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[PRP] From the Bones (Loko o Ka/Taka) Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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PostPosted: Sun May 30, 2010 9:36 pm
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Loko o Ka sat beside a rather large rock, a dead rabbit in her jaws. The unwitting thing had made it's burrow beneath the rock, which seemed silly to her, as it made ambush very simple. All she had to do was sit atop the rock and wait for it to poke it's little head out of the hole and then pounce on it, which indeed she had. Loko o Ka was not a skilled hunter, but she did know how to take advantage of the stupidity of small prey creatures.

"Sorry, little friend." She said with a smirk after setting the snack down at her paws, "I am afraid you chose your location poorly." She grinned, glad that she had caught herself something to eat finally. Recently she had been relying on the rest of the pack for food because she was spending her time hunting for new pack members rather than for prey.

With that, she began to eat, relishing in the joy that came with catching her own meal. She had learned from her life in the graveyard how to catch rats using the same technique, but this was different. Out here, there were rocks instead of bones, and rabbits instead of rats. The transition from rats to rabbits was her favorite, as they provided more meat and seemed to be less intelligent than their smaller counterparts. Win - win, in her eyes.
PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:17 pm
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Taka had grown tired of his old clan, his old scenery, old duties. His most recent; as it turned out final; scouting mission took him farther beyond his clan's borders than he'd ever gone before... And this time, he wasn't looking back. He planned to never return. He doubted he would be missed, they had a handful of scouts after all. They'd likely chalk him up as another hyena killed by lions, and move on with their lives without much of a pause in his acknowledgment.

However, there were drawbacks to this plan of his. Namely, the lack of food. He'd scavenged a few abandoned carcasses on his journey so far, though they were nearly picked clean by the vultures before he got there.

But this time he had found something! The hyena lingered not far from the very rock that Loko o Ka sat enjoying her meal. When he had come within view, he carefully kept his distance, though he stared longingly at the rabbit.


Naughty Advisor


PostPosted: Wed Jun 02, 2010 9:45 pm
Loko o Ka paused, laying the rabbit down at her feet before sniffing the air. She could smell another hyena very nearby, and it did not smell familiar. Where most would probably become defensive at this point, the female became excited, grabbing her catch in her jaws and looking around. It was not long before she located the source of the smell.

She dropped the rabbit again, "Hello there." She called, her tail wagging slightly behind her. She tried to keep from looking too excited, but still appear friendly. "Are you from around here?" She picked up her snack and approached him, stopping a respectful distance away and setting it down once more. She could see already that he was watching her prize intently. He was probably hungry.

"Would you like some?" She gestured toward the half-eaten rabbit. "It's no trouble, I am sure the hunters of my pack have gotten something. I'll eat later." She offered, again trying to keep herself from seeming overly eager.
PostPosted: Fri Jun 04, 2010 7:23 pm
The female's reaction to his presence was certainly shocking; Taka could do little more than stare at Loko o Ka wide-eyed for several seconds when she had called out to him in such a friendly tone. He felt his muscles tense as she approached, though the hyena managed not to turn and bolt.

After quite a pause, Taka moved cautiously forward to the rabbit she had offered. As much as he wanted to snatch it up and run for it, he resisted, being at least respectful enough to begin eating in her presence. His hunger was made even more apparent when he dug into the offering; any thought of not appearing greedy had been tossed to the wind in seconds. It didn't take him long to devour what remained of her catch.

Licking his maw once he'd finished, Taka kept his head low and looked up to her with a shamed expression. "Thank you." He began, it only seemed proper to begin with thanks after all.

"I have abandoned my own clan... I hadn't realized being alone would end up being so difficult." He sat back onto his haunches, thinking that if the female hadn't shown hostility yet hopefully she was indeed friendly. "That's likely the largest meal I've had all at once in weeks."

Looking at the grass where the rabbit had been, Taka felt embarassed. This stranger had offered him some of her food, and he'd gobbled up all of it. "I can... I can try to catch you something else."

"I just don't hunt very well alone." So much for that, right?


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 3:01 pm
Loko o Ka smiled, trying not to laugh at his eagerness when she offered him her food. It rather reminded her of her first encounter with the other leaders of her pack, in which they shared their food with her when she needed it. It was a rather interesting coincidence, in her mind.

"It is no trouble." She repeated pleasantly, "Do not worry yourself about it, it was a gift to a fellow hyena. It is good to help those in need. I was not unlike you, not too long ago. I, too, abandoned my previous pack in favor of a life alone." She sat down, trying to seem less intimidating. This hyena seemed slightly nervous, and she wanted him to feel comfortable. It was no fun to be forced into an awkward conversation.

