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Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:39 am
"Viking is a verb, you know. One goes a-viking." - Michael C. Frassetto

User Image

Art by ShinosBee.

Welcome to the Myrsky Syntynyt, the Stormborn. Situated on the upper elevations of a finger of a fjord, the pride is able to look down on its surroundings. The sheer cliffs which characterize the area are not necessarily the highest points, but they are the most obvious ones. Accessible only from the water or a narrow strip of rocky beach, the Stormborn stronghold is protected by its forbidding cliffs. The more gradual slope on the other side of the stronghold is deceptive, giving the impression of easy access, but the waters there move every bit as quickly as those surrounded by cliffs, and at their edge is a marsh. The Stormborn themselves tend to live in the upper elevations, where there is significantly less vegetation but for the hardy mint which they love so much, and which causes a state of inebriation in those who make use of it. Map.

Let's get something cleared up right now: I am a scholar of medieval history, but the Vikings are not my area of specialty, so if I make mistakes or take liberties with the language or culture, it's either on purpose or it isn't, but it's not meant to offend anyone. Also I have taken some liberties with the African coastline to make it suit the Stormborn setting. If you have advice or comments, concerns or questions, feel free post it here or send me a PM (if you can't phrase it nicely or in a non-antagonistic way).

Mood Music
"Nehalennia" by Heidevolk
"Hold The Heathen Hammer High" by Tyr
"Nancy The Tavern Wench" by Alestorm

Google Translate claims Myrsky Syntynyt means "storm born" in Finnish and I'm choosing to believe it.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:40 am

Legend has it that the Stormborn are children of storm gods, with a liberal infusion of warrior gods. Whether this is true or not, it's the claim that the Stormborn make, and others would be wise not to dispute it.

At some point after the gods themselves no longer intervened in the affairs of their Stormborn, they became a pride of marauders, venturing out from their stronghold by the sea to capture whatever they wanted or found needful. It was necessary because the gods were no longer there to provide for their children, and the harsh climate surrounding the stronghold was extremely defensible, but not conducive to many life-sustaining activities like hunting, though there is always bounty to be had from the sea, for those who know how to catch it.

As the Stormborn exhausted their resources and began to look afield, they realized they were very good at taking whatever they wanted, regardless of the protests of the original owners. Women, herds of preybeasts, and anything else that caught these powerful lions' attention were not safe. Any who stood against them were overpowered, often brutally, and the survivors were made into indentured servants, little better than slaves which came to be known as Thralls.

Naturally, not all lions are born fighters, no matter how good their bloodline, and yet they may still be Stormborn. It took some time for the pride to recognize this fact, since they believed that they were all meant to be conquering fighters. Once the Freeborn class emerged, however, things began to run much more smoothly in the stronghold, since they were now a recognized part of society, and not merely very bad or reluctant warriors. And the Freeborn found ways to make themselves useful.

Inbreeding has never been a problem for the Stormborn, given their tendency to take Thralls and then get children with them, whether legitimate or not. Bloodlines are important, of course, and those who can trace their bloodlines back to the gods are afforded a certain amount of respect, if not actual authority. Nevertheless, because the blood of the pride has become so mixed, it is difficult to tell whose blood is pure, if anyone's is, and so they very slowly began to allow exceptional outsiders to occupy places in the pride, though these places had to be fought for and earned.

The Warlord who instituted the official system of challenges and several Warlords after him spent the entirety of their rules losing the title and winning it back from challenge-happy Reavers. It didn't take long for changes to be made once again to how Warlords were chosen, and the election system was instated, though it took some time for the Captains, Lawspeakers, and Priests to learn to vote in the pride's best interest. Bribery was and remains a popular means of ensuring support for would-be Warlords.

All of this happened so long ago that most names have been lost, even to the Lawspeakers and Priests whose task it has been to preserve history. Of course, some of that may have been willfully concealed by various lions. There are always parts of history that are better off not known. Much has gone since then, and while the tales are wondrous, the telling of them would take entirely too long, and so they'll pass untold for the time being.

And so we find ourselves looking at the current Warlord.

