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[PD] Light Up the Night! (Llujah/Iridian/Cheyenne) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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Sparkly Pants

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:00 pm
The bright, multicolored lights were the first thing one noticed when approaching the amusement park along the path, quickly followed by the upbeat tunes and happy shouts from all the games and rides. Otomeza silently mused whether or not she'd lose track of Iridian, who seemed to take on these characteristics all his own. She gripped tighter onto his hand as she felt him fidget again, the toddler trying to run off ahead again. He was pointing at the biggest and most eye-catching rides, scaled wing-tines flapping when he wasn't able to do so with his legs, laughing, "Almos' theeere!"

Cheyenne's eyes were wide as he stared at the park, but he was trying not to seem as anxious as his brother. He kept in-step with their guardian, inching a little closer in uncertainty. Absently, he tugged at the hat on his head, annoyed with it despite the fact that it was shielding him from the last few rays of the sun as it dipped over the horizon. As soon as that bright ball in the sky disappeared, this hat would be off within the second.

After paying for admission, Otomeza brought the two of them over to a bench on the outskirts of the food court. Cheyenne took the opportunity to sit down, but Iridian was too hyped up. The woman, upon noticing this, opted to not release his hand. "So, where do you two want to head off to first?" she smiled.

The white-haired boy's eyes wandered over to a patch of purple lights he just noticed off in the distance, and his head tilted slightly as he tried to figure out what the theme of the place was. Iridian followed the younger boy's eyes, and after a bit of deduction (it wasn't easy to follow another's gaze with a single eye), Iridian thought he'd speak for the both of them. He pointed at the structures, unable to read the signs yet, "Le's go there!"

Otomeza fought off the urge to snicker at the outcome. Fairy tales, huh? Well, kids did like to use their imaginations, after all, and the mystical feel of the section of land did give off that feel. Standing up, she led them along, "Okay, let's head over!"  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:32 pm
Llujah was ecstatic. It had been a while since he had last been to an amusement park. The last one was unlike this one, though, for this park was located on a boardwalk, which meant that it would have a gorgeous ocean view. The smell of the sea bombarded Llu's enhanced senses, and it took his a few minutes to get adjusted to the new smells. It felt like his nose was burning off. He tried not to take deep breaths as he paid for his ticket and entered the park. His mother had given him a bunch of money to spend on whatever he wished, so cash was no problem. It looked to be a promising evening.

The sun was rounding the final stretch of it's marathon across the sky as it's last few rays of light were disappearing from behind the horizon. Llu wandered towards the purple lights in the distance, curious as to what they held in store as far as amusement was concerned. As he made his way through the crowd, one pair of children caught his attention. One of the children had an odd colored tail and wing-like structures, while the other was surprisingly pale. Llu wondered if these two toddlers were spawns. It seemed likely: not many other people with wings, tails, and other extremities didn't come from the Facility. Llu flicked his own tail and continued on his way, keeping one eye on the pair of children.

To Llu's surprise, the purple lights turned out to be part of a large Ferris wheel, as he discovered once he had gotten close enough. Fingering the money in his skirt pocket, he carved his way through the crowd of people to get in line for the ride. Once he was done here, he would most likely hit the game stands, or perhaps the food stands. Either way, it still would be a fun night.  

An Original Username

Omnipresent Zealot


Sparkly Pants

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:56 pm
As they neared the area, the twins spotted the massive Ferris Wheel. It was tall, but to a pair of toddlers, it seemed like the top of it could disappear into the approaching darkness of the sky. Halting in his steps suddenly, Iridian started tugging on Otomeza's hand in the direction of the ride, "Look, lookit! Le's go on that!"

Otomeza hesitated slightly, staring at it. Was it such a good idea to take a couple of toddlers onto a Ferris Wheel? It didn't look like there were any age restrictions posted, no sign that said "You must be at least this tall to ride." Was it safe for them? It was so big! Iridian was trying to practically drag her along, though. Well, guess it was at least worth a try. "Okay, okay! Settle down, kiddo!" she gave a weak laugh, trying to quickly grab some money out of her wallet for the price of the ride. If it went badly, they didn't have to ever go on one again, after all.

