Zusa despised ostriches. She hated their long necks and longer legs, their beady little eyes and she especially hated how fast they ran. But Zusa loved ostrich eggs, and so she found herself oftentimes encountering the horrendous beasts. Mm, ostrich eggs. So delightful to crack open, knowing that within would be a rich, creamy yolk. She even loved eating the shells despite how thick and rough they were. It was a treat she would take when she could get it, but she had to be ever-so-careful not to take a foot to the face when she moved in to score an egg.

She rested near an ostrich nest, watching the parents hover over the enticing eggs like soldiers, and pondered her next move.

Resting atop a nearby cliff, Jaeger could clearly see the events about to unfold below him. Looking first at the leopardess, then again towards the ostriches, Jaeger knew he had to have some fun with this. Jaeger began to plot and scheme how he could have some fun with this. Maybe he' swoop in and take the egg first, maybe he coud let out a monsterous roar and put the parents on alert. So many different things, so little time to really plan things out.

For now, he decided to lay there, watching what happens next before he made his move.

Zusa belly-crawled closer, her stomach grumbling in anticipation of the delights that laid so vulnerable and enticing before her. Her pink tongue rasped out against her nose, eyes intent on the feast before her. If only those stupid birds would vacate, she could move in and slurp to her hearts content. As it was, the dumb ostriches pecked idly at the ground fluffed their feathers, and stood guard. Zusa debated charging, but that hadn't gone well previously. She'd taken quite a beating by a mad, mean momma ostrich, and Zusa wasn't eager to do that again anytime soon. Weighing her options, Zusa decided that if they would not take their leave, she would hurry them along and take her chances at a beat down.

She inched closer, closer, closer, poised to strike at any moment.

Jaeger saw his chance quickly apporaching. He knew the parents would soon venture for better food, and that the poor eggs would fall victim to the leopard hidden nearby. Time to have some fun he thought.

Jaeger stood up, streching his massive figure, making sappy yawn like sounds. Taking a few last glances, Jaeger began to roar. Loud, terrifying calls came out, alerting all those nearby that a big predator was about. Jaeger follows up with a loud laugh, as he stares at the leopardess.

What on earth?! With a groan, Zusa remained on her belly. She hoped against hope that the stupid birds would scatter, but deep down she knew they wouldn't. Yes, ostriches were stupid but they were also instinctual, and she knew they would stick around to protect their offspring. She backed away, still on her stomach, until she was a safe distance away. Only then did she rise to her feet and looked around for the offending lion. She spotted him, and if looks could kill, he would be dead. Indignant, she made her way to him. Zusa was furious, which was strange for the usually laid-back female. "What are you DOING?!"

Jaeger was already laying back down by the time she got to him. Laughing as she approached. He glanced over at her once, then looked back out over the horizon. "Entertainment?" He said while trying to hold in yet another laugh. I could not miss the oppertinuty to do so. Clearly there was more to his reasons why, but that was all he offered the leopardess in response. Jaeger isn't the type to merely share information of the sake of it. SO he continued to lay about, a smile on his face.

Zusa was frustrated at losing the eggs, but she was even more frustrated by his reasons for doing what he'd done. "I loved those eggs," she murmured forlornly, as if she'd lost a dear, dear friend. "They're hard to come by, you know," she growled, clearly upset. "And I was so close to getting them, too. I would've had them, you know," she continued, obviously on a rampage, "if it hadn't been for your meddling in my affairs!"

Jaeger stood up, and looked at her with a cold and stern face. "Or maybe its because I dissprove of taking life before it even begins.." he said stepping towards her, his frame padding closer. "Clearly you have no issue with killing an innocent before it is born, but I, will not allow it!" he said, roaringly loud, enough to send her fur rustling in the exhale.

Now angry and fuming, Jaeger layed back down and looked out at the sky once more, giving her a cold shoulder.

Zusa scoffed at the lion, unafraid. "You can tell me you've never brought down a weak and wobbly baby antelope, or a wildebeest baby that has stupidly left its mothers side? Or, pray tell, a pregnant antelope that you didn't know was pregnant only to find once mealing upon her innards, she carried within her womb growing babes?" What an idiot. "This is a harsh world, lion, and it is kill or be killed. I do not kill because I find it fun or pleasurable. I kill in order to sustain myself. I am utterly shocked to find that you have lived this long without having been killed yourself. What is it like having such a rosy outlook on life?"

Jaeger snarled and snapped at her, baring his teeth. "I kill those who have lived. Never do I bring claw or fang to such a being that has not even experienced the sorrow and joy of life." Jaeger has always been disgusted by the 'kill anything to survive' menality that their world lives by. He however would never join that state of mind. "I do not need to pray on the weak and young to survive." he said in a so matter-of-fact tone. He was agitated beyond all belief at this point.

Zusa had never had her beliefs challenged in such a way. It infuriated her to the point of disbelief. "And who are you, stranger, to judge who is worthy of life and death? Who are you to decide who has lived justly, or who hasn't?" She snorted, unimpressed with his show of teeth. "You are a hero, out to save the world from all wrongdoings, and yet here you sit, accusing me of preying on the weak and young in order to survive? You are judge and jury, it seems?" She was irked by his show of anger. How dare he? She'd never met such an arrogant lion before in her life!

He layed his head down, looking out. "I don't judge how my prey has lived their life, only that they have lived." he said in a more calmly tone. "One day you'll undestand young leopardess. When your cubs are being threatened or sick. And their little lives so early, cease to be." Jaegers tone had grown soft as memories of his youth play back in full in his head. "And if you don't, damned be you." his mind clearly drifting off into unpleasent territory. His body relaxed, and he heaved a sigh.

Zusa's own temper calmed at the lion's words. Having none, she'd never been threatened by the loss of her own cubs. She couldn't even begin to think about how she might react. "We all have our purpose in life, lion." Her voice held no sting. "The sun lives to feed the plants, the plants live to nourish the preybeasts, the preybeasts survive to become food for us and other predators." It was as simple as that to Zusa. She was uncomfortable thinking about it any other way. "If you have lost family, I apologize for that, lion."

Jaeger huffed. He didn't want her apologizes or pitty. He laughed a little 'to be so young and naive' he thought. As much as he wished he could correct this young leopardess in her ways of thinking, he did not. Jaeger just looked at her and smiled "There is more to the world then simply surviving. You will understand one day, I'm sure." Jaeger stood up once again and streched. The sun was near setting, and he would prefer to spend the cold night in the warmth of his den. He turned his back to the leopardess and said "When the time comes, my words will ring true." he said with a sudden laughter. "Till then, I'll be ever within shouting distance to keep you from your delights." and with that, he slowly padded off into the distance.