were meant to be best friends. She stared at the bird waiting for his response…

Zhong was taken aback by the cheetah’s question, friends? How was he supposed to respond to that? “Um… okay?”

Ming jumped up and grabbed the bird. “Yay! We’re going to be besties! I’m going to take you to meet my mommy and daddy and everyone! She put the bird gently on her should. “Hold on!” She began running home, I’m Ming were going to be just great friends!” She continued to yack off into the distance.

Zhong was shocked at the cheetahs reaction like she just flipped a switch then she started yammering all the things they were going to do and all he could think about was what he just got himself into “hey… i…wait…. Can i….. Hey!.... ahhhh!!!!!” He yelled as he held on to the cheetah. This cheetah is going to be the death of me, zhong was sure of it, but he felt in harmony he didn’t know why but he liked it.