"Life alone isn't as easy as I thought though." She laughed, "As I am sure you are realizing. I also have trouble hunting alone. That kill was mere chance, and the rabbit made a poor choice of where to live. A group hunts far more effectively than an individual." She nodded toward the nearby valley where she lived, "It's alright though, there is sure to be food back at my home. We provide for each other there."
PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 7:42 pm
It was a relief, Taka thought, to find a hyena like this. He would have never imagined it, especially in this land of strangers. Loko o Ka's words seemed to ease his nerves, shown by the light rapping of his tail in the grass. "Thank you," he repeated, his maw finally showing a smile.

So she had left her pack as well? Taka tried to think, trying to recall if he had seen her before back at what was once his home. Unfortunately, his memory wasn't the best... So he turned up nothing. Oh well, their past packs didn't matter anymore anyhow, right?

The hyena followed the female's gesture, ears perking forward as he stared into the distance curiously. "Your home?" He sounded interested, "There is a pack near?" For a moment, Taka felt a twinge of guilt. He'd stepped onto another pack's territory without realizing he had done so. He was very lucky that this hyena was kind enough to not only feed him; but not chase him off entirely.


Naughty Advisor


PostPosted: Thu Jun 10, 2010 10:00 pm
Loko o Ka grinned as she saw his tail begin to move. He was beginning to relax, which was always good. Loko o ka never liked to make anyone feel uncomfortable, though sometimes it was unavoidable, being in a position of power, she had to deal with some unpleasant issues, but for the most part she was able to avoid it.

"Yes, my pack lives in that valley." She nodded happily, "I am one of the leaders there. We are a new pack, we're small, but we are a peaceful group dedicated to learning and the pursuit of higher knowledge rather than brute strength." Again, she wanted to make sure that he was not uncomfortable, and figured that telling him that the pack was not a hostile one would probably help.

"You are welcome to join us if you like." She offered, trying not to sound pushy. "Or not. Either way, you are welcome on our territory so long as you are not an imposition on our food supply."
PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:54 pm
It all seemed so good to be true. Taka briefly wondered if he had possibly starved to death and was actually in some sort of afterlife. Either way, it was all he could have wished for. A friendly female, a welcome meal. Now, a pack that was apparently peaceful and willing to have his company.

If he wasn't dead, and this was but a dream, Taka hoped that he never woke up.

"I..." He began, really unable to find the words. This hyena, he could very well owe his life. "I can't thank you enough," He settled. Tail finally wagging happily, he smiled. "I would be honored to visit your pack."

If he liked the looks of the place; not that he was hard to impress considering his previous living arrangements; perhaps he wouldn't have to travel aimlessly anymore. That would be excellent.

It wasn't until now that the hyena realized that he hadn't even bothered to introduce himself yet. He quickly corrected this; "I am Taka."


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PostPosted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 7:56 pm
Success! Loko o Ka grinned ear to ear at his reaction and stood up, eager to lead him to their home, which was only a short walk away.

"My name is Loko o Ka. It is a pleasure to meet you, Taka." She wagged her tail along with him. Regardless of if he decided to join or not, she certainly enjoyed his company and would be glad if he decided to stay nearby. With the amount of trouble he seemed to have hunting alone though, she had little doubt that he would want to join them.

"We live right over there." She said as she began to lead him toward the valley where they lived. "Out here where we are now is where we hunt, and there is a watering hole not far from the entrance to the valley." She explained as they walked. "It's not always easy to be a small pack, but with each member we gain the stress on each individual lessens. And we are expanding quickly." She added, not wanting it to seem as though the pack was a stressful environment. "Our system is efficient, so each member has to do minimal work while still providing the necessities."
PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 3:19 pm
Taka followed alongside her eagerly, tail wagging like a happy pup. He might have a new pack! A new home! Friends! It took a lot of his effort to not trot ahead when Loko o Ka mentioned that they were just there in the valley. As much as he wanted to bound into the pack in excitement, he knew that a proper introduction with one of their fellow pack members was the correct way for him to make a good impression.

"That is good," he replied, "I never imagined that I would find a pack of hyenas in such a fine place." Considering where they had originated from, clearly Taka believed that hyenas were left with whatever territory the large cats deemed undesirable for their own. "I don't mind work," he added, "I was a Scout... But I wouldn't mind doing something else. Not at all."

The closer they got to her home, the more eager he seemed not only to visit; but to try and assure her that he would be a willing addition to their pack.


