Achal made his way to the pride borders for his patrol. This time it was a night patrol and he could not help, but to feel at ease knowing his mother was watching over him. Achal moved out past the borders just beyond the pride territory to start his patrol. Every so often he would look up to the skies giving his mother the all clear before moving on. It probably looked very strange for it looked as though the lion was having a conversation with himself, which could not have been a good thing.

Once again Borealis was wandering at night. Something about the stars called to him so whenever the pull felt particularly strong he followed it. He knew he was getting close to a pride’s lands since he could smell lions in the wind but since he had not crossed any border he just kept an eye out but did not really worry that much not that he even knew exactly where he was. The stars were particularly bright that night, sparkling and shining like flecks of mica in some large god’s dark fur. Feeling a bit tired Ali sat down but continued to gaze at the stars and wonder why it felt like he was being watched by some benevolent being.

Achal though he heard a bit of rustling around in the grasses a bit farther of and immediately went on guard. However, after a few moments he relaxed thinking that it had probably just been a rabbit and that it no threat. He looked up to his mother giving her the all clear and heading off once more. It was a few more minutes before something else caught his attention. Did he see stars on the ground? He stared hard at the white star speckled paw before blinking several times from his spot a few feet away. He continued to stare for a while before he realized those were small paws and that he looking a small body. His heart raced thinking it might be cub before he called out, "hello, who is there?"

Borealis was so focused on the stars and the heavens in general that he had completely spaced out on his surroundings. When a voice called out Ali started and in a hesitant voice returned the call, “Hello?” He had not heard anything but then again just that moment Ali could have sworn a elephant could have been trumpeting and he would not have heard it for all he was paying attention. Mentally berating himself, the dark serval spoke out once more, “I mean no harm so if I should go just say so.” So far he had been lucky that he had not met any really mean predators and Ali hoped this would be one such encounter.

Achal frowned when the voice reached him. "I can see you mean me no harm and where have you to go, you are barely more than a cub. You should be asleep with your parents inside the prides borders." Achals voice was light and warm, but at the same time scolding. He could not fully see the cub in the grasses but he could see paws and knew he was there. Achal took a few steps toward the cub, "come on out now. I can see you and you shouldn't be out here, so come on." His voice was stern though soft and more coaxing than anything. He really did not want to frighten the poor thing.

At first Borealis didn't quite understand what the voice meant after all he was no cub nor did he have any parents or a pride. Unable to help it the serval laughed, softly mind you but he laughed none the less. "Oh dear. I think there is some misunderstanding. First I am no cub but an adult. Second I have no pride although I know I am near a pride's border now. And third I don't have parents anymore, my mother died about a year ago." Ali did his best to clear up any misunderstanding. When the voice asked him to come out of the grass that was apparently hiding him from view Ali had no qualms about it. He steeped from the grass to face a mountain marked lion that had apparently mistaken him for a member of his pride. "Hello," he said with a smile.

Achal frowned slightly as the cub seemed to be playing difficult. He was sorely tempted to drag the cub out and carry him back into the pride when he came out and he was a serval. Oh. Now Achal was slightly embarrassed, but more so intrigued. The serval had marking much like his Aurora and he was surprised at the coincidence. He had to shake himself from his thought before looking the serval again. "Hello. I am sorry to have mistaken you for one off the prides cubs, but you are much bigger the a juvenile cub coming into adolescence."

Borialis hid the smile that was threatening to cover his entire face. Apparently had this lion not only assumed that he was a cub but that he was one of the pride's cubs. "Its alright. The night is dark and all good parents should be worried about any cubs out at night. My name is Borialis by the way. And I did mean it when I said I'll go if I shouldn't be here, its just the stars are quite bright tonight and this is where I felt I needed to be."

Achal smiled looking down at the serval. He was reminded of his daughter Aurora at the sight of another serval and it warmed his heart. "Its okay for you to be here. You mean us no harm and you could hardly harm us any how." Achal looked up to the sky, "The stars are lovely tonight. I have to admit I was admiring them as well. It nice to meet another who loves the night sky." He sat before Borealis smiling lightly, "I am Achal and trust me I know the feeling of needing to be somewhere. I have had it before and it has led me to great things. Maybe tonight will be the same for you. I can offer you a den for the night if you like."

