Maha wore a rather disgruntled look upon his face as he tended to the wounds he had recieved from his night with Makri. While he had gone in knowing exactly what would happen he was still rather surprised how much damage the female had been able to do in such a short period of time.

Both his shoulders were dotted with bite marks and his face sported three sratches across his cheek leading down to his chin. He sighed as he licked his shoulders thankful that Makri had not left him with scars, none of his wounds were permanant. The only think he had to worry about was the one upon his face, it was deeper than the bites and he had a hard time tending to it himself.

Ah well, he would deal with it later. It was too troublesome for himself now.

He stood and stretched himself out before walking away from the clearing. He could have stuck around, but he chose not to. He could find her easily whenever he wanted, it was the beauty of being a seer.

"Are you moving yet?" Achelous was rather irritated at how slowly it seemed her new 'chore' was, moving at a slow keel and walking with his body weight ever so close to the ground, tail curled between his legs, his scarred and milky eyes gazing out at the nothingness that was what he saw on a daily basis. If Achelous had been uneducated in the male, she would have thought him pathetic, but knowing that it was his own paw that had ripped his sight from him had been a big step in 'helping' him along the way. It was rather sad in it's own right. Another swat with a paw on the male's side to get him moving again was all she punctuated her thoughts with, instead of urging him further.

One had to be somewhat oblivious to how horrible the world had been for his seers-eyes to not realize why he'd been so inclined to rip away his vision. His vision had been horri- f;dsklj!!

Ichabod immediately flinched away when Achelous swatted his side to get him moving, looking towards the direction the swat had come from and drooping his ears before sinking infinitely lower to the ground, moving at the same slow drag he had been before, inching ever so closer to the tan lioness's side, if only to keep himself moving on the right track, just leaving the lioness to yank herself away from him, ears flattening back and looking at the pathetic white lion in disapproval.

And Epic-feat indeed. That god had pegged her with quite a chore, the a*****e.

But Ichabod paused, lifting his body from it's near-belly-drag along the ground to sniff the air. Hmm, did he recognize that scent? It seemed so.. familiar, yet it also felt like it came from a time when he hadn't trusted his nose so much as panicked about his eyes. What was it?

It didn't take the pale blue male to spot the golden male practically crawling across the ground. He paused, mid-step, to tilt his head at the familiarity of the male. His green eyes glanced over at the lioness walking besides the male before flickering back over. That's when it hit him, the reason he recognized him. It was his brother, Ichabod. A small smile began to spread across his lips before it fell into a frown and his brows knitted together.

How long had it been since he had last seen his brother, he couldn't remember. That was a bad sign. He was also certain that he had never seen Ichabod being so cowardly, although it made sense. Then...then his mind registered the fact that there were scars all over his brothers face.

What had happened? Clearly he had been away from his family for far too long.

"Ichabod!" He called loudly hurrying over to the pair. He glanced at the female arching a brow as he did so.

The sound of the calling male had immediately caused Achelous to bristle up, half stepping in front of the cowardly lion to leer down the blue one until Ichabod pushed against her, obviously wanting to have some sort of contact with the voice that called out his name so familiarly, almost immediately shoving his nose into the bluer lion's fur to get a good whiff of it. Mmmm, that scent made him think of his mother... even if the lioness had taken a rather loving-if-not-bothered-by-their-existence's approach to raising her litter of children. But none the less, it was a pleasant smell in and of itself.

"...Maha..." he mumbled, as though recalling from far too long back for it to have been a reasonable amount of time for the brothers to have been separated, while Achelous watched the pair with a frown, looking at Ichabod, already pathetically torn apart (even to the point of having patches of his mane missing) and then his brother (??), who seemed to have followed some vague semblance of family-suite in the beaten-up-by-things ritual.

Man, that family sucked at taking care of itself so far, if her observations were anywhere near correct. Hmmm...

However, she made a point of not butting in.. at least not yet. Hey, maybe this blue lion would take Ichabod off of her paws and she'd have to stop taking care of him! That would be amazing.