Naughty Advisor


PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 4:22 pm
"There are so few hyena packs around these days." Loko o Ka sighed, "The only one I know of aside from this is my former pack, located in the graveyard." She sniffed indignantly. "While I hold no ill will toward them, they are far too concerned with killing lions and too little concerned with being a safe, stable environment to live in."

As they entered the valley Loko o Ka looked around, seeing a couple of hyenas wandering about doing what ever tasks needed doing. "This is the place." She nodded toward several of the caves that had been dug out. "Should you choose to stay here, you may choose to live in any of the unoccupied caverns. If you're not sure if someone lives there or not, just ask." She smiled as she saw that some of the caves were new. Clearly someone had been very hard at work digging while she had been gone. The new caves were very small still, but would grow with time and effort.

"If you don't mind work, perhaps you would be of use digging out and maintaining the caves. As our pack grows we will need more of them. Otherwise, scouting out danger, hunting with the others, and helping care for the young are all things that need to be done. You may take your pick."
PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:01 pm
Taka lowered his ears at her words about the graveyard pack, though he didn't speak in reply. He didn't disagree, not really, but he never really was one to speak lowly of his brothers and sisters. She was right, he knew it, but couldn't bring himself to say so.

Upon their entry to the valley, Taka took in the sight of the land in awe. Sure, it was still growing, but Taka's excitement did not waver at such a detail. There was real shelter! Oh, how he remembered cowering under large bones to try and keep out of the sun; or to try in vain to keep himself dry during the rainy season.

His mind raced as she explained the jobs he could have within the pack; trying to think on which would be best for him. Each she mentioned, he was sure he could pull his weight in. But which to choose?

"Anything," he stated finally. "Wherever and whenever I'm needed, I don't mind what task I am assigned." Though, digging certainly sounded enjoyable; and he'd be useful too! The ground in the graveyard was so hard and rocky, he'd never really been able to fully enjoy digging... "I could be a digger? Though, I still wouldn't mind helping elsewhere."


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:07 pm
Loko o Ka looked slightly puzzled at his enthusiasm for digging. Most of the hyenas in the pack quickly chose anything but digging, seeing it as a lowly job, but it needed to be done so she wasn't about to complain about a willing volunteer.

"Very well then, you may help dig the dens." She nodded, "If you are needed for anything else we will let you know."

She peeked into a nearby cave and barked. "Omoa!" She called, "Come out here, you have a new helper."

The black and white badger jumped at the sudden noise, scurrying outside at the mention of help. About time.

"New helper?" She looked up at the unfamiliar hyena, sniffing at his feet. "I guess she means you then?" She looked him up and down for a moment. He was no badger, but he was certainly big enough and strong enough to be of use.

"Does new helper got a name?"
PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:43 pm
Smiling at her agreement, Taka's tail wagged happily. He was quickly being accepted into a new pack! At least, by this female he had met. Oh, how he hoped everyone else was this friendly, too.

His ears perked when Loko o Ka barked out a name, his gaze darting to the cave she'd shouted toward in anticipation of making a new friend. Another hyena? No, it turned out it wasn't. Taka tilted his head slightly, leaning down to sniff the badger when she came close to check him out as well.

"Taka," he answered when questioned of his name, tail wagging. "Nice to meet you."


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 9:56 pm
Omoa smirked. This was certainly a happy hyena. "Nice to meet you too, Taka." She was surprised to see that someone who was supposed to be digging with her was so excited. In fact, seeing any hyena this excited was rather odd for her. Until she came into this pack, Omoa had only ever known stern, grumpy hyenas who ordered her around with little regard for her feelings.

This pack was different, but she still didn't see quite such a happy response to getting in the dirt. Oh well, help was help.

"Well, just come find me if you want any pointers or aren't sure what to do, alright?" She nodded to Taka before turning to face Loko o Ka for a moment. "In the meantime, I'm in the middle of my work. If you'll excuse me..." She waddled back into the cave and into the darkness to continue digging.

"Well, there you have it." Loko o Ka said with a smile as Omoa retreated back to the cave. "When it comes to digging, report to Omoa for anything you need. For anything else, come to me." She paused for a moment, trying to remember what else she had to tell him. "Oh yes, as for food, the hunters bring their kills back to the valley." She turned her head toward the back of the valley, opposite of the way they had come in. There was a large, flat rock there with some bones on it.

"Over there is where we eat. Bones are up for grabs if you want them, we try to split up the meat pretty evenly. You won't get in trouble for eating too much or anything, just try to get your fair share." She wagged her tail happily as she explained, "On that other big rock up above where we eat is where the council meets to make decisions. If we need to have a pack meeting, that is where it will be. Other than that, I think you know everything you need to know."
[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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