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[PD] Walking through the woods one day...(Tulip and Eskiva)

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PostPosted: Tue May 11, 2010 2:48 pm
Eskiva wandered through a new part of the woods she had never really visited before. it was further away from her lake that she normally liked to go but today there was such a fragrant scent coming from that part of the woods that she found it hard to resist. But of course she had to make sure that it looked and felt like it was her idea to go into this part of the woods. Nothing could make her do something she normally wouldnt except herself...and that fragrance but for now she pretended it was entirely her idea.

She walked slowly looking at the trees, noticing any landmarks to make sure she could find her way back, and as always looking for water. This part of the woods wasnt too bad. It was sunny, smelled nice and warm if she found a nice bed of water maybe she might move here. She had been living at her current lake for some time and she was getting older after all. Maybe a move was the next step to her grown up life. She pondered this as she began to look with an appraising eye at the area around her now not only looking at the scenery as a nice walk but potentially a new home. "Now if I can just find some water..." She mumbled out loud, that would definately entice her to make a permanent home here.
PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 11:12 am
A pair of red eyes watched the little turtle Pokemon from a hole in a large tree. What was this? A little blue head poked out of the hole, blue splotches spotting her forehead. Her ears twitched as the other Pokemon spoke, though she was too far to hear what was being said.

More curious at seeing a new Pokemon in "her" domain than anything, she crawled out of the hole as quietly as she could. The sweet smell of the Bellossoms must have attracted the new comer, but from how far? Tulip had chosen this area of the forest as "hers" because of all the fragrant flowers and Pokemon that lived here. Her logic was that the most beautiful part of the forest had to have the most beautiful Pokemon.

A thought trespassed into her head. What if this was a boy Pokemon? So far this area was populated with female Pokemon only. A wry smile crept across her face. She stopped several feet behind the new Pokemon and struck a pose, fluffy her Reaper Cloth ribbon around her neck. Using a vine, she tapped the Squirtle on the shoulder. "Ahem," she batted her eyes.  


Dangerous Nerd


PostPosted: Wed May 12, 2010 7:29 pm
Eskiva felt the touch on her shoulder and wiped her shoulder with her small hands thinking a leaf or something had fallen on her. But then there was a voice, someone clearing their throat behind her. She was taken by surprise but managed to keep a semi calm demeanor. She turned around slowly hoping that she wasnt about to be eaten by something huge. That's when she noticed the small blue pokemon with the bulb on its back. She visibly relaxed when she realized it wasnt something about to eat her. Then again if it was going to eat her it probably wouldn't have given her warning...details.

She noticed the batting eyelashes and gave the other pokemon a raised eyebrow. "Hello there." she said unsuccessfully trying to keep the amusement out of her voice. If the batting eyelashes hadn't given it away one good look over told her that the strange, most likely grass pokemon, was female and thus this behavior seemed out of place. She wondered if this pokemon thought she was a boy. OH how insulting! Of course she had a shell....and she was blue...but but...those didn't HAVE to be boy things! She was suddenly unamused at the situation as this occurred to her. Well at least this was a resident maybe it could help her find a nice lake to move into around here. "I'm looking for some water, you know like a lake. You got one nearby?" She was about to wait for a reply when she remembered her manners. "Oh ya its nice to meet you...." She let her voice trail off and motioned for the other pokemon to give a name.
PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 3:10 pm
Tulip's expression dropped as soon as she realized it was a girl. She sighed, ultimately disappointed, but none-the-less, decided to make the best of the situation. This girl seemed nice enough, she guessed. She definitely seemed lost.

She offered her vine as a hand to shake. "I'm Tulip, and this is my section of the forest," her air of superiority was undeniable even IF she was trying to be a little nice. She gestured to the whole forest with a wide, gentle sweep of another vine.

"I'll be more than happy to give you the tour of this great area." The little Bulbasaur sauntered in front of the Squirtle, whose name she still didn't know. "Since you asked, I'll show you the pond first." Tulip began to walk off, not looking back to see if the Squirtle was following.  


Dangerous Nerd


PostPosted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:33 pm
Eskiva took the bulbasaurs vine and shook it briefly when it was offered, slightly dissapointed that this part of the forest seemed owned but never the less it was a grass type. She couldnt possibly own the water here. Eskiva didnt mind sharing she did live in a world without fences or boundaries. Of course she wasnt even thinking if the other pokemon would mind. She didnt mind and thus no one else minded either. She followed the Bulbasaur, Tulip was what she said her name was....right? then realized that she should give a name as well and maybe make some polite conversation.