Mahaskah nearly stepped back when his brother shoved his face into his fur. He instead froze up rigidly unsure of what to do. He was never much of a touchy-feely lion, even as a child, so he didn't have a clue of how to respond until his brother mumbled his name.

"Yeah," he responded casually as he took a step away from Ichabod. He sighed and shook his head. "What happened to you Icha?" he asked frowning. His eyes drifted across the other male's face as if searching for the answers. He could only guess what had happened to his brother's face.

Either he had really pissed someone off or, and more likely from the look of things, it had been self-inflicted. "Why'd you do it?"

Ichabod's ears flicked back at his brother's inquiry. Had his brother -really- forgotten why as a child he'd been so agonized over the very act of LOOKING at things? Perhaps it was just taken as a phase, it was a possibility. However, from the look on Achelous's face, which looking something akin to 'WTF' at that very moment, it seemed like... well, maybe she was assuming he shared such information with people. But his own family? Hmmm... it just seemed odd.

"So the visions would stop." he answered, seeming to shrink a little bit with the inquiry (perhaps out of some sort of shame for how he looked. Not that he'd been able to see much of it). He turned his head to the female who accompanied him, as though asking her to step back further, which only prompted her to frown with more disapproval before taking two steps backwards and replanting her butt back against the ground, pretending to be distracted by something else. Hey, if the guy wanted to talk to his brother, whatever.

"Though it sounds as though you didn't get them... the visions of everything rotting before your very eyes. Even mother did..and you... and our brother and our sister......" he didn't even go further to explain what it was he was trying to explain.. or maybe he just wanted to spare Maha the image of flesh melting off of bones.

Maha sighed at his brother's admission. So he too had visions, but from the sound of it, they were very different than his own. He never had visions of things rotting before him, no his visions had always include fog of some color and someone that would play a part, big or small, in the near future.

It wasn't to say that he hadn't seen grim visions(oh he had) but never before had he seen what his brother claimed to see. His expression didn't change at the description and he just shrugged. "I had visions, I still do, but I have had no visions of anything rotting," he stated plainly.

"I am sorry that you had to witness such things and they have left you in such a...poor state," Maha sympathized with a click of his tongue. Comfort wasn't something he was good at either. "I was, however, unaware that others had visions like myself."

Achelous's ears flicked back at Maha's statement; "My mother had visions as well. It seems to me that most who are godborn tend to have them. Though the vision of everything rotting isn't a common methodology I've heard of with happening to them." However, if she'd known as much, Maha's visions almost took after those of his mother, Ashling. THough her visions just caused her to see what was to come within minutes ahead of her. 'Following the ghost' was what that lioness had called it.

It had been a..strange meeting between the two females, to say the least (Ichabod had not been invited in on the chat. Picky mother was picky).

However, it seemed that Ichabod hadn't been seeking pity. It was hard to pity someone when you couldn't well visualize what it was they'd suffered. It was like trying to explain the sensation of having all of your skin burn off to someone who hadn't had anything more than a blister - hard to fathom. Ichabod shot another glance to Achelous when she pipped up about her own mother's ability to see, frowning. EXCUSE ME, I ASKED YOU TO STAY BACK THERE AND NOT COMMENT.

No, she wouldn't go into the kitchen to hunt him a sammich.

He was waiting for his brother to respond to him, he kept his eyes trained on the golden marked male, until the female spoke that was. His head snapped up and he took a second to study her stature and her appearance. He stayed silent for a minute or two before nodding slowly. "Yes, that appears to be the case," he mumbled softly, his thoughts drifting off to his father. He never knew the male and his mother never seemed keen on discussing the subject so he had simply brushed it off.

He often wondered if his father was a god, it would explain so much and he was sure that if he tried hard enough he could locate the male in his visions. The fact was, Mahaskah found the whole thing far too troublesome and honestly didn't care enough. "Our father very well could be a god, mother never talked about father and it seems unlikely that two, or more even, children have visions and not be descended from a god."

