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[PRP] Disaster Around the Corner (Tsubame x Atash)

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Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 5:44 am
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The pride seemed to be buzzing with anticipation and activity lately with so many of the pesars reaching adolescence at once. They all sensed the most important moment in these young males lives was on the horizon. A time when they would all be expected to set out into the wilderness to complete the coming-of-age quest that had been a ritual in the pride for as long as anyone could remember. The challenge? To seek out and procure a female from outside the pride. Besides aiding in preventing the bloodlines from becoming polluted by inbreeding it was also a task set forth for by the elders to prove the young warriors worth to the pride and to the banu they would be expected to take responsibility for in the near future. A test of their mettle, so to speak.

Where as many of his agemates were eager to start their trek into adulthood, Atashmah felt nothing but ill ease. The restless energy of the Ukuucha'Wafalme caused socially awkward youth to linger even deeper on the outskirts of the pride. Avoiding social hot spots like watering hole. Unfortunately that often meant having to be satisfied with whatever tiny tricklings he was able to find elsewhere.

It was this such reason that had brought the reclusive adolescent so far from kith and kin. Nosing at a leaf that floated delicately on the surface of a small puddle well hidden between the raised roots that sprouted from the base of an old tree. The shade it provided having allowed the desolate little gathering of water to survive thus far in the arid African conditions. Startled by the sudden nudge, the tiny water craft spun out of control before catching at the edge of the pool allowing Atash to poke his tongue into the relatively refreshing liquid. Lapping in long, greedy gulps until his thirst was finally quenched though by that point there was little more than sediment left behind. A damp spot where the basin had once been, muzzle dripping as his head shot up quite suddenly. Quivering audits flicking about, angling in every direction in paranoia, Atash was sure he had heard something approaching.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:55 pm
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It was almost time for her sons to leave for their coming of age quest. Some were eager but there was one or two who seemed two have second thoughts about it. Tsubame herself was confused about her own feelings. She was proud her sons were nearly grown and yet she was sad for the same reason. She was worried about what they will run in to out in the rouge lands but was slightly envious that she couldn't join them, that little bit was very little and quickly squashed. Tsu was happy hear at the pride with her mate, sisters, and cubs even if she still got flashes of annoyance and pain when she thought of her life before.

Tsu gave a quick shake of her head to dislodge any annoying thoughts as she strolled alone across the land just inside the pride borders. Here she was able to think clearly without having a ton of others near by. Maua was watching her cubs and didn't need help, her brood was out doing what ever they were doing and the older cubs she considered hers were also out living there lives. Soon the girls would go to pads and the boys would find their banus and the den will be nearly empty, although maybe not for long if Ban'ma had anything to say about that.

She was so wrapped up with her own thoughts that she didn't even see Atash in the distance.


Original Lunatic

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:44 pm
Atash did see the older lioness though, with her bright blue pelt and ruddy undercarriage. She stood out against the sandy and sage colored terrain that surrounded them. At least the young pesar was able to hide in the shadows of the twisting branches overhead. The darkness seemingly all too enthralled with the idea of consuming dark pelt, leaving pale moon ominously illuminated. There was nothing terribly foreboding at all about Achal's beybanu, though Atash had always kept his distance from others. As far as he could remember she had certainly never seemed to possess a cruel or unpleasant demeanor around the other banu and the numerous half-siblings that shared his father's den.

It occurred to him to wonder what she was doing so far from the others and without another female at her side. Perhaps she was returning from an unsuccessful hunt? Or simply tooling about the out-skirts with a mind heavy with contemplation? Albeit it certainly wasn't in his nature to give away his position, particularly since Tsubame had yet to give notice to him, but nor could he let her go wandering alone without a watchful eye to keep mind of her. At least until the lioness had reached a more populated area of the Ukuucha'Wafalme lands. Decidedly setting about to stalk in a slow and skilled hunter's pace behind the straying female, being sure always to keep some distance between them should he need to beat a hasty retreat. The youth proved to have had far too much time on his paws as a little cub to practice tailing prey given his avoidance of other pride members. What had once been a game to expend the energy of youth now proved to serve the pesar well in his endeavors.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 20, 2010 5:58 pm
Tsubame was still thinking her thoughts when something alerted her to the fact that she was being watched. Not sure if she was just making up the feeling or if she was actually being watched Tsu stopped walking and paused focusing on her senses to see if she could determine who was following her.

