Kaori:: Achal was in a very good mood as of late. He would be traveling soon to retrieve his oldest daughter from old home and he might even see his sisters. It was such a wonderful feeling.

He had even found of that his daughter might possibly have a brother and he was excited that his little daughter might have a blood relative.

Achal sat gazing out across the lands dreaming about what it would be like to see her again. He was so excite for the prospect, he loved his daughter so.

Doodle::She had decided to leave the beach, that it was time to move forward. Sev padded lightly along the edge of the invisable border, the heavy scent of others caused her nose to twitch.

She smiled lightly as she flicked her tail, her bangled shimmered and shined around her paws as she continued forward, she rather enjoyed her easy, free life.

Kaori:: Achal looked up and was rather surprised to see a lone female headed along the border moving away from him. Her back was to him, but even so he could see she was beautiful.

He frowned slightly worried for the female, before rising. It really was not a good idea for her to be wander like she was. She could be capture and unless she was seeking the pride Achal would feel guilty about the whole ordeal.

"Hello, young miss," he called out.

Doodle::The sound of a male voice caught her attention, she turned her head to see a male in the distance, she flicked her tail tip for a moment before she smiled. "Hello!" She called out, she was a happy lioness, and running into someone always seemed the please her a great deal.

She turned herself, and with a light paw, made her way towards him though she kept clear of stepping over any hidden lines.

Kaori::Achal smiled politely as the female approached and decided to sit and wait for her to reach him. He was a bit unsure as to how to start the conversation when she reached him, fore he did not wish to just come out and say that she should leave. For a moment his just stared at her and though her before he blinked and was pulled back to the present moment.

"Hello," He said again, "I am Achal. It is very nice to meet you. Do you know where you are?"

Doodle::She eyed him for a moment, she hadnt run into many males lately and this one wasn't hard on the eyes, she smiled at him. "Well, Im here. Though, I do suppose there is something there." She motioned towards the pride.

"I am Malvado Sevmek." She said with a light laugh, "Though please, just call me Sev. I think it'd be simply to hard to say it all and then get a sentance out."

Kaori:: Achal smiled at the female and nodded to her. Her words told him all he needed to know. It was not painfully obvious that she had not saught out the pride and that she should not be near the borders.

"I do not think that your name is to difficult to pronounce, but some of my cubs had names that are far longer. Even so Sev is nice and I am quite okay with calling you Sev."

Achal sighed slightly though he hardly lost is smile for more than a second, "As to my previous question, you are very close to the Ukuucha'Wafuulme lands and I was wondering if you knew that."

Doodle::"Well, I could tell that there was a pride here, though I did not know the name of it." She said with a simple shrug, she wasn't ignorant of others but she didnt know this pride. She knew where the demon pride was, and how to keep away from it, but this pride she knew nothing about.

"Oh you have cubs! How delightful." She said with a smile, she wouldnt let his cubs remind her of those she'd lost she simply sighed sadly for a moment before she went back to smiling.

Kaori:: "Ah I see. I had not assumed you were ignorant of the fact that the pride was here, our scent is very strong, fore we are many, but I wondered if you knew of us."

Achal smiled when she smiled at the thought of his cubs. He was very proud of them all. "Yes, I love my cub all 27 of them all though only 24 of them live with me. They are quite a handful though most of them are nearing adulthood and only 11 are still young."

He was distracted by talk of his cubs and nearly forgot why he had mention the pride in the first place, but thinking on his cubs brought him to thought of his eldest son and their journeys.

Doodle::She couldnt help shake her head in wonder, "So many of them. Your mate much have her paws full." She said with a laugh, she couldnt imaging having that many cubs even in her full lifetime, she'd had two cubs before and had lost them, their death had hurt her for a very long time, she couldnt even consider 27 of them.

Kaori:: Achal laughed lightly, "They do not all have the same mother. I wanted children and I got them. But yes, my mates are very busy taking care of our youngest and it has been quite a collective effort raising 24 cubs."

Achal sighed lightly remembering what he had originally wanted to speak to the female about.

"My mates are my banu and I love them. It is the way of our pride for each male to harem small harem of his own once you come of age sometimes before."

Doodle::Her brows rose, "You have more than one mate?!" She shook her head, she wasnt sure she could be in a relationship like that, to have to share the one you love with so many others, it didnt really seem fair to her.

Kaori:: Achal nodded, "It is the way of the pride and I admit when I first arrived here a foreign concept, but now I couldn't imagine my lifevwithout one of them. I love them all dearly and they are the best of friend, like sisters."

Achal looked fondly into the pride lands.

He sighed, "the pride is wonderful, but they do have a practice of capturing females against their will, though many don't some do. The females adjust and even come to love their new home and the closeness of the pride, but I still feel it wrong. I asked my mates to join and explained the pride to them throughly before. I could never force my beliefs, my will upon another."

Achal stood and moved away from the prides border motioning for the lovely lioness to follow him. "You really shouldn't be here."

Doodle::"Well, that is rather noble of you." She said with a nod of her head, she followed after him. "Im not sure I could be one of many, just another face among a crowd of lionesses." She wasnt sure, that she could give up her love of travel, to be one of many.

Kaori::Achal shook his head, "Its not like that, not to mention most of the females pelts are extraordinary it helps us all to stand out. Every member of the pride is valued and loved and each is known to the Sultan. No lioness is just a face among the others. Though you are right. It is not for everyone."

Achal continuedto walk heading for a path not often used that split in lead away from the pride in three direction.

Doodle::She nodded her head, "Those that choose this life, are definate special creatures. As not many can simply do the same as everyone else, each is special." She nodded her head, she brushed her shoulder against his with a smile. "Though, thank you for telling me of your pride." She nodded, "I enjoy learning on my travels, makes them more worth while. Though, I suppose someday I'll find my own place in this world."

Kaori::Achal nodded and smiled a bit surprised when she brushed agaisnt him. It was unheard of outside ones own harem. Achal relished in the brief contact, the break from routine, but marveled in his self control. He had obvious mature as before he joined the pride the brief contact would have probably lead to much flirty and maybe cub making.

"It was very nice to meet and I am happy I could make your travels worthwhile. Maybe we shall meet again in the future. I travel from time to time, though rarely far anymore."

Doodle::"Don't stay to close to home to long..sometimes you lose yourself in it all." She said wistfully, her past life, her past self, was all gone now. She wasn't one to talk about it, and was good at dodging questions that poked into it.
"You have to let yourself free from time to time." She said with a nod.

Kaori:: Achal nodded slightly pondering the females words. It was truly he had gotten slightly lost in the pride and his new life, but he hardly thought it would restrict his freedom forever or really at all. He could leave when he likes, so long as he had a male to watch his harem. He chose not to leave for now as he had young cubs and he really hadn't felt the desire.

"I will travel in due time. Freedom has many defines. Good luck in your journeys."

Doodle::Sev traveled because, well its what drove her. She loved the thrill of it all, meeting new creatures, hearing their stories..sharing some of her own it made everything around her even more beautiful than it already was.

"Your words are true." She said with a nod of her head before she smiled. "And you with your family." She bumped her him into his before she started to pad away.