Niam’Namir didn’t have a banu yet but oddly that didn’t really bother him. He was learning a great deal and knew that when he finally found a female that he felt a connection too that he would be an adult enough to accept her as his, as it was he felt to young still to love a banu properly. Even though he didn’t have a banu and even though he wasn’t quite willing to go back to the pride just yet, not like he could without a banu, Namir was not willing to go this long without at least checking in on his pride and family.

Just over a half mile from the boundary of the Ukuucha'Wafalme Namir sat gazing on his pride. Half wanted to just walk across those last yards and see his family but the other half, the stronger half, didn’t want to cross that boundary until he was an adult in his own right; a Pad in the eyes of the pride. So he sat and wondered how he could let his family know he was safe and missed them.

Farrah had always been the curious one in her family, and her curiosity often led her to the border between the Ukuucha'wafalme and the empty wasteland of the Rogues. When she awoke to silence in the den, she realized it was far too early for anyone to be up, and so she had decided to go exploring. Her explorations had, of course, led her to tip toe along the line of Pride and Not Pride, but she was within her borders. She was an adult now; not a cub, not helpless, and she could certainly handle some rogue if he decided to try and rough her up. She was a big girl, now. The lioness looked out towards the rogue land as she found a rock to settle on that was just on the right side of the border, and looked startled. There was someone out there! She perked up a little, curiously, but didn't dare speak: She couldn't make out the color of his pelt, and even if she could, it was likely that a lion would have the same pelt as someone she knew. She didn't want to risk drawing unwanted attention to herself. So she just watched. And waited. And tried to ignore that burning curiosity in the pit of her stomach.

Namir decided that while he would not cross the border he would leave a bit of his sent just outside of the border like on a rock, on the hope that someone in his family would smell it and understand that he was ok. He started to walk deliberately towards the boundary, not going very fast so if someone was paroling they would spot him clearly.

As he came closer and closer to the border he began to pick out familiar rock formations. There was one that he passed when he left, there was one that he liked sunning himself when as he visually searched the rouge lands, and there was one..... that had someone on top of it. Namir stopped, waiting to be challenged or at least acknowledged. He was close enough that he should at least be semi-recognizable even if he couldn't clearly make out his observer. He could make out a dark pelt, bright markings, and a purple tuff of fur. It was difficult looking up at something on a rock.

Farrah had slowly, but surely, relaxed beneath the rays of the sun baking her on that rock. Smiling evenly, she lowered her head and watched as the odd shape began to come closer. Once he was close enough, she began recognizing the lion, but not so much to call out to him. But he came ever closer, and paused a distance away. Blues, a light underbelly, a bright mane and a dark tail... She knew that lion! Perking up, Farrah shifted so she could sit upright, and her smile widened. "Pesar Namir?" She called across the distance, hopping off of the rock with a light grace and padding towards the lion. The last she had heard from Achal, Namir had left on his quest for a Banu. She wondered if he was successful in securing his banu, yet, and if not, what was he doing so close to the pride lands? Curiosity spurned her onward until she was running towards the lion, tail flicking in curious agitation. Whatever it was, she was glad to see Namir was safe and close to home. "Have you returned?" She grinned as she closed in on him, stopping a few yards away respectfully. He wasn't quite inside the pridelands, and Farrah didn't dare venture farther out into the rogue lands, even with an Ukuucha'wafalme pad to watch her.

When the voice calling out his name revealed that his watcher was female Namir was a bit confused, why was a female out this close to the border unless she was hunting? He watched as a lioness hopped off her rock and came running towards him. With a smile and laugh Namir greeted her, "Farrah! What are you doing out here?" Namir had fond memories of Farrah and hare hunting so he was quite please that it was her that was coming out to meet him, a small part was even happier that it was her and not his father who was likely patrolling. "Hum? Oh, um no, not yet." Namir smiled sheepishly when Farrah asked if he was coming back. "I've met many other but none that I can really say I love." The blue Pesar was looking for that connection his parents have and wouldn't settle for less even if a small part was asking if he might have found it already, the same small part from before. "And besides I don't think I've learned all I have about healing yet Farrah. I want to know all I can before coming back." He looked her straight in the face and hoped she understood why he didn't just go out and select some random lioness even if he didn't quite know why he wanted her to understand.

