(( Tsaniin - Manda
Nasira - -_Wish of the Goddess_- ))

Tsaniin growled at a little bug as it trundled by. Only a couple of days old, the cubs probably should not have been out of the den yet. But it was dark outside, and something inside him said to -go- ... so he had. Out here, everything was new, and big, and really very very -interesting-. Including this bug. Which he intended to catch and torment and then, maybe eat. Stalking toward it clumsily, he growled again.

Nasira,himself, was already outside. Tiny pink paws were crossed, and he was looking up at the moon. He really wasn't too popular with his family, all thanks to his bright colors, and it made him sad. But when the cub saw Tsaniin stalking a bug, he got up and moved over to him, accidentally startling the bug away, "Tsaniin~" He smiled happily at the other, canting his head, ears twitching slightly.

Tsaniin whirled and snarled at his sibling. "Hey!!" he yelled, swiping at him with a paw. "You scared it!!"

He tried to be strong, and growled back,, though weakly, "So?!" But his eyes were slightly frightened, and he pathetically swiped at Tsaniin, "Not so bad!"

"Sooo ... now you should catch me another one," Tsaniin challenged, eyes glittering. He could tell that his paler sibling was weak - scared. So he would use him. And if he didn't do a good enough job, well ...

Shifting paw to paw, he seemed to consider it for a moment. Would this prove himself to his brother? Maybe! Turning, he looked around, and clumsily stalked after a rather nicely sized bug. He ATTEMPTED to catch it, but when his claw snagged on a leg, he cried out as the thing escaped him, "NO! Come back!" He pounced after it, floundering and failing miserably.

Tsaniin watched for a few minutes and then started laughing - quite loudly. "Oh wow you REALLY FAIL!!" he yelled, bounding after his brother and swiping at his rump with a paw - claws out. "You'll never be a demon!"

Letting out a squall of indignance, he spun and swiped at his brother, dark eyes upset as he barreled towards Tsaniin, "TAKE THAT BACK! I WILL TOO!" He was desperate to be a good demon, like his dad, and mom were, and brothers and sister would be....

Tsaniin ducked, laughing. He was so slooow! "No! Cause it's true!" he taunted, bouncing around just out of reach of the other.

Nasira chased after him, striking with his claws, baring fangs, "IS NOT! I'll be a great demon!" He screeched. In his desperate chase, one of his claws speared a bug, causing the small cub to pause, and look down at his paw, a grin slowly moving over his face, "Hey! I got it." HIs eyes sparkled with pride, and he gently ran his claw over the thing's underbelly, listening to the satisfying crunch of the exoskeleton.

Tsaniin whirled around with wide eyes then, staring at the bug. "Maybe so," he muttered, "But only because you were chasing ME." He reached out to swipe the bug away. "So it's really MINE! Ha!"

Nasira managed to keep the bug away from his brother, and danced back on three paws, nimbly, "Uh uh. Mine." He spat, glaring. Though he may have been weak otherwise, he was a posessive little thing.

Tsaniin crouched at that, snarling. Then he pounced after his brother - really intending to hurt him now. Before, it had been something of a game... now ... he was -serious-.

Continually dancing back away from his brother, he began to pay close attention to the other's moves. This wasn't a game any more, and the petite lion could sense it. "MINE, Tsaniin. NO!"

Tsaniin let out a kittenish little roar at that, and pounced at the other again. This time... his claws caught at Nasira's back leg and he flexed his paw to hook them in. Not getting away!

When the claws hooked, Nasira let out a loud mewl of pain, falling, but tucking the paw with the bug under him, stubborn.

Tsaniin was on the other in a matter of moments, growling and clawing at his brother wherever he could reach. "You stupid little SLAVE you should listen to the REAL demons!"

The claws scoring on his body HURT, but he wasn't willing to let go, and the words that his brother used burned inside him. "I am a real demon! Or I WILL BE!" He cried, struggling.

"No you're not, you're a slave! Get it through your thick head!" Tsaniin yelled back, moving to bite at the other's ears.

He tried to claw at Tsaniin's face, with his one free forepaw. No way would he just give up, "NO! No no no! You can't make me! I'M GONNA BE A DEMON TOO!"

Tsaniin yanked his head back at that ... then got off the other, smirking. "I'm not the one who's gonna make you ... that'll be Dad," he purred - seeing a different way to hurt the other. "He already knows that you're nothing but a slave. And nothing you can do is going to change that~"

Slowly rolling onto his stomach, he was curious as to why Tsaniin got off him, until those words struck at him. Dark eyes watered and he hissed, angrily, "NO. Dad will see.....I'll make dad proud...I'll be a demon, and he'll notice me."

"Ha!" Tsaniin laughed and waved a paw at him. "Just keep telling yourself that... it won't make it true~"

His eyes were burning, cold, and his voice darkened, "I will. I will be a demon, and dad will see. So will you." He stalked towards his brother, til their noses were pressing together, "And I'll beat you."

Tsaniin blinked at that, a bit surprised at the sudden change in attitude. But he refused to back down, staring back at his brother. "No matter what you -say- it doesn't make it true," he repeated.

"But it matters what I do. And I WILL BEAT YOU." He snarled darkly, and swiped at the other's leg, fur bristling.

Tsaniin ignored that and swatted back at the other. "No you wont'. You -can't-."

He lowered into a fighting pose, still bristling, his claws digging into the ground, "C'mon then!" The cub had something to prove, and though he knew he wouldn't be so good at the actual fight, he'd still TRY.

And with -that-, the fight was on. Tsaniin was stronger than the other, and a bit bigger. But Nasira was -fast-. The smaller cub got in several good hits, but in the end ... Tsaniin ended up on top. Panting, he held the other pinned down. "See ..." he said, a bit breathless. "We'll -always- ... be better... than you."

And that snapped the cub out of the mode he'd gotten in. letting out a tiny whine, he wiggled beneath his brother, "No......I'll get b-better....I swear...."

Tsaniin laughed at that, and smacked the other's face with a paw. "No you won't," he said coldly - then stepped off, and walked away.

Tail drooping, the little cub moved back to his spot on the rock, whimpering softly. Stupid brother.....