"Patience, patience!" Meza tried to calm the energetic kid as they made their way to the end of the line, "There's still a while left to wait before we get to hop on." The line wasn't too terribly long, but there were still at least one ride's worth of people standing there before they would get their turn.

Cheyenne was probably the first to notice the older spawn in front of them, not distracted by his brother's hyperactivity. Noticing he was staring at the lavender coloration of Llujah's hair, he jerked himself out of the trace, pulling the hat on his head further down to obscure his view. He liked the color, but he wasn't about to say anything about it.

Iridian was flapping his skeletal-like wings to offset his excitement, almost as if he were responding to Otomeza's explanation. He was a little too close to the preteen for this action, though, and ended up thwacking the older boy's leg with one. He jumped a little to step back, forgetting to apologize once he saw the long tail and wings on the other spawn's hips, immediately making the connection. In fact, he was forgetting a lot of good manners, jumping straight to chirping, "Hi! I'm 'Ridian!" He had a huge grin on his face, and was leaning precariously forward to gain the attention he was craving.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 5:05 pm
Llujah paid no heed to the spawns behind him while he was standing in line. He did not even know that they were behind him. All he focused on was the Ferris wheel in front of him and the prospect of riding it. His eyes followed the open-air cars as they climbed up and ascended down in a circle. Suddenly, he felt something hit against his leg. He blinked out of his trance, surprised and alarmed, when he looked down to the small spawn behind him who was looking back up at Llu with wide eyes. Immediately, all was forgiven as Llu laid eyes on the adorable sight. "Well, hi there," he said cheerily. "It's nice to meet you, Ridian!"

Llu looked up to the toddler and the woman behind Iridian and smiled. "Hello... Is he yours?" He giggled and flapped his wings a bit. "They're really adorable." Llu then noticed the small pale boy under the hat that he had seen earlier. He knelt down and smiled kindly at the boy. "Hey there! What's your name?"  

An Original Username

Omnipresent Zealot


Sparkly Pants

PostPosted: Sat Aug 14, 2010 6:32 pm
Iridian seemed ecstatic that the older spawn had taken to him so quickly, though these thoughts weren't attached to the fact that he had yet to apologize for accidentally hitting Llujah with his wing. Otomeza, upon noticing this, tugged on the toddler's hand lightly to snag back his attention. "What do we say when we accidentally run into someone?" she asked, helping him along.

He blinked his mismatched eyes a bit in confusion before the sentence actually registered, and he let off a silent yelp. "Sorry, I wasn' watching where I was going!" he hastily apologized. Well... not exactly what he should have said, but it worked, at least. Sort of.

Smiling to the preteen, Otomeza nodded in response to the question. "Yeeah, they're mine. Or I'm there's, not too sure yet," she laughed. Leaning over slightly to whisper to Llujah, she commented, "Iridian forgets to put the 'I' before his name. He probably wouldn't notice, but I thought you might want to know." She snickered slightly -- were there very many kids who didn't know how to properly say their own names?

Cheyenne took a couple slow steps backward when Llu started talking to him, but Otomeza gently pulled him back forward. He wasn't much of a people-person, and found his red eyes lower to try to avoid the older kid's dual-colored ones. "Cheyenne," he answered quietly, but loud enough to be heard over the passing voices. Seems he was being more shy than anything else today, and he started tugging at his hat again. This caused him look back up briefly in curiosity.

Iridian seemed slightly irritated while attention was on his younger brother, but figured he'd wait it out anyway. Eyes locking on the closest of Llujah's tiny wings, he reached up and tickled at it with his short fingers. Bright lights apparently weren't enough to keep the toddler's attention for long.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 10:36 am
The line inched slowly forward as more and more people were boarding on and off of the large Ferris wheel. Llujah took a baby step forward in line. His attention was still on the two little rascals behind him. He smiled kindly at what he assumed to be the older of the two. They were so darn cute! "Apology accepted!" He looked over to the guardian and chuckled warmly. "Yeah, kids like that can be a real handful sometimes. I know I was."

He blinked as the woman whispered his mistake to him. He blushed a bit and laughed, slightly embarrassed. "Oh, whoops. Sorry." His eyes strayed to the younger, paler of the two children. He knelt back down beside him, giving a kind smile. "Cheyenne, huh? That's a really nice name! It suits you." He stood back up and noticed that Iridian was staring at the wings on his hips. The wings fluttered as Llu put his hands right below them on his hipbone.