"I'm Eskiva by the way, so you have a pond, thats nice. Any pokemon live in it?" She asked still trying to figure out the "home" potential of this new place. She would after all need a deeper home for when she decided to evolve into a beautiful wartortle and of course eventually blastoise. But for now she was still little and thus could live practically anywhere. She looked around at all the scenery as she followed Tulip. "So why do so many flowers grow around here" Eskiva asked, she was genuinely interested and faintly curious as to why she was so attracted to the smell. Was there such a thing as pokenip?
PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:14 pm
"Oh, the pond is just gorgeous, Eskiva," Tulip spoke with her vines like most would with there hands. "There's a few Goldeen, Seaking, Finneon, Lumineon, Azurill, Marill, Azumarill, and a few Feebas that're looking to grow into Milotics. But is in noway over populated, mind you." Tulip parted a couple bushes for Eskiva to pass through, then followed behind. The more she was talking an answering questions, the more she liked this water type.

"Well, the soil is tended to by many Diglett and Dugtrios," Tulip explained as they walked through a floral tunnel. "The Bellossom are the ones that tend to the flowers." Tulip parted another bush for the Squirtle to pass through.

The sudden glare of the sun off the water would cause most to shield their eyes until they adjusted to the brightness. Once able to see, however, a beautifully clear lake shimmered in the sunlight. Obviously the term "pond" was an understatement as one couldn't see the opposite shoreline from the one they were standing on. A Marill and its evolution, an Azumarill were busy sunning themselves on the beach while a few Azurill splashed happily close by.

"This is Shimmershine Pond," the Bulbasaur sighed. "I didn't give it such a ridiculous name mind you."  


Dangerous Nerd


PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 9:26 pm
Eskiva listened to the talkative tulip with interest. "So everyone in this part of the foret seems to take care of the plants, thats nice. Over where I live its mostly bird pokemon and bug types so alot of the plants just grow wild." She told Tulip. Who could imagine that the two of them could live in the same forest and yet have such vastly different homes. When she saw the pond it really was something! It was HUGE and had alot of pokemon living in it. "Wow this is prabably twice the size of the pond I live in." Eskiva remarked as her eyes adjusted and she looked around. The pond she lived in was alot narrower and was connected to a few streams so it was more a gathering place of water then a real pond. But this well this was a Loch as far as Eskiva was concerned.

She suddenly was struck by a thought and turned to the bulbasaur with a laugh hiding behind her smile. "Did you say that this is Shimmershine pond?" She failed at suppressing a giggle but managed to calm herself down before she started laughing too hard. "Well I hope you didnt name it because I'd have to laugh every time I saw you if that were the case." She held back the laugh this time and trned her attention back to the lake. "Well it looks like a nice place but there are so many pokemon around here...my lake has running water so popkemon come and go as they please, I'm the only one who lives there permanently." This would be a huge change and Eskiva didnt know how she felt about having neighbors. Especially this many "happy" neighbors, she might go insane within the week. There were manicured bushes and flowers and everything was so pretty.....maybe she would just come here to visit but it didnt look like a great home to her.
PostPosted: Sat May 15, 2010 10:57 pm
Tulip held a vine to her head and spoke quietly so that the Azumarill couldn't hear. "Yes, yes, from what I have come to believe those two named it." She motioned towards the two water mice. "I'd have to agree with you, personally." Tulip began speaking at her normal volume and with her vines again.

She fluffed her ribbon. "The water pokemon are a bit..." she chanced a glance at the two sunbathers again, "...superficial." The Marill and Azumarill either ignored or didn't hear Tulip. "But that's why I only visit this area."

The little Bulbasaur waddled herself to the brush that led the way they came from. "You're more than welcome to stay here, if you'd like, though I don't think those two would approve as much." She "thumbed" a vine to the two yet again. "They don't mind visitors though."

"I'm going to go watch the Bellossom dance, if you'd like to join me." Her voice changed from the disdainful tone to a much chipper one.  


Dangerous Nerd


PostPosted: Sun May 16, 2010 3:54 pm
Eskiva looked at the Azumarill sunning themselves and decided that Tulip was right they did look superficial. So she decided that her home in the wild woods was a much better place to be with. "Sure I'll come it sounds interesting." She answered as she turned and caught up to Tulip. This was definitely an interesting place, since Eskiva generally didnt meet too many pokemon what with her home being in moving water she wondered if all water pokemon were like that....NAH after all SHE was awesome and thus it was only water mice that were definitely not awesome.

