The land of jungles, thick with plant life and populated with exotic creatures. The air is saturated with the perfume of plants and tall trees, and weak beams of sunlight stretch down to the jungle floor in various shapes and sizes, haloing some of the rare and vibrant flora that blooms here. Tropical and poisonous vegetation curl all around, guiding and looming over ancient pathways that lead to secret caves, grand waterfalls and heavenly meadows, all hidden deep within...

In the middle of all this untamed wilderness, there lies an open field. And in the center of that tiny field there lies an elderly mansion, rotten and tattered beyond repair. Few dare stroll in or even by this old place, since it's rumored to have spirits of old, almost millenarian kitsus inside, and who knows if they're even nice ones. The flowery meadows are the sanctuary of the jungle, as they are almost the only places one can lay down and feel the sun, since the tall trees inside the forest let little light seep through their branches, always in eternal battle to gain the little that does seep in. Snaking its way across the jungle is a main river, branching from it are smaller streams, fish swim in its clear blue waters as vibrant and vocal birds swoop down to attempt a capture or two. All these sights listed are foreign to humans, as they keep clear of the vast jungle in fear of becoming lost in its depths.

Main Residents: Water kitsusagi, Dragon kitsusagi, Fae Kitsusagi, and Familiars
Main Features: Exotic herbs, terrains built like natural mazes, a mysterious mansion, a large network of rivers.