"Do you like my wings? They're really neat, huh?" Llu didn't see anything wrong with showing the boys his angelic and demonic extremities. After all, they had some of their own: they would need to get used to them sooner or later. He wagged his tail. "I have a tail, too. See?" He brought his tail around from behind him, being careful not to hit the other amusement park patrons, and held it to give the boys a proper look.  

An Original Username

Omnipresent Zealot


Sparkly Pants

PostPosted: Tue Aug 17, 2010 6:59 pm
Otomeza nudged the two kids closer to the Ferris wheel every time the line appeared to move, but was careful not to interrupt anything of the conversations. She loved to see the kids get along so well with other spawn, especially considering the exact same thing that Llujah had pointed out -- they could be an armful at times! She waved the preteen's apology off, grinning, "No need to say you're sorry. He's always introducing himself like that." She winked, "I'm not expecting you to be a psychic!"

Cheyenne seemed surprised with the compliment, and found himself tugging at the sides of his hat to hide the blush that was forming, pulling his snowy bangs further down his face. With how quickly the sun was disappearing off the horizon, he probably didn't even need the hat on anymore. Despite himself, under the layers that he was hiding beneath, he couldn't help but sneak a small smile. "Thank you," he mumbled, halfway trying to hide his own words.

Iridian gave a sharp bob of his head at the question that Llujah posed to him, twitching his own wing tines out as if to mimic the way the older spawn's tiny hip-wings fluttered. Grabbing at one of his own spindly wings, he shot a hand under the fold of the topmost part, an action that would have stripped a normal wing of it's flight capabilities. "Can' fly with 'em," he laughed, figuring that Llujah couldn't fly with his own, either.

In fact, Iridian was having a lot of fun with his mimicking, and attempted to swat at the ground with his own squat, finned tail, giggling. Of course, it was much too short to reach, but he was having fun flapping it as if it were a wing. Luckily for him, he wasn't near enough anybody else to hit them with the action. "I like you tail, too!" he chirped, finding the similarities intriguing.  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:42 am
Llujah smiled at the guardian of the two boys and looked back down to Cheyenne, who was tugging at his small hat in embarrassment. It was so pitifully adorable. These boys were so darn cute! It took much effort for Llu not to drop everything, pick the boys up, and take them home with him! Llu glanced back over in Iridian's direction and saw the young spawn trying to flutter his wings like he did. The preteen smiled and chuckled.

"No, I can't fly with mine either. All I can really do is flap them a bunch. Sometimes, if I flap too hard, feathers will come flying off of this one." He pointed to his left hip wing, which was the one with the bat-like frame and feathers, a combination of his angelic and demonic DNA.

Llu then noticed Iridian trying to mimic his tail movements by flailing it around and twitching it. The Greed spawn knelt down by the boy and watched him, smiling as he did so. "Your tail is a but short now," he remarked, "but it'll grow out soon, so you'll be able to hold it and swing it around as much as you want. Just be careful not to hit anything!"  

An Original Username

Omnipresent Zealot


Sparkly Pants

PostPosted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 8:27 pm
Iridian seemed to perk a little when Llujah explained his own small wings. He scuffed a sandal into the sandy floor -- Otomeza had forced the toddler to wear some sort of footwear this time -- and rocked a little unsteadily back-and-forth. "If you drop a feather, can I has i'?" he asked, wiggling his wings a little more. He couldn't help but enjoy feathers; not out of any jealousy for the feathers he was unable to grow through his own scales, but more out of a curiosity. Of course, there was always the 'memento' aspect, from a new friend!

Looking back to his own tail, craning his neck back to catch sight of his own aqua tail-fin. He twitched it a little, trying to make it look as though it were waving 'hello,' but he didn't have as much motor control with it yet. "Really?" he asked, trying to imagine it longer and easier to control. He turned back around and bounced, "Like yours?"