Not Stormborn by birth, Aesir came to his position in the Stormborn by winning a Challenge and working his way quickly and violently through the ranks. It took him less than a year to achieve Captaincy, as the Captain of his first band died on a raid and he was elected to the position in her stead, and two years to decide that he would make a better Warlord. Unfortunately, the current Warlord, Gunne, was in perfect health, and not likely to die any time soon, Aesir took matters into his own paws and challenged him for the position

He lost that first challenge, but not his life, and Gunne sentenced him to three years as a Thrall. From this position he seduced the Warleader's pretty young bride and convinced her to kill the Warleader and name him her consort. To this end, he enlisted the aid of a priestess named Morrigan who supplied the necessary herbs to kill Gunne. When he became Warleader, Aesir gifted the former consort to one of the Captains to ensure his loyalty and support and rewarded Morrigan for her role by asking her to be his wife.

His behind-the-scenes machinations are not generally known.


Lonely Bookworm


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:41 am

God of War (owned by Baneful) - permission obtained
God of Warriors (owned by Krysin) - permission obtained
Goddess of Conquest (owned by Remove) - permission obtained
God of Thunder (owned by wooga paes) - permission obtained
Goddess of Lightning (owned by DragonsRage24) - permission obtained

The Stormborn are not hugely religious. They offer sacrifices to ensure that things go well and they give thanks when they do. They will swear by various gods, and in battle they may cry their names, but it is really only the priests who know or care overmuch about lore and the gods' relationship to the people. Even the priests quite often explain things by saying that it's simply the way the gods will it to be. That said, the Stormborn do acknowledge that there are other gods, but they are clearly weak, inferior divinities and their gods could obviously take them in a fight. As a side note, they do like their little good luck talismans, and most do believe in curses.

Death is not a thing to be feared or avoided. It is the goal of every Stormborn, even the Freeborn, to die memorably in glorious battle. Anything less would be demeaning and unmemorable, and thus would not earn a lion a place among the ranks of the glorious dead. A lion who is ready to die will pick a fight to lose, an ill and dying lion will do likewise, or if not that, fling themselves into the sea. There is nothing worse than to die in bed, except maybe a coward's death. A lion who dies well may hope to go to an eternal paradise in the halls of the gods among their ancestors and the glorious dead.

Marriage is a lovely institution practiced for a variety of reasons, one of which is even love. A husband and wife share a social status, and so if one dies, the other is legally allowed to take their place. Other reasons to marry include are more political, and can relate to ending blood feuds between families or cementing alliances, or simply showing respect to the family of the new in-laws. It is permissible for a lion to have more than one female, but only the first wife is actually called a wife. The others are called Saltwives, and they are granted none of the male's legal standing, though their cubs are considered legitimate. Generally a married couple is expected to remain faithful to one another, but when one or the other is away viking, it does not surprise anyone when infidelity occurs. No child is a b*****d if the mother is a wife.

Rogue Breeding
Rogue breeding is definitely allowed, providing those rogues aren't brought home to the pride to breed. Raids provide ample opportunity for randy lions to sate themselves on the conquered. As rape is frowned upon in this shop, I will not explicitly say that's what happens, but plundering takes many forms, shall we say. Any cub born to a female of the pride in this way will be considered Freeborn. If a male sires cubs on a female from outside the pride, unless he claims the female and takes her with him, his cubs probably will not be part of the pride (remember there is such a thing as a gestation period, people). If your lion is a Thrall or a Freeborn, rogue breeding is pretty unlikely, since they don't leave the pride, but if you can come up with a way for it to work ICly, go ahead (keeping in mind that a known Thrall outside the pride will be considered a runaway and punished).

Non-lions are lesser beings, incapable of the sort of courage inherent in those of the leonine persuasion. They are fit only to be Thralls, even if they are born into the pride, because to be Freeborn is also to be Stormborn, and they cannot be that. However, those with useful skills may still come to be appreciated for that skill set. As far as familiars go, the official stance is that they're fine, as long as they don't make nuisances of themselves. Individuals are welcome to have their own opinions about familiars.