The slight wind kept her from hearing the grass move as another walked through it. That same wind cared any sent away from her. She did not spot anyone in front of her nor around her as she covertly looked. Nothing was saying she was being watched or followed except that feeling on the back of her neck, a feeling of eyes. After a moment of frustration she sighed and continued walking as she tried to think of a plan.

A plan quickly formed and just as quickly put into action. Ahead of her were a few trees clustered together. She began to walk to them, the same pace as before, but once she was in the shadows of the trees she discreetly turned to see if the one that was following or watching would show themselves.


Original Lunatic

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sun Jan 23, 2011 7:59 am
Ever careful not to make a sound, Atash could smell the familiar scent of Tsubame as it was carried towards his flaring nostrils on the breeze. There was no mistaking his father's beybanu now. More concerned for her safety than curious as to why she happened to be tooling about the outskirts of the pride the young pesar made his best effort to stay out of sight and out of mind. The last thing he wanted was to impose himself upon the female's freedom or appear too nosy or too... interested in Achal's possessions. Surely sons stealing females from their father wasn't an uncommon occurrence in a place like the pride of kings.

All too suddenly though Tsubame was gone, having disappeared from the youth's sight as he was lost in thought. Warily stepping into the clearing just behind the shadows where Tsu hid, Atash's shaggy head twisted this way and that. He could still smell her, but in which direction had she gone?
PostPosted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 10:47 am
Tsu watched as a young pesar stepped warily into the clearing she had just slipped out of. Even without his striking markings she would have recognized the young lion, it was Atash. A bit worried that the young male had not called out to her when he saw her Tsu stepped out of hiding, her blue fur flashing suddenly in the sunlight.

"Atash is something wrong?" He was as much her son as his biological mother so it was with a concerned face that she walked up to him. "Darling is there something I can help you with or were you just practicing your stalking skills?" Since she help teach most of the cubs how to hunt playing the part of 'prey' was not unusual for her, although she tended to use rabbits as practice and not other lions. But still she felt like there was more going on then just practice.


Original Lunatic

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:37 pm
The puzzled expression upon the pesar's face quickly fell into a frown as the clever lioness appeared out of the shadows just ahead, displeased to have been caught stalking after her. It was an awkward moment to say the least as he took a quick backwards step while knowing all along it was already far too late to turn tail and run without being questioned when he returned back to his father's den. And the dark, buzzing voices in his head made the situation no easier, hissing venomous thoughts that made the young lion's heart quicken.

That's what she'll think.-----------
----------------Such a strange child...
Why is he following me?
-------------------------Ever since he was little.

It was almost too much to bear. Ruby red eyes flickered, filled with heartache and then faded into their typical dark, dull haze as the emotions were buried beneath a carefully guarded facade of apathy. Prepared to accept whatever fate lay in store for him, even if it meant losing the closest thing to a biological mother Atash had ever had. Of all his father's women it was easy for the young, future pad to admit that he was closest to Tsubame who had put more effort into getting to know him than any of the others. Even with her, however, there was still the lingering sense of distance and ungainliness. Averting his gaze to stare off to one side with admitted reluctance to answer her questions. No... nothing like that. I just... was.. I was worried, seeing you alone.. out here.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 01, 2011 8:27 pm
Tsu was close enough to see the flicker of emotions in his eyes before they went blank but she did not know what the emotion was or what it could mean. She took his words at face value even as she silently wondered if there was something more going on in his thoughts. "Ahh well that is a understandable worry. I was just out taking a walk, thinking things through."

Tsu turned and looked at the empty are that bordered the rogue lands. "Will you keep me company Atash?" Unsure of his answer she looked back at the young male. Her son was a quite one and it was just so difficult to understand him but that didn't mean she would give up, or that she loved him any less then his siblings.


Original Lunatic

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:13 pm
Once better collected the blood moon child finally allowed his gaze to return to the lovely lioness before him, set himself steadily on all fours. He was growing into a large and regal looking young lion, having finally mostly shed out of his lanky and ungainly youth. A thick, lush mane was steadily taking shape around his shoulders and neck. Yet for all that majestic and dignified composure, Atashmah was still as much the awkward and socially inept cub he had been since arriving to the Ukuucha'Wafalme.