Ashling had made that same assumption about her own siblings, though she didn't know anything about her own father either. Funny how history repeated that way. However, in turn Achelous didn't know much about her own grandfather, simply that her mother had a....thing... against him. Y'know a 'hunting demons because I hate daddy' thing. It had been an overall VERY SPECIAL thing that had pretty much driven her away to go seek out more suitable tasks. Not that hunting demons was a bad thing, it was just..uhh... yeah. Special. Not much else she could say about it.

"I would imagine that an unfortunate number of lone-mothers won't speak of the fathers of their children unless he makes himself known. Well, not unless she plans to make them into a variant of vigilante, out to seek revenge for their pain and suffering. Though it sounds to me as though your mother at least could count her blessings.."

And not kill them, Ichabod agreed in his head, frowning before pawing at the air, as though seeking out the tan female, causing her to sigh, groan a little bit (complete with an eye roll) and again return to the white lion's side, if only for his strange need for comfort. Hmmmm.

"Perhaps we're better off not knowing what variety of man our father was."

Maha didn't care one way or another who his father was, sure he would like to know who he was but that was something he could find out if he wanted. Despite his mother's weird "I love you but don't want to be around" behavior as they grew he had grown up just fine. He could care for himself, he didn't resent his mother(who he had just assumed had gone through some sort of trauma with his father) nor did he resent his father. He simply did not care. He knew who he was and he was comfortable with it. He wasn't the wreck that Ichabod was, his visions had never been as disturbing as his brother had.

He wasn't one of those lions that had a severe mother or father complex or one who hated a parent for not being around. He had simply accepted the fact that, well, s**t happens. There was no point in letting it disturb him for all of eternity, that would be stupid. "It's reasonable, I do not blame my mother, I know she has her reasons and I see no point in questioning her reasons," he explained almost boredly. "Maybe you are right Icha, I'm sure if I really wanted to I could find out what kind of man our father was," he said with a small laugh. "But I believe that everything happens for a reason and everything has a reason and that there is no point in trying to change our past, or trying to drastically change the future, if it is meant to happen it will happen no matter how hard we try to prevent it."

"Somehow I doubt the world is so cruel as to make things happen for a reason. I think it just likes things to happen." Ichabod answered. Or was there some sort of cruel reasoning behind him being born with eyes that just saw barren plains of dead sand and rotting bodies and the bones of the dead turning into dust; the time of everything. It wasn't a good gift by any means. It was just....

Not fun. He'd attempted to find an answer for some while too. Was there a reason why he hadn't been able to find a solution other than losing his sanity and clawing his face to nearly-beyond-recognition? It just seemed like a load of bull to him. But he'd keep all of the prying questions of his brother's beliefs to himself. Maybe it would turn out for the better before the 'reasons' that happened to just pop up sometime in the near future.

Somehow the turn-of-discussion towards beliefs wasn't exactly her cup of tea. Though lions didn't really drink tea that often. HmmmMMmm. Or at all. But whatever. The point was the discussion was sort of... uhh.. yeah, not her thing.

"I beg to disagree brother," Mahaskah replied easily. "I believe the world is much crueler than many perceive it to be," he stated cooly staring intently at the other's face. He felt as though Ichabod was proof of that, just by looking at the state he was in and his appearance. No one went crazy without a reason, be it events that happened in their lives or a genetic mistake or a mental disorder. "But whether we agree or disagree is not important. You will believe whatever you believe in, and I will believe in whatever I want to," he wrinkled his nose as he spoke.

"Does it really matter?" he questioned looking over to his brother's companion as though she might agree with him. "I still stand by my statement. Perhaps your period of insanity happened because it would lead you to meet her."

Ichabod's ears were planted firmly against his head at this point, as though the idea that fate had wanted him to meet a lioness that terrified him was just too much to be reasonable. To him, it was. At least at this point in his life. "And by 'period of insanity' you mean my entire childhood." Though to further his point, he again revisited his own opinion on the matter; "If the world isn't as cruel as I perceive it to be, then why does it have to have a reason to do anything? It makes more sense for it to be as cruel as I've said it is to just do things at it's own whim for no reason at all."

He had a point there, in terms of logic. But then again, he was a blind-scarred-gimpy lion who had to rely on his lioness companion .