This is a pride of fierce fighting lions. Everyone wants to be on top, as it were. The prevailing attitude is that of derision toward lions and lionesses who are same-sex oriented, but this can turn to violent derision if the lion in question is not well-liked. If a lion is homosexual, it is safest to pretend otherwise, or else be very, very discreet. If a lion is discovered to be homosexual, he or she will not actually be driven from the pride, but their life will be made miserable by everyone. So if you want to put a homosexual lion in for plot purposes, go ahead, but know there will be IC difficulties ranging from mockery to beatings.

Gender Roles
Anything a male can do, a female is welcome to try. If she can do it as well as a male, then she's allowed to do it. So a woman can be a Reaver or a Lawspeaker or a priest, or even Warlord, if she can pull it off and hold the position successfully. There is no shame to a female not being a fighter, however, as they have a fairly important role in bearing cubs and keeping house and managing Thralls. On the other hand, a male who isn't a Reaver, a priest, or a Lawspeaker is likely to become the butt of jokes and an object of scorn. Even priests and lawspeakers are regarded as weak, as they are not warriors.

There is not real standard for naming, whether born into the pride or taken in. Scandinavian names are preferred, but are by no means required. No one will ever be asked to change their name. Some may choose to take on a descriptive name (which would not go on their certs) such as "Aethelred the Flatulant" or "Korvina Skyesdottir," but these are matters of personal choice, and since there's not likely to be a huge degree of overlap in naming these aren't usually necessary to distinguish one lion from another. They're just there as an option.

Those Filthy Pirates
The Stormborn dislike the pirates and hate to be mistaken for them. They view them as unruly, selfish, thieving miscreants. Just because they also happen to live near water and go out raiding does not mean they are remotely similar. The Stormborn tend to kill pirates when they encounter them, or at least give it their best shot. This is a deeply ingrained prejudice.

"Iron in the blood"
A compliment or means of expressing approval for bravery.

"Flowers in the blood"
An insult to a person's bravery. It's like calling them a coward.

"Someday I will kill you."
"Not today."
A standard greeting and response. There is not usually an immediate threat implied here.

"Do not die in bed."
An exhortation to live a warrior's life and die a warrior's death.

"I have no enemies."
A lament indicating that a lion is at loose ends and seriously bored.

"We do not sow."
Sort of a motto. The Stormborn take pride in the fact that what they have, they have largely taken from others.

"Animals die, friends die, and I shall die, but one thing never dies, and that is the reputation we leave behind at our death."
An attitude toward death and fame.

"He did not flee battle."
An epitaph of praise.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:42 am

Warlord - There is only one, and the only way it can be obtained is to kill the previous Warlord. Should the previous Warlord die of other causes, he (or she) may be elected at an Althing. A Warlord's role is to hold all the fractious people of the pride together and dispense justice and grant permission to go a-viking.

Captain - The head of a band of Reavers. Their Reavers are carefully chosen for their ability to work together. It is said that every Captain is the king of his band. Captain is usually a rank appointed by the Warlord, but should something happen to a Captain while he and his band are out on a raid, the elected replacement is usually accepted in his place, but must still be approved by the Warlord. It is almost unheard of for any lion to become a Captain during adolescence.
OOC Note: You can apply to be a captain, but if your lion starts out as a Reaver or a cub you must have completed five "raids" or RPs outside the pride to qualify for the promotion. These may be SRPs. Alternatively, you must have an RP with other people wherein the Captain (may be an NPC) dies and your lion is elected by the others in the band to fill the position. You must also arrange an RP with the Warlord where your lion is confirmed in this position.

Reaver - Any able-bodied lion born or otherwise accepted into the pride who goes viking. Those which are part of a Captain's band are allowed to go raiding outside of the pride with the rest of their band, under the command of their Captain. Those who are not part of an established band may not leave the lands, and instead remain to defend the pride and answer challenges.
OOC Note: Captains may be NPCs so that vikings can be RPed out, but individual Reavers do not leave the stronghold.