She toddled along behind the bulbasaur and looked around trying to take in everything all at once just so she would have something to remember later on. "So why do the Belossom dance around here? does it help the plants?" She didnt have much experience with grass types, they were all so strange to her and so attached to their plants and homes and blah blah. But Tulip was a grass type and she didnt seem as crazy as most of the others she knew so Eskiva intended to ask alot of questions and maybe get some interesting answers. "What other kinds of grass types live around here?" Eskiva wondered aloud. She half wanted to know in case any of them ever wanted to go up against her. Older pokemon were always fighting to prove how strong they were and she needed to know what to expect since these were so close.
PostPosted: Mon May 17, 2010 7:06 pm
Tulip took a sharp turn, listening to Eskiva's questions. The floral tunnel had many smaller routes to follow upon closer inspection. Tulip had taken such a route. "Quite honestly, I'm not sure why they dance, but it's really pretty to watch. It might help the plants, but I think its more the Digletts' doing there."

She ducked under a low branch without even looking, continuing her focus on the Squirtle. "As for grass types, there're Bellossoms, as I've already said, Oddish, Gloom, Vileplume, Belllsprout, Weepinbell, and a few Victreebell. I am the only Bulbasaur here." She sounded all to proud of this last fact.

Dodging another branch, they came into a clearing that was shaded by several low-hanging trees. Vines hung lazily down from the branches, all sorts of flowers blooming about. Tulip took a couple steps out into the area then had a seat on the soft grass. She looked to Eskiva and smiled, but kept her voice low now, "It'll be starting soon."  


Dangerous Nerd


PostPosted: Sun May 23, 2010 5:38 pm
Eskiva listened to Tulip as they walked, it was a strange route and she missed a few things that Tulip said because she had to keep up with the small bulbasaur through all the sharp turns and low branches. Since Eskiva was taller than Tulip and so the road was a little more difficult but she did her best to keep up and listen. She nodded when she thought it was proper and she made affirmative noises as well. She practically bowled right over the small green backed pokemon when they actually reached the area where the dance was to take place. Once she looked around briefly to get her bearings she settled and sat down next to Tulip.

"Thats cool that your the only bulbasaur, I've met another squirtle before...boring creature but whatever, haha maybe its best that you dont meet another bulbasaur" Eskiva smiled and laughed a little bit as softly as she could to try and stay quiet. "So how often do they do this?" Eskiva asked curiously wondering when the "show" was going to start and if she was being rude by continuing to talk.
PostPosted: Mon May 24, 2010 4:12 pm
"Oh, everyday," Tulip yawned. She didn't come watch the Bellossom every time, but since she had a guest, she figured it'd be nice to show Eskiva.

Several Pokemon began to emerge from around the clearing. Most were of the ones Tulip had mentioned earlier; Bellsprout, Oddish, Azurill, etc but there were a few Rattata and Pidgey. Each took a seat in the circular area, careful not to get too close to the center. There was much murmuring as they all entered. A Diglett popped up next to Tulip and gave her a nod before directing its attention to the center. Tulip was unfazed.

A few vines parted, revealing six Bellossom. The flower Pokemon scurried into the clearing, taking up specific points. They all closed their eyes and raised there arms towards the sky. A long, silent pause followed. Nothing stirred, not even the trees it seemed.

After an achingly long silence, the Bellossom began to sway, slowly at first, then quicker as an unheard beat picked up. The Bellossom were in perfect sync as they spun around the clearing, releasing petals of different colors into the air. The petals gained a life of their own as they swirled around the clearing, floating above the dancing flower Pokemon.  


Dangerous Nerd


PostPosted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 9:20 am
Eskiva had to admit she had never really seen a belossom before. She had seen the occasional oddish but that was about it, so she was very impressed by their final form. They were quite pleasant to see and when they started dancing she was mesmerized! They were absolutely beautiful. She whispered some sounds of amazement as the dace was going on. She was definitely glad that she had happened across this place even if it wasnt up to par to house her.

To put on a performance everyday seemed impossible but then again it was such a great performance that alot of practice must have gone into it. Being a water pokemon she was a little uncomfortable around so many plant pokemon but she saw a few other types and was less afraid. She gave a look to her new friend and sat back to enjoy the show. She might not have found a suitable home but she definitely found some nice entertainment! This was a good day.
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