"Hunting." She answered simply, grinning as she looked over Namir. He looked healthy, well, and that made her all the happier to see him. She nodded a little as he explained himself, and smiled quietly. "You'll find it." She assured him. "Everyone does." It was true, at least in the eyes of Farrah: All banus found their mates, and all Pads found their banus, one way or another. She grinned a little as he spoke of learning. That was something Farrah could appreciate. "Of course." She agreed, nodding. "While you're out there, it can't hurt to bring some knowledge of healing back to the pride. We can always use more healers in our ranks." She smiled quietly. "I saw your father, a while ago." She added after a moment had passed. "He looks forward to when you return with your banu."

"Yeah I enjoy hunting as well" He laughed since it was true, he enjoyed hunting but sun bathing was much more enjoyable. Namir nodded and shyly smiled when Farrah said he would find love because everyone did. Did that mean she had found love? That thought made him quite sad even if he didn't understand why. He felt like he had just missed something special and he couldn't get it back. "Hum? Oh yeah, I kinda figure that since I always kept getting bumps and bruises my self I should figure out how to heal them." He laughed softly trying to shake off the melancholy feeling that he got when thinking of Farrah having a pad. When she mentioned his father Namir was startled since that was sort of the reason he was this close to the border. "That is what I call a lucky coincidence. I was kinda hoping to leave something so my folks know I'm doing fine." He could well imagine his dad waiting for his and his brother's return.

"It's relaxing." Farrah agreed, laughing a little as she nodded in agreement. She couldn't help noting the way he seemed to drift off as she mentioned love, and lifted her ears curiously. Was he sad, for something? She couldn't help wondering if he had found a banu, perhaps, who was out of his reach somehow. Her loss, she thought to herself. Any banu would be lucky to be part of Namir's harem! "And your cubs would undoubtedly do well with a healing paw on their side." She added with a sly grin. Her ears perked as he spoke of his purpose, and Farrah immediately lit up. "Oh, Namir. I could give them a message, if you like?" She offered, smiling. "It's a far sight better than hoping they stumble upon your scent here." She added as an afterthought. Seeing Achal again would be wonderful, he was such a pleasant lion, and she wondered often about his pregnant banu and how she was faring. Seeing them again with good news, such as Namir's well being, would undoubtedly sweeten the conversation.

He smiled at the thought of cubs, even if they were far in the future, "If they were anything like I was as a cub I have a feeling my skills will come in real handy." Namir was pleased when Farrah offered to take his family a message, she was right it was much better then just hoping someone would catch a scent and tell his folks. "Thank you Farrah. Could you just tell my parents that I'm ok and I'll be home as soon as I can." He smiled at her and if they weren't almost adults and Farrah wasn't another's Banu he would have given her a quick nuzzle of thanks and because the little part of him really wanted that physical connection. Now he felt a bit awkward so to break the silence that formed he asked, "So, um, how is your family doing?"

"Gladly." Farrah replied, taking a moment to commit the message to her memory. Achal would be thrilled, and she was certain his banus would be, as well. Providing it wasn't too late, she'd take the message back as soon as she could. The faster, the better, but it didn't make her willing enough to leave Namir's company. Who knew how long it would be before she saw him again? Not seeming to recognize the brief awkward silence for what it was, she answered his question patiently. "Large and loud." She laughed a little. "But we're doing well." She added, eyes seeming to glow for a moment as she spoke of her family quite lovingly. "With my siblings growing older, I've been given the opportunity to hunt more often than babysit. So I'm taking advantage of it." She snorted a little, grinning at him. "Getting better at catching hares." She said as an after thought, grinning wider as she recalled their days of chasing after hares with clumsy strides. Ah, cubhood.