Freeborn - Any lion who is born into the pride but chooses not to become a warrior. This includes bards, healers, herd minders, and most females. These are sometimes viewed as inferiors and cowards, and receive less respect and status because they do not fight. This is also the rank held by cubs, juveniles, and any lion who wins a challenge until they go on their first raid.
OOC Note: Although this is the default rank for a lion who challenges into the pride until they go on their first Viking, you may request to be certed as a Reaver, rather than make more work for colorists and certists.

Priestess - These lions are Freeborn who have been trained in the ways of the gods and their sacrifices. Priestesses are also responsible for working forecasts and providing tokens for good luck, if they have that ability or can convince others they do. They begin their training in adolescence and much of what they do is a mystery to the average Stormborn. There are no more than nine, and they are always female, as their magics are considered inherently female. They are led by a High Priestess.

Lawspeaker - Freeborn lions who are particularly well-versed in the laws of the Stormborn. They keep track of the history of the prides. They are supposed to be neutral parties, elected from the entire pride based on wisdom and ability, and are occasionally called upon to advise the Warlord. There are no more than nine, and they are led by the First Speaker.

Thrall - Anyone captured in a raid. These creatures fill the place of servants. They hunt, mind cubs, and generally perform all the inglorious duties Reavers and Freeborn don't care to do. Children born to Thralls are born Freeborn, but a Thrall who is captured is a Thrall for life. A Freeborn who particularly annoys the Warlord can be reduced to a Thrall's status instead of killed, though this is usually for a prescribed period of time. All non-lions are Thralls.


Lonely Bookworm


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:42 am

Challenge - When an outside lion wishes to fight for a place in the pride. One of the defending Reavers will fight them, though rarely to the death. A lion may try as many times as they wish.

First Raid - Just what it sounds like, it's the first raid a Freeborn goes on, after which he or she is counted as a Reaver.

Sending-Off - A celebration thrown for a raiding band before its departure, where they are wished well. There is usually lots of singing and historical tale-telling and other blood-stirring activities. Sacrifices are usually offered for good luck.

Viking - When a Captain takes his or her band out to collect more Thralls or loot of other sorts, such as herds of preybeasts. The booty from this raid is first offered to the Warlord, and then the Captain gets to choose, and then it is divided among the raiding band.

Homecoming - The much more raucous celebration thrown for a raiding band after its successful return, wherein the Reavers share their stories and show off their loot. Sacrifices are usually offered in thanks.

Althing - A meeting where all the leaders in the pride, which is to say the Captains and the Lawspeakers and the Priests, gather to discuss points of law, theology, or anything else which is required. Complaints are brought to be judged and reparations are made for damages incurred in blood feuds. On the death of a Warlord (where there isn't already a new, self-appointed one) this meeting is called to elect a new Warlord.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:43 am

Warlord (1)
Aesir (Princess_Feylin)

Captains (unlimited)
Ujekaza (tuesdayscat) - will be renamed RÃ¥'styrke, original member
Kondo (Kay Thx)
Skada (pinchmonster) - will eventually be Lawspeaker
Ataji (TanuKyle)
Nott'Modr (-- NekoGamer --)

Reavers (unlimited)
Emeka and Abdul (Murphys_Law) - challenge done
Nymphaea and Fyra (Syrius Lionwing) - challenge done
Taraxa (pinchmonster)
Gunnar (Christopher Johnson)
Zsaria (Dulcea)
Yu (Andranis) - challenge done
Uss D'mzil (Hopefolly) - challenge done
Dóttir'styrk (tuesdayscat) - RP in progress
Olaf (Cajanic)
Dodonna (Jikde Bonyac) - challenge done
Udayagiri (Peppermint Coffee)
Björn (Green Ever After)