Cheyenne had, by that time, wrapped his own tail around to the front. He had the tip of it stuck between both of his hands, lightly wringing it in an attempt to do something with his hands. His own tail was already much longer than his brother's, and he wasn't very sure that he wanted it to get any longer, like Llujah was suggesting that it could. He pointed the barb over his shoulder, so he didn't accidentally twitch and cut himself with the blade-like appendage.  
PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 4:58 pm
Llujah's tail swished back and forth and his eyebrows raised in surprise at Iridian's question. His features softened and he chuckled. "Oh, sure! I don't see why not. In fact..." Llu reached over to his left hip-wing and gently fingered the feathers. The wing twitched unconsciously at his touch. Llu winced slightly as he quickly, but gently, tugged at a smaller feather and tore it loose from the leather frame. The feather that he plucked was a sizable one, but was not fully grown. The spot where it was taken rapidly grew sore, but Llu ignored it as he happily handed the feather to Iridian. "You take good care of it, 'kay?"

Llu nodded in confirmation at Iridian's question. "Yep! Like mine!... At least, I think so. I'm not too sure how long your tail can grow." He chuckled a bit, feeling a bit awkward. The line continued to inch forward ever so slowly, and Llu longed to be among the happy park-goers going around and around in the Ferris wheel. His feet tapped in his impatience as he wished and willed the line to speed up.  

An Original Username

Omnipresent Zealot


Sparkly Pants

PostPosted: Tue Aug 24, 2010 7:04 pm
Iridian squeaked, delighted when Llujah handed a feather over to him. In all honesty, he hadn't really expected to be given one, unless a feather had randomly fallen onto the dusty floor. "Yah, I take good care!" he responded, grin huge, before it faltered a little. If Llujah was giving him this as a token of friendship, then what could Iridian offer in return? It wasn't as if he could pull a feather out himself, nor a scale very easily. Hmm, maybe... he grabbed a fistful of his hair, "I give some o' dis?" Interesting that he already had a grasp of 'fair trade,' but Otomeza wasn't about to let the toddler yank out a lock of hair.

Gently, she grabbed hold of the toddler's wrist to get him to let go of his own hair. "We'll find something else, okay?" she offered with a smile. Maybe one of the toys people could win at a booth, or some extra tickets, she wasn't quite sure yet. Iridian frowned, not all that happy with the offer, but decided to go with it for now. It had to be something that was his, or it wasn't equal!

However, the prospect of his tail getting longer as he grew made him happy. After all, he could do so much more with a longer tail! Never mind that he probably wouldn't be able to compare his tail to Llujah's when he grew, considering everything seemed so much bigger when one was so small, but that was beside the point! In fact, with that in mind, he suddenly caught sight of the gem embedded in the older spawn's tail tip. Pointing, he asked curiously, "Wazzat?"

With the line moving as slowly as it was, Cheyenne found himself feeling the need to sit down and rest. Such was the problem when one was weak, but the thought barely phased his mind as he slid to the ground, cross-legged to wait for the line to move more. After all, there weren't any seats nearby, and he wasn't going to leave the line for one, either. Otomeza frowned, concerned but knowing what the cause was. With a tug on the albino's arm, she asked, "You want me to carry you?" She was quickly answered with a shake of his head, despite the fact that he was probably drawing more unwanted attention to himself sitting on the floor than he would be being carried.  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:56 am
Llujah's eyes widened and he chuckled awkwardly, shaking his hands at Iridian's choice of payment for the feather he had received. "Oh, no, no, no... N-no hair, please. You can keep that." His mouth formed into a tiny frown. Iridian's hair was indeed interesting looking, but it was hair! It would be way too weird to keep a clump of a child's hair in exchange for a measly feather. He nodded, relieved, at Otomeza for her wise decision.

Llu looked down again at Iridian, who had asked him about the green gem on his tail. The Greed spawn grinned and held his tail out for the little boy to see. His tail twitched slightly. "See that? It's a gem on my tail. You can't take it off, though. It's like..." His hand lifted and pointed straight at the similar gem in the middle of his forehead. "...This! It's just a part of me." Most of his various extremities were demonic, including his tail and gems, but Llu was having a hard time identifying the sins and virtues of the two boys. Iridian was... Kindness, most likely, but his sin was a mystery. Llu had no clue on Cheyenne.

Speaking of Cheyenne, Llu looked down and saw the little boy sitting on the ground. He knelt down and smiled kindly at the spawn. "Heya. Are you feeling tired?" Without waiting for a reply, Llu looked up to see how long the line was now. He was surprised to see how much the line had shortened in such a small period of time. Perhaps the other patrons grew too impatient and stepped out of line. Either way, he and the two little spawn were almost next. "It's our turn soon," he announced to their little group.  