Honestly, Achelous's expression was starting to look less and less enthused by the discussion as things went on their merry little way. They were both sort of personifying the intentions of the planet a lot more than it needed to be done. Honestly, there was NOTHING out there telling them to go 'LOL LOL LOL' and direct their paths of lives. Well, except for that one god, but if she wished hard enough, maybe his stupid temporary-curse would go AWAY. THAT WOULD BE NICE.


Maha held back a sigh, it was pointless to try and argue with someone, especially when the stood firmly in their beliefs. Besides, he had just found his brother again he didn't want this meeting to be all about who had the better beliefs or whatever. "It's unimportant Ichabod," he replied deciding he wanted no more to do with this conversation. In fact he was quite happy to end it. It was time he was going anyway, he had much to do in the time he had before he was expected to return to his pride. "I apologize if I have upset you in any way brother but unfortunately it could not be helped," he wasn't really sorry because it couldn't be helped.

"And to you miss, I apologize that we practically left you out of the conversation," he smiled sympathetically. "I fear I must leave now, perhaps we'll run into one another again?"

Honestly, if Achelous had been allowed in on the conversation she may have turned it into a circle of who-is-offending-who game. It would have been. uhh.. special. Hmmmm. It would have been like a horrible card-game-card. CIRCLE OF OFFENSIVE CHATTER. Too bad she didn't know what a card game was. Oh well! Either way off the bat, she just continued to frown while looking between the pair (This family sucked. She had to make sure that nobody else got the idea she'd be sticking around for too long..). In fact, if nothing else, it may have been better to leave this first re-introduction short and sweet for the sake of all parties involved..

Just to keep everybody out of each other's throats or make anybody feel awkwardly left out.

However, she could feel that Ichabod was starting to get sort of antsy (it was pathetic how she was starting to be able to read his pathetic little flounders of movement... Ick!), prompting her to nudge him, a little more roughly than most would have, but not with too excessive of force on her part, as though to get him moving again.. as he was always the ever so slow to move when he was practically dragging himself across the ground.

"It may be for the best we get moving again. If I'm ever going to get your brother to somewhere where he won't get stepped on so I can hunt. I'm not bothered by being left out. It was better I didn't get to talk. But I hope next time you'll both find a better subject of conversation."

He arched a brow as he stepped back, away from his brother and even farther away from Achelous. "Perhaps," he shrugged sidestepping. "It seems like by brother is in good hands, er, better hands," he commented starting to walk away from the pair. "Next time I hope we get to engage in conversation." He looked at Ichabod and shook his head just the tiniest bit, he'd been doing that a lot today, it was a shame. He could blame this on himself, he could have been more there for his sibling than he was but there was no point in dwelling on the past. He couldn't change it.

"Next time then?" He proposed with a small nod.

Not unless Maha was secretly the god-of-changing-things-that-nobody-liked. Was there such a god? (Probably there with God of Angry-Siblings and Goddess of Ugly ********).

"We'll have to see how that happens." Achelous agreed, Ichabod just nodding in some semblance of agreement (albeit he was staring off in the wrong direction. D'oh!!), before the tan lioness started herding the male again, seeming very unenthusiastic about the day that was about to unfold in terms of her chores. Could the guy learn to use his other senses yet? His nose was obviously going into some form of hyperdrive to work, not she'd just have to nurse him to use the other ones (Then she could go and be FREEEE of him!... She hoped).

"Until then. Don't let us hold you up." Ichabod chimed, though it was again somewhat aimed in the wrong direction. Silly cripple.

Maha just glanced black with a weak smile and called back, "I'll try not to." It had proven to be an interesting meeting as far as he was concerned and he got to see through someone else's perspective, even if he didn't agree. He also got to meet up with his brother and find that things were not the way he had remembered them, although he had liked to think he had a perfect memory. Seeing Ichabod again was proof that he hadn't paid his siblings hardly any attention and while it was a shame he also realize that it had played a part in who he grew up to be.

While things looked grim now for his brother, Mahaskah believe that things would turn out alright in the end for the golden marked male. He turned his attention back to the path he was walking down and quickened his pace. He wanted to get as far away as he could for now, he needed time to himself to think.