Freeborn (unlimited)
Enzi (Adona Benedicta) - will be renamed Skratta
Morath (Split Personality) - will be Priestess at adolescence
Loki (Syrius Lionwing) - will stay freeborn at adolescence
Eirik (Adona Benedicta) - will be Reaver at adolescence
Lennart (Tanakako) - will be Reaver at adolescence
Ulrika and Ranulf the Fierce (pinchmonster) - will be Priestess or Lawspeaker at adolescence
Tryggr (~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~) - will be Reaver at adolescence
Khef (Tisiphone)
Haki (Andranis) - challenge done
Lucivar (Tanakako) - will be Reaver at adolescence aiming for Captain
Halvar (Christopher Johnson) - will be Reaver at adolescence
Wodin (McPeach Bottom) - will be Reaver at adolescence
Kalii (DieKraft Fe-Amon) - will stay Freeborn at adolescence
Kinuka (Animechickie) - will be lawspeaker eventually
Suklaa Mintuu Mansikka (Syrius Lionwing) - will be freeborn at adolescence, working for lawspeaker
Sindri (Kireiyuu) - will be reaver at adolescence
Tyr (pinchmonster) - will remain freeborn
Ingmar (Mtorolite) - will be reaver at adolescence
Nawiri Jito (Seaki)
Kazul (Princess_Feylin) - will be reaver at adolescence
Badb (ShinosBee) - will be reaver at adolescence
Hroarr (Talencia) - will be reaver at adolescence?
Arik Fyri (hanging gallow) - will be reaver at adolescence?

High Priestess (1)
Morrigan (ShinosBee)

Priestesses ( cool
Saraneth (_Shouko_)
Susu (Andranis)
Azurine (Hotaru-Neko)
Brynja (pinchmonster)

First Speaker (1)

Lawspeakers ( cool
Sölveig Eriksdottir (Rhiannon Chandra)

Thralls (unlimited)
Thuto (Split Personality)
Ferawyn (MoonRazor)
Misae (Dulcea)
Mopani'lo (Christopher Johnson)
Izdihar (Gekokoko)


After being accepted OOCly, there are still some IC hoops to jump through.

Usually in order to become one of the Stormborn, a lion must participate in (and win) an Askorun, or challenge. This is a dice-based system similar to the Firekin dueling system, wherein the challenger and the Reaver accepting the challenge roll five four-sided dice and the person whose dice add up to the greater number wins. The challenge should still be RPed out, even though the outcome is known from the beginning, because each number in the roll represents the ferocity and efficacy of one attack.

The other way to get into the pride is to be captured on a Viking, in which case your lion will automatically hold the rank of Thrall for their entire life, though their cubs will be at least Freeborn.

Right now, however, we're still looking for members (original or otherwise), so just fill out the form if you're interested.


Lonely Bookworm


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:46 am
Questions (and Answers)

Will there be a position for seers? Or like mystics/oracles?
They would hold no special rank. Theyre just special people with special talents. Though they'd make great priestesses if they're female, since their sacrifices (and foretellings) would probably be more effective than a non-seer's would be. Priestesses do perform a certain number of predictive rituals, as well as providing talismans and charms for protection.

How much ceremony there is to Stormborn marriages?
The groom gives a plait of his mane to the bride so that if he dies while viking she may give some part of his body to the gods in a proper ceremony. The bride also give the groom a plait of her fur so that she, too, may be properly given to the gods should she die in battle or in birthing. Following the formal exchange of gifts, the couple exchanges personal gifts. Then the couple drinks water mixed with honey together to signify that they are bound to each other, as with honey, and a priest speaks words over them to that effect while a Lawspeaker records their marriage. Finally there is a sacrifice for good luck and then feasting. Wedding celebrations often last all week.

Does coat color/pattern matter at all?
It makes no difference. It's just fur, as far as the Stormborn are concerned. What's important is the warrior spirit beneath the fur.

Would a lion hybrid be able to join as a Reaver?
Nope. The Stormborn are lions. Anything else is fit only to be a Thrall, no matter how talented they are, or if they're born into the pride. Any hybrid who tried to challenge in would be laughed away at the gate.

Can a cub automatically rise to Captain?
Not without doing the requisite RPs. No viking band would elect an inexperienced adolescent as a Captain, even if there was a death. However, you can let it be known that you intend to aim for making your cub a Captain one day.
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:54 am
Challenge Example


Challenger rolls 5 4-sided dice: (4,2,1,3) 10.
Challenger approached the barriers of the Stormborn stronghold and roared out a challenge, demanding that he be acknowledged.

