<"George Clooney: is.. your... MASTER!!!" <


/ You may think of George Clooney as some form of igneous rock,or perhaps a vegetable, but truthfully, He's just a boy! or he was, long ago, approxamatly 18 years before, and yet during 1984, when your tronkis was aligned with the wonderflonius foudiggius. But we shoudl not dwell in the effervescent past. George Clooney was born In the Gromboons of his Tia Almuerza, in a castle somewhere near the tail of North Dakoter. Little did his Tia Almuerza know he would be the chosen one to realign the Cxphharxorz Nebula, or many of his other notable accomplishments. His ultra-successful career began when he ran for the President of Persia in 1956, and beat bill clinton by chucking a coopa shell at his unsuspecting face, and delivering a concussive deathblow of death. IT WAS SUPER EFFECTIVE!>

After this remarkable defeat of William H. Clinton Mcsallyfingersalad, George Clooney became the first president of Persia. It was in this time that he wrote the "Clooney Codes," which stated the laws of George Clooney, as follows.

Thou shalt not read the laws of George Clooney if you have just played Modern Warfare 2 at 5:30 PM.
.Thou shalt not be a world before you were a man.
.Thou shalt not disobey George Clooney.
.George Clooney will disobey you if you are even somewhat inclined to the slightest extent to disobey George Clooney, especially if you just played Modern Warfare 2, and got a multikill against 3 players on OPTICS, but lost the match by 6.
.Thou shalt not fall under the influence of Justin Beiber, for he has the power to destroy with his hypersonic death rays.
.Thou shalt not listen to Justin Bieber.
.Thou shalt not mention Justin Bieber.
.Thou shalt not read the words "Justin Bieber."
.Oh crap, I just read the words " Justin Bieber"
George Clooney's Minion died of dysentery.

No one really gets any farther than that when reading the George Clooney Commandments. Most of them die as soon as they say Justin Bieber, for when anyone mentions Justin Bieber, George Clooney becomes enraged and strikes the Bieber-mentioner down with deathly dysentery. Wait.... Oh G**mbas. (Ploppp) (gurgle (ploppp) (minion #2 died of dysentery.)