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[PRP] The heat made her prey tired. (Farrah/Namir) (FIN)

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Adona Benedicta

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 4:01 pm
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(Note: This is backdated to when Farrah was a juvenile, hence the cert.)

The heat of the day was dwindling down slowly, but it was still hours from sunset and Farrah could feel the heat beating down on her dark fur. The upside to this, of course, was in that while the heat made her sleepy, it was also making the poor hare she was stalking sleepy, too. And lazy. It slowed, and looked around, but Farrah ducked into the tall grass until it looked away.

When the hare's attention was elsewhere, the young female snuck forward. Her paw hit a rock, sending it tumbling, and the sound had the hare dashing like mad. Farrah snarled quietly in frustration and took off, chasing after the rabbit in clumsy strides. She wasn't graceful enough, nor speedy enough, to catch the hare before it got away from her. After a few misplaced leaps in an attempt to bring it down, she finally stopped and let it go, kicking up dust around her as she stomped her paws.

"Shoot!" She growled, tail flicking in agitation. She wanted to bring something back for her father, to show him how good of a hunter she was becoming. Epic fail is epic. Sighing, the poor cub flopped down and looked around her surroundings, ears perking at every sound. Nothing for miles. Or so she thought...
PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:00 pm
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Naim'Namir was bored. His brothers were out doing what ever they did, probably with their father or learning to hunt with their mother and sisters. He had overslept so missed his father and when his mother asked if he wanted to join them he said that he wanted to catch up with his father, which he never did. The pride's land was safe so he had no qualms about wandering with in it but it seemed as if everybody had something they were doing. The males he saw in the distance were patrolling or teaching their cubs or even talking with each other. He didn't see many cubs or females around, other then those that were interacting with other pride members.

Namir was contemplating what to do as the sun beat down on the land when a hare almost ran right into him. "What the!?!?" he said in surprise as he backpedaled quickly and the hare swerved around the staring juvenile. Something had startled that hare into flight because it was too hot to run anywhere unless there was a good reason. He watched as the hare disappeared into some grass then turned and looked in the direction it came from. He could only spot a dark smudge through the heat waves, dust, and grass. "Hello?" He called out hoping that whoever it was would be more interesting then just wandering around aimlessly.


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Adona Benedicta

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 6:10 pm
Farrah jerked when she heard someone calling out, presumably to her, because there weren't that many lions around and certainly not nearby... She looked around, ears swivelling as she tried to figure out where it was coming from, and finally spotted a blue spot that could talk? What the heck? Curiosity forever being the weakness in her armor of self preservation, Farrah hopped off her butt and began to run to the blue spot as fast as she could, trying to yell a greeting in between stumbling over her paws. "He-- he-- hel-- hi-- Hey!" She finally managed to get out, stopping a few yards away from the lion and sniffing curiously.

Unfortunately, all her nose picked up on was dust, hot grass, and more dust, but she could see that it was a lion now! And presumably a Pesar, because she wasn't out of the prideland. At least, not that she was aware of. Her ears suddenly flattened against her head. "You're a pesar, right?" Crap! What if she was so far from the prideland they didn't even know what a pesar was?

How would she ever get home?! Ah, the erratic fear of childhood.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:05 pm
The smudge quickly resolved itself into a lioness slightly older then him. Her markings were quite striking and they tugged at his memories, Where have I seen those before? He wondered as she came to a stop a few yards from him. "Hey."

"Yeah, Pesar Naim'Namir." She asked that question like she wasn't sure. Oh dear was this a lioness from the rouge lands? If she is shes in danger just by being here unattended. But something told him that this young lioness was part of the pride, maybe it was her semi-familiar markings or her use of the term Pesar. Then it occurred to him that she had been wandering or even hunting and wasn't sure if she was still in the pride's lands. "You're still here and haven't left yet. I think the border is still a little ways that way." He nodded just to the east of the the direction she had come from.


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Adona Benedicta

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:12 pm
"Oh, thank goodness!" She sounded relieved to be within the pride limits, lighting up as the previous worries slipped off of her face. "Thank you, Pesar... Naim'Namir?" She said slowly, hoping she hadn't messed up his name. Admittedly, she'd been listening more for an answer than a name, and hadn't paid as much attention as she should have when he introduced himself. "I am Farrah." She smiled, bowing her head respectfully to him. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Naim'Namir."