Reaver rolls 5 4-sided dice: (1,4,4, 1,1) 11.
Reaver was on barrier duty that morning, and when he heard a challenger's roar he slipped through the barrier and went to greet him.
"Stay if you will fight, or else depart."
Without waiting for a reply, Reaver leaped. If the challenger didn't really want to fight, he would surely flee.

Now, as we can see, the Reaver's destined to win already, but let's play along. A limited amount of god-modding and assumption is allowed here so that five billion posts aren't spent on just issuing challenges. The Reaver needn't initiate combat, by the way.


Challenger side-stepped to avoid Reaver's charge, but he did not in any way indicate that he was going to flee. As Reaver came within range, he leapt with his claws and teeth straining for Reaver's soft underbelly.

Reaver's attack went awry, and before he could recover from his missed leap he was struck from the side. Pain shot through him as claws and teeth found soft parts of his body and dug in. For the time being, all he could do was struggle to free himself, perhaps getting in a lucky claw swipe.

Based on the 4 Challenger rolled first, their player writes an impressive attack for them to begin with. Later we see that Reaver's player has chosen to act out their low roll of 1 by placing their character in peril. This is also acceptable. Since both players know how the fight will proceed, they just need to make sure that they follow the "script" as it were.

The fight will continue until both players' characters have gone through all of their rolled actions, by which time an IC winner will have emerged. If it's the Challenger (as it was not in this case) he or she is welcomed into the pride and both fighters are given catnip and their wounds are tended. If the Reaver wins, the Challenger is chased off or left there to bleed (depending on the severity of their injury). They are welcome to return and try their luck again, as often as they wish. A tie will allow the Challenger into the pride, as it proves they are at least as good as the Reaver they fought.


Lonely Bookworm


Lonely Bookworm

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:55 am
To Do

Hope all's approved.

The Form

Pack/Pride Name: Myrsky Syntynyt
Current IC Owner(s): Aesir (played by Princess_Feylin), Morrigan (played by ShinosBee)
Current OOC Owner(s): Princess_Feylin
Current Pride/Pack Members, and Rankings of Each:
Aesir (Princess_Feylin) - Warlord

RÃ¥'styrke (tuesdayscat) - Captain
Kondo (Hopefolly) - Captain
Skada (pinchmonster) - Captain
Ataji (TanuKyle) - Captain
Nott'Modr (-- NekoGamer --) - Captain

Emeka and Abdul (Murphys_Law) - Reaver
Nymphaea and Fyra (Syrius Lionwing) - Reaver
Taraxa (pinchmonster) - Reaver
Gunnar (Christopher Johnson) - Reaver
Zsaria (Dulcea) - Reaver
Yu (Andranis) - Reaver
Uss D'mzil (Kay Thx) - Reaver
Dóttir'styrk (tuesdayscat) - Reaver
Olaf (Cajanic) - Reaver
Dodonna (Jikde Bonyac) - Reaver
Udayagiri (Peppermint Coffee) - Reaver
Björn (Green Ever After) - Reaver

Skratta (Adona Benedicta) - Freeborn
Morath (Split Personality) - Freeborn
Loki (Syrius Lionwing) - Freeborn
Eirik (Adona Benedicta) - Freeborn
Lennart (Kaisanti) - Freeborn
Ulrika and Ranulf the Fierce (pinchmonster) - Freeborn
Tryggr (~Spazzy_the_Wolfie~) - Freeborn
Khef (Tisiphone) - Freeborn
Haki (Andranis) - Freeborn
Lucivar (Kaisanti) - Freeborn
Halvar (Christopher Johnson) - Freeborn
Wodin (McPeach Bottom) - Freeborn
Kalii (DieKraft Fe-Amon) - Freeborn
Kinuka (Animechickie) - Freeborn
Suklaa Mintuu Mansikka (Syrius Lionwing) - Freeborn
Sindri (Kireiyuu) - Freeborn
Tyr (pinchmonster) - Freeborn
Ingmar (Mtorolite) - Freeborn
Nawiri Jito (Seaki) - Freeborn
Kazul (Princess_Feylin) - Freeborn
Badb (ShinosBee) - Freeborn
Hroarr (Talencia) - Freeborn
Arik Fyri (hanging gallow) - Freeborn