"Thank you." Namir figured that it would be a big relief for his mother if not his father that he is ok and will be back soon, he hoped, not to mention how Maua and Ban'ma would feel since those two raised him as well. When she said her family was large and loud Namir laughed along with her, "I think thats the one good thing about my brothers and me heading out. Our den is so much quieter now and there is only one litter to worry about." Namir had no clue about the second litter on its way. "Thats great, you will be the best hunter in the pride then." He smiled back at her, "As long as the hare doesn't run someone down like it did me, I think you are doing a pretty good job."

Farrah smiled. "It won't be quiet for long; when I spoke to Achal, he was excited for the litter coming soon." She wanted to check on the harem when she had the spare time. Cubs were a blessing, no matter how she might have felt about them when she was younger. She scoffed as he spoke of her hunting skills. "Oh, like I'm not already?" She teased, grinning at him. "I haven't had a hare outrun me in quite some time, but there's an old saying: Never say never." She snorted a little, grinning. "I'm just taking my losses in stride, now." It was easier to live like a fish, simply slipping through life like the gentle current of a river. She smiled a little wider. "Though I like to think I'm getting better in my old age."

"Another litter? Mom or Ban'ma?" Namir was happy that there were more cubs on the way and he hoped that he could be back before they were born so he could help with them, though he was wondering exactly who was expecting. In a odd way he hoped it was Ban'ma since he knew that she really wanted cubs of her own. Laughing he teased her right back, "Nope right now its me" He smiled and added, "I'm sure that any hare that out runs you was because you let it. And if your old what does that make me? Nearly as old?"

"I think Ban'ma, but I'm not certain." She admitted, trying to think back. She couldn't recall if Achal had mentioned a name. "Nonetheless, I assumed the litter was coming soon." She smiled a little. "If not already. I haven't seen them in some time." Life had been busy for Farrah, getting used to so much free time had left her to wander. "You don't count." She said flippantly, grinning. "You're in the rogue lands. I'm the best hunter in the pride lands." She beamed at him, tail twitching to and fro. "Just about. We're getting old, you and me. Scary, isn't it?" She laughed quietly, ears flattening against her head not out of any negative emotion, but from mirth. Her ears perked up again after her giggles had subsided.

"Thats great in either case. I guess I should find a Banu soon so I can come back and help out if the cubs aren't here quite yet." Namir felt slightly disconnected after all his family was moving on with their lives and he wasn't really part of it anymore, at least not right then. "Well then you just, wait when I come back I will have to challenge you to that title." He laughed and couldn't help but think about the two of them hunting again but this time as adults. "No older then anyone else besides we aren't as old as our parents." He smiled but happened to glance up and saw the day wasn't getting any younger and Farrah had said she was hunting and even if he didn't want her to go they both needed to be on their way. "Farrah if your going to keep the title of best hunter you should be getting to it and if I'm going to back shortly I should be looking for a Banu." With a final smile and a strong urge to give her a goodbye nuzzle. Namir turned away and walked a bit before turning back to her and said quite seriously, "Farrah your Pad is a really lucky male and I hope you are extremely happy with him."

Farrah nodded a little, smiling. "Oh, just wait until you come back." She warned, grinning mischeviously. "I'm challenging you to a Hare Hunt. We'll see who's the best then." She scoffed at him in good nature, laughing a little as she rose from her haunches. It was slowly growing closer to sunset, and she had to be home before then. Her mothers would worry, otherwise. "Yes." She agreed, nodding her head slowly. "I want to bring back something for my mothers, at least." She smirked at him. "You better get going if you ever want to come home before your mother's cubs are born." She pointed out, smiling. "I'll bring your message to Achal as soon as I can." She rose and turned to walk back to the pride's proper lands, but then she heard Namir. Pausing, she looked back over at him. Momentarily she looked confused, but as it cleared, she began to smile. "Yes..." she said slowly. "My father? He is quite a lucky lion to have such a large family, and so many daughters still to give away." Smirking at Namir, Farrah turned and began to run back to the pride, elated and excited to have another reason to see Achal, this time with good, proper news.