Every inch of herself was aware that, since she was in the pride lands and in the presence of a male, she ought to have been with an escort. She had deserted her brother to go hunting, a task she was certain had no need for an escort, and was briefly worried that someone might come upon them. But he wasn't a rogue, and it wasn't wrong. She tried to shake the uneasiness away, ruffling her fur as she shook herself off, and smiled at him again, trying to remain respectfully attentive to the Pesar. It was what proper society would call for, and Farrah would be nothing but proper in the face of a future Pad. She had to think of her father's reputation, after all.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:45 pm
Namir smile and laughed lightly. He was happy that she wasn't really lost and he had been right when he figured out she was a member of the pride, after all why would a rouge be glad they are within pride bounds? "Most call me Namir. I only get call my full name when I'm in trouble or meeting someone. Its nice to meet you Farrah."

Her markings were starting to bug him, the only other person he met that had glowingish markings was Nywele although there were others who markings seemed to glow like... "Tuliua." He said the name with pride since he finally figured out why her markings seemed so familiar. "Your markings look like banu Tuliua. I've only ever seen her in the distance and never talked to her but I always thought her markings were really neat." It took him a moment to make the second leap of logic that gave him her father's name. "Faiz!?! Is Faiz your dad? Oh wow that is so cool. Vizier Faiz is like one of the Pads I want to be like when I grow up." He puffed out his chest and tried to look older before letting the air out in a huff, "Well honestly I want to be like my dad but Faiz is such a good Pad. Or at least that's what my dad says." Even though Namir was slowly growing into his frame he still had quite figured out how to control his tongue.


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Adona Benedicta

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:55 pm
Farrah had always been proud of her lineage. It was a simple fact that any Pad would be lucky to have her if only to have that connection to her father, Vizier Faiz. He had, once, been Emir, but her uncle had finally bore sons. She was grateful; the stress it had caused her father to serve two roles was unneeded, and now he could have some time to relax when his advising duties were finished for the day. And though her mother was not Beybanu, she was the first in his harem to bear children for her father, and that was something else she felt proud of.

And so, when Namir spoke of Faiz with such excitement, Farrah lit up a little without realizing it. "Yes, he is." She said as demurely as she could, bobbing her head. "And Tuliua is my mother by birth." She wouldn't have designated, except that now, she considered all of the females in her father's harem as Mama Mzu, or Mama Liua. They were a close family, something she was infinitely grateful for. Even Mzu had become nicer to her after her father's talking to. She smiled brightly as Namir spoke of her father, bobbing her head in agreement, and laughed quietly. "My father is a kind and loving Pad, but no moreso than any other good Pad in the pride." She knew of a few who she wouldn't consider in that list, but the Pride was lucky for the most part in having pads who were kind and loving, if not eager to lay down the law with their wives. She smiled a little wider. "But thank you." She said, eyes gleaming a little excitedly at talking about her father. There was no one on Heaven or earth she would strive to please more.

"Who is your father, if you don't mind my asking?" She asked curiously, perking up. She wondered if he was the son of her friend, Kwea, but he didn't look like him. Even still, it was possible...
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 6:31 pm
Namir never even thought of the whole family connection he only thought of how his father always said that Faiz was a good Pad and Vizier. He smiled when Farrah confirmed his belief by agreeing that he was a good pad although the bit of Tuliua being her mother by birth confused him. When it came to his mother and his aunts he just called them Mom or Aunt and never really thought of Tsubame as his mother by birth. But the young lion figured that each family called the other females something different. He had in fact heard a few of his siblings calling Maua or Ban’ma, Mama Maua and Mama Ban’ma. As the family grew this might become more and more confusing but for now Namir was just fine with calling them Mom or Auntie. He looked at her puzzled over her stress of ‘good’ when talking about the pads in the pride but didn’t think it was polite to ask, she probably knew something he didn’t. “Oh, um, you are welcome.”

“Oh it’s ok. My dad is Pad Achal, my mom is his beybanu Tsubame. Dad is the one with all the mountains and clouds as markings.” Namir always described his father that way since most remembered his markings the most or that’s what Namir thought. He really was proud of his father and always thought that he was one of the better pads in the pride, not the best since that was the sultan and Faiz, but one of the good ones.


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Adona Benedicta

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 7:18 pm
"I think I've seen him before." The pelt sounded familiar to her, but it must have been from a distance. She certainly didn't remember meeting a pad with markings of Mountains on his back! And she doubted that would be something easily forgotten. She smiled a little. "But I haven't met that many Pads, honestly." Whether she thought it was improper or what, she'd only ever met one who wasn't related to her. She was watched by her brother, and didn't want to get in trouble for talking to strange boys, after all!