Borialis smiled at the lion, glad that he didn't have to leave just then. "Yes the stars are such a enigma. They provide light and guidance and yet sometimes it feels that they are more then just lights in the sky. Like they are those that are gone and yet not gone." Ali was thinking of his mother and how sometimes it felt like that she was really not gone when he studied the stars. "Well met Achal. Maybe this meeting will benefit me on my own quest, then again it is always nice to meet others." He nodded and smiled before shaking his head slightly, "While the offer is nice I have to say no thank you. I enjoy spending the night under the stars too much to say yes. Thank you for the offer though."

All of a sudden it was like Achal had met a kindred spirit. His mother had always told him the same think about the stars and he always talked to his mother in the stars. "I believe the same. It was what my mother taught me and I often find myself out under the star speaking to my mother who rests among them." Achal watched the sky while he spoke wondering if his mother led the serval to the prides border. "What quest are you on maybe, I might be able to help you," he asked hoping he would be able to help. He accepted the fact that the serval declined his request, fore before he had an abundance of cubs he loved to do the same thing.

"Yes, my mother believed much of the same. The stars were what she dictated much of her life by. It is in fact why I am on my quest." Borealis said as he turned to the stars again. "My mother saw a meteor shower just after my sister was born. She saw it as a ill omen and could not help but leave her new born behind. When the stars stopped falling she stopped as well and found that a second cub was being born, me. Well I did not learn of this until about a year ago when my mother reviled the existence of my sister on her death bed. I swore I would find her and yet no luck."

Achal was shocked to here the story, but listening he was taken back to the day before his sister were born. There was a meteor shower that night and the next morning he found Rori and claimed the tiny little serval as his own although his mother nursed her. The thought struck him that maybe Aurora was his sister, but it would be to big of coincidence. Looking to the stars, he knew it could not be just a coincidence and he found himself asking, "Do you know what she looked like?"

Borealis had no idea that he might just well have a solid lead to his sister instead he was mentally asking his mother again why she left his sister behind but kept him. "Hum? Oh no not really only that she was female and light colored. My mother did not stick around much to my shame."

Achal nodded, "It just that the day after the meteor shower was the day my sisters were born and the day I found a pretty little white serval with pretty colors across her eyes and down her back, as well as blue cloudy paws. I raised her as my daughter and named her Aurora. I was only an adolescent then, but I will never forget that day. Do you think maybe she could be your sister?"

Now Achal really had Borealis' attention. It couldn't be a coincidence, could it? He felt a tug deep inside that said that the serval Achal described could very well be the sister he was looking for. "It is possible." He said hesitantly not really wanting to believe that tug from inside. "I wish I knew for certain but it is always possible." At this point Ali couldn't just let this possible lead fade, "If you don't mind me asking but could I meed Aurora?"

Achal sighed lightly, but shook his head. "Aurora is not here. I am quite certain that she still lives near our old den. When Aurora and my sister were grown I left to see the world and so did they, but I don't think Aurora wondered far. I did promise to come back some day. I could take you to her. I would get to see her and bring her home and you would get to meet her. What do you say?"

When Achal said that Aurora was not there Borealis felt slightly deflated, like his hopes had been dashed against the harsh reality of life. That feeling was quickly swept aside as Achal continued to speak. He knew where she was... sort of. It was more then Ali had ever come up with on his own so when Achal offered to take him to meet her he could say nothing but, "Yes please." With a smile he looked at the stars and silently thanked them for putting his paws on the path to this place, for fate truly had a hand this night.

Achal smiled, "I will have to inform my harem, but I am sure we will be able to leave in the morning, but right now I must finish my patrol and we must sleep. I know you do not wish to sleep in my den, but you should be close, just outside or at least by the lake." Achal turned to finish his patrol expecting Borealis to follow.