Morrigan (ShinosBee) - High Priestess

Saraneth (_Shouko_) - Priestess
Susu (Andranis) - Priestess
Azurine (Hotaru-Neko) - Priestess
Brynja (pinchmonster) - Priestess

Sölveig Eriksdottir (Rhiannon Chandra) - Lawspeaker

Thuto (Split Personality) - Thrall
Ferawyn (MoonRazor) - Thrall
Misae (Dulcea) - Thrall
Mopani'lo (Christopher Johnson) - Thrall
Izdihar (Gekokoko) - Thrall
Links to at least three current RPs: (These RPs must have been done in the last month. At least one must have included the current ruler.)
Warlord - Aesir & Morrigan
Duel of the Brewing Storm - Emeka & Taraxa
O Valencia! - Aesir & Emeka
Anywhere Is - Aesir & RÃ¥'stryke
I challenge thee! - Taraxa & Jicho
Brief Description of the current status of your Pride/Pack: Having recently changed leadership in a cunning coup d'etat, the Stormborn are going through a settling-in period under their new Warlord, who is working both to preserve the status quo while instituting changes to increase the range of his Reavers' vikings. The new Warlord is looking to expand the borders of his pride by occupying the lands abandoned by those seeking to evade the fierce Stormborn Reavers, and if necessary press on into new territory by sending his Reavers viking to hold the land and people, rather than simply plunder its wealth. The pride hopes for greater glory and better comforts in this world and the next.
Cert Background Large Image: ShinosBee rocks
Pride Symbol for Cert: valknut
Any Extra Information: n/a
Pride/Pack History: can be found here
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 6:12 am

Joining Application Form
Fill this out if you have a lion who is challenging into the pride, being captured and brought back to the pride, or who you would like to say was born and raised in the pride. Keep in mind that joining RPs will eventually be required, so that means challenges and captures (for non-original members), or just some sort of RP (for original members).
[size=18][color=navy]I have iron in my blood![/color][/size]
[b]Username:[/b] Your Name
[b]SoA's Name:[/b] [url=imagelink]SoA Name[/url]
[b]Original Member?[/b] Yes/No
[b]Desired Rank:[/b]
[b]Brief Personality:[/b]
[b]Brief History:[/b]

Litter Form
Only one parent needs to post this for the entire litter. Simply add cubs as necessary.
[size=18][color=navy]I am born of the storm![/color][/size]
[b]Father and Mother:[/b] Father Name (owner's name) x Mother Name (owner's name)

[b]Cub's Name:[/b] [url=imagelink]SoA Name[/url] (owner's name)
[b]Adolescent Rank:[/b] Freeborn/Reaver
[b]Brief Personality:[/b] Optional, but nice to include.

Rank Change Form
Any time your SoA wishes to change rank (other than between juve and adolescence), you need to complete this form and wait for approval before posting for a re-cert.
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[b]Username:[/b] Your Name
[b]SoA's Name:[/b] [url=imagelink]SoA Name[/url]
[b]Current Rank:[/b]
[b]Desired Rank:[/b]
[b]Requirements:[/b] Link to any required elements for the desired rank.


Lonely Bookworm



PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 7:02 am
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Will there be a position for seers? Or like mystics/oracles?  
PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:08 am
Look. I'm a mule! Go me.  

Myrsky Syntynyt

Hygienic Raider


PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:16 am
Heeeelllll yeah son!

I'm considering offering Emeka? How does this sound- he's defending some nearby smaller pride/pack as a mercenary, but the pride gets overrun with the raiders and he's taken as a Thrall. Emeka was raised in a rogue group of artisans and gypsies, but he's always enjoyed fighting more and started selling his, uh, claws (lol) at a pretty young age. Could he advance in rank form that position or would he have to join willingly or be an original member?
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:18 am
Good question. I think...they would be respected, but they would hold no special rank. They'd just be special people with special talents. Though they'd make great priests, since their sacrifices (and foretellings) would probably be more effective than a non-seer's would be.  


Lonely Bookworm


Anxious Cat

PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2010 8:18 am

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