"Do you have a big family?" She asked rather suddenly, and quite curiously, getting up and flicking her tail behind her. She wondered if it was possible to actually have a small family in their pride. It seemed like once one Mama started popping out cubs, the others did, too! She grinned a little. "I've got a lot of sisters." She had only two brothers in her own litter, and not that many more from her other Mamas. Her poor father was going to be stricken ill when they were all old enough to go to other Pads from the stress of giving them away.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:35 pm
"That's ok. To be truthful I've only really ever met Nywele before." He said smiling sheepishly. "Tho I have met other cubs before." He added that like it made up for not really meeting many from the pride, and of the cubs he met oddly enough they were all females. Namir normally played with his siblings or his mom or aunts and since the family den was situated a little ways away from the other dens he didn't normally run into others unless he wandered farther into the pride's lands.

"I guess so. There is, um," Namir had to think a moment, "eleven of us cubs and Mom, Aunty Ban'ma, Aunty Maua, and Dad." He didn't think she wanted him to name them all so he didn't but he did add, "the girls out number the guys seven to six not counting Mom, Dad, Aunty Ban'ma, and Aunty Maua."


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Adona Benedicta

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 8:56 pm
"I haven't met very many cubs who aren't related to me." She said after a minute to think, frowning. Mostly she hung around her brothers and sisters, or her cousins from her Uncle Aali's harem. They were close, of course, so it was natural. But thinking on it, she would have liked to say she met more then just a handful of cubs not related to her... That would obviously have to change.

"I don't want to think about how many of us there are." Farrah giggled, shaking her head. One day, she'd have to count, but she didn't want that to be today. "But there are a lot of us. It gets cramped, sometimes." She grinned at him, tail twitching lightly.
PostPosted: Thu Sep 02, 2010 9:18 pm
"That sounds about the same in my case too," Namir smiled and laughed lightly, "With such a large family you got built in friends although sometimes they get on my nerves." Namir was thinking about a few of his brothers that sometimes seemed to take great joy in annoying him.

Namir smiled at Farrah, apparently she had a big family too. "Oh yeah I bet it does. Our den has just enough room 'though Mom said it wasn't that big always. Apparently she got in this whole cleaning snit and added quite a bit of room to the den before she had us." He laughed when he remembered the embarrassed look on her face as she explained why they really shouldn't dig at the walls since she wasn't sure if the den could handle getting any bigger.

"So, um, why are you out here?" Namir wondered. The main part of the pride was back the way he came and he even skirted that.


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Adona Benedicta

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 12:53 pm
She nodded a little, and smiled lightly. "I try to be patient with my little sisters." She said, shrugging her shoulders. But she didn't seem to have the same patience for her littermates; while she got on well with her brothers, for some reason clicking with her sisters just didn't come natural to Farrah. Perhaps some innate part of her considered them competition, or something. Either way, she'd much prefer hanging out with Ilyas than her sisters.

"Our den's pretty big, but it's getting full." She giggled, ears perking up a little. "I think it's always been big, though." She couldn't remember walls ever being dug out, and was sure that'd be something to remember.

She blinked at the question, and grinned sheepishly. "I was hunting!" She said, excitedly. "I wanted to bring something back for my Father. But..." She sighed, and
sulked a little. "That stupid hare was too fast for me." Stupid hare. How dare he outrun her to save his own life!
PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 10:13 pm
"I guess its different if your the youngest" Namir suggested trying to make her feel better. For the moment he was indeed the youngest but he had no though in his mind that such a situation would last long especially since he knew his father really treasured family and the more the merrier. Namir laughed along with Farrah about the den getting full.

When she said that she was hunting but lost the hare he didn't hesitate when he said, "Well I'm sure with two of us we can catch one and we don't have to tell anyone that I helped. In fact I think you are going to end up doing all the work since I'm not the best hunters myself." Namir started to walk off straight following the border paralleled since his father said to keep away from there if he was alone till he was a bit older. "I'm sure we will find a hare before long."


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Adona Benedicta

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:47 am
Farrah nodded in agreement, and laughed, hopping after him excitedly. "Oh, that's okay!" She promised, ears perking up excitedly at the prospect of a hunt. "I like hunting." And so, trusting Namir to keep them in the pridelands, Farrah kept her nose and eyes clear for any sight of a hare. She was sure they'd find one sooner or later; hunting with a friend was always more fruitful.  
[IC] Abandoned Forest [IC]

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