An Original Username

Omnipresent Zealot


Sparkly Pants

PostPosted: Mon Aug 30, 2010 7:44 pm
Iridian scooted a little closer to get a better look at the gem on Llujah's tail through the only eye that had sight. "I'ssa purdy color," he noted. It seemed that he liked the color green, but other than the lime stripes that covered most of his own body, he didn't often see green on many spawn -- least of all, in this shade! As a matter of fact, he noted something else as he glanced up to see the twin gem on Llu's forehead, "They match your eyes!" It was a bummer that the gem couldn't be removed, to get a better look at it, but then again, they looked really nice right where they were.

Gripping onto his shoes, Cheyenne attempted to recede into his shirt's collar when Llu crouched to his own level, but was quite unsuccessful. Slowly, his tail tried to wrap itself around his form on the ground, but the barb kept catching on his pants too much, so was forced to retreat back behind the boy's thin frame. At least he didn't have to answer out loud. He glanced back up and nodded in response, rubbing at his calves a bit to indicate that it was his legs that were feeling tired even though it was caused by his lack of reserved energy. He smiled when it was relayed that they were near the front of the line now, fluttering his small white wings as if to ready them when he got back up onto his feet.

Iridian cheered for that fact, though, as he was antsy enough to see what it was like on the top of the wheel. "I hope we ge' a purple one," he commented, speaking of the color of the seats on the ride. With a little stretch of his arms, he asked "Wha' color you wan'?" Truth be told, the toddler wasn't about to be upset if he didn't get the purple one, as he never was even able to pick a favorite color.  
PostPosted: Sat Sep 04, 2010 11:43 am
Llujah smiled at Iridian's observation. He had always found it fascinating himself how his gems and eyes were similar in color. His eyes strayed back down to Cheyenne, who was fluttering his wings. This boy... he was definitely interesting. He seemed pale and sickly, almost, and looked a lot more shy than his brother... but that last part was somewhat obvious. Judging from Chey's complexion and the color of his eyes, Llu could hazard a guess that he was an albino. Llu had never heard of a spawn who was an albino, but he supposed that anything was possible.

Llu turned his gaze to the line, which now they were now at the front of. He scratched the back of his head and watched as the colored cars spun slowly by. He chuckled at Iridian. "I wouldn't mind a purple one, either." After a moment, the wheel slowed and a pink car stopped at the bottom where they were to board. Llu's eyebrows rose. This was even better. He walked ahead and opened the car door, holding it for Otomeza and her sons. "Shall we?"  

An Original Username

Omnipresent Zealot


Sparkly Pants

PostPosted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 9:36 pm
Iridian giggled at Llujah's response, as he had been hoping that he didn't pick a color that the older spawn perhaps disliked. Truthfully, he really only picked the color because he knew that Cheyenne liked purple; unfortunately, his brother hadn't seemed very keen on adding to the conversation.

Once he had realized they were at the front, Cheyenne grabbed hold of Otomeza's pant leg to hoist himself up before she reached a hand down instead. He seemed almost hypnotized by the spinning lights and cheery music that came from the wheel -- that is, until he deduced that they would be riding in the pink seat. His nose wrinkled a little before he stopped it, noticing a similarity in the color that was also found somewhere else around the amusement park. "Looks like cotton candy," he said with a smile.

"You're right! It does!" Otomeza replied with a nod, "That sounds good... Maybe we should go find some later." She couldn't help it -- like with a child, she had such a soft spot for sweets. Moving the twins along, she grinned to the boy holding the door, "Thank you very much!"

Iridian didn't have to be nudged too hard, nearly springing into the ride as soon as the door was opened, "Yaay!" It didn't seem to phase him that they'd be having to wait until the other seats were boarded before the ride would actually start, he was just happy thinking that he might be able to touch a star or two. "Blast off!" he chirped, pantomiming shooting the sky with a hand as he wiggled in the seat. Blinking as he regained his balance, he asked, "Eva' been on one o' dese, uh...." He frowned, realizing that he never acquired the kid's name.  
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