The half-invitation to walk with Tsu made Atash squirm inwardly. He enjoyed spending time with her whenever he got the chance, but always careful never to linger too long least the misfortune catch up with them and inflict some awful event upon them. Something that would cause Tsubame to forever view him in an entirely different light. Perhaps even avoid him the way some others in the pride. He couldn't lose her that way. Not Tsubame.

A frown forming upon his muzzle reluctantly as the answer began to form yet the words that escaped were anything but what he had wished to say, how the hell had that happened? I guess I could accompany you.. until we get closer to the pride, if you don't mind.
PostPosted: Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:54 pm
Tsu smiled fondly when Atash said he would accompany her closer to the pride. It was quite sweet how it appeared that the young male was worried about her safety. She noticed how much he was growing and how soon he would be a full grown pad in his own right, with a banu and everything. She wished sometimes that she had the ability to stop time so her cubs could remain with her forever.

"Come lets walk." She didn't bother to inform him that she didn't wish to return to the main part of the pride's lands just yet. Tsu began to slowly stroll along in the direction she was going before Atash began to follow her the first time. She paused just once to gaze out at the rouge lands before she started to slowly walk again. "You know that soon everything will change right Atash?"


Original Lunatic

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:18 am
Albeit wary of the consequences of his actions, Atashmah was reluctant to leave Tsubame to her own devices in such treacherous lands as these. Especially with the edge of the rogue lands near breathing down their necks, who knew what trouble the beybanu might accidentally stumble upon. So he'd risk causing a catastrophe in order to avoid some potentially more disastrous event. Illogical logic, yea... that was Atash.

Picking up a slow pace somewhere near Tsu's shoulder, it was a lot like having a body guard about. Granted a young and fairly inexperienced one as he moved without the easy-going confidence of a war veteran. Ears and nose constantly a quiver instead as his gaze shadowed across their surroundings. For all his blatant distraction, the young pesar made it apparent that he was listening to his mother, answering dryly. Things are always changing..
PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:39 pm
"Well yes but they will change quite drastically soon." She glanced at Atash but didn't say anything about his obvious nervousness, she wasn't going to tell him that she has walked this same path many times since coming to the pride instead she angled their walk farther into the pride hoping that Atash wouldn't call her on her protective mom move. "But then again I guess that life seems to be one drastic change after another, broken by times of simple calm."

Tsu thought back to her own major life changes; the disappearance of her mother, a few times when she was growing up, meeting Achal, lossing Achal, finding Achal, joining the pride, meeting her family, having cubs, and now this new change that was coming. It was a bit of a surprise when she realized that most of the changes in her life had to do with Achal and her family that she had here in the pride.


Original Lunatic

Neon Fly

Tipsy Hellraiser

PostPosted: Sat Feb 12, 2011 12:24 am
Garnet hues twisted towards Tsu as she spoke, even with the coming of age ceremony rapidly approaching for himself and his brothers, Atashmah Sayeh didn't quite understand the meaning behind the sapphire lioness' words. To him it wasn't much of a change, simply the continuation in a chain of events that went on in an endless circle. The sort of thing that happened whether you were ready for it or not so it was best not to fight it.

He felt himself unconsciously glance away again, almost guiltily at the mention of periods of quiet. Tsubame was so sweet and kind. A gentle, nurturing mother-figure if he'd ever met one so the idea of admitting to her the pain he had caused, the tragic events that had taken place in his presence didn't sit well in his stomach. Atash didn't know calm. He didn't know peace or at least the surface of his thoughts might have suggested as much.

Allowing Tsu to guide their path while he kept watch over he landscape for any unwanted guests, he could recall a few instances in the past where he had felt the dread and ill ease fade into the backdrop. Never completely gone, but occasionally greatly relieved of the burden he silently shouldered. Many of the ones Atash could recount were of times spent with Tsu, causing a trace of a smile to touch the corners of his mouth as they continued their walk deeper into the more populated area of the pride. Yea... times like these.
[IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]

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