Stargarden was in the depths of the marshland and this time he was not alone. He sat partly on a rotting log, his weight causing it to break inward. He didn't seem to notice, as his glowing eyes looked around the area. He seen many animals, and a grew kimeti and in the distance he seen Bites For Fun. Although the animals he seen were actually rocks, and the kimeti were trees and bushes, Bites For Fun was real. His dedication was real. He had a story to tell on this starry night.

"Last night I had no tail," he begun, his sense of time puzzling.

He looked around at his "audience" and grinned a small smile. Yes, he had no tail, that's right folks!

"Neither did you," he said, glancing to the trees, and bushes. Which was true, but not for the manner in which Stargarden had intended. They were only trees and bushes after all, they weren't the kimeti he seen, they had leaves and branches that could sway like a tail but in the end they were just branches.

"Just a fluff on my hide. A really, really big foxbun attached to me!"

There was a splashing in the distance at the mention of a tasty foxbun and Stargarden flicked his tail against the ground, causing pieces of dead wood to jump in various directions. It startled his audience, and it took a minute for Stargarden to calm the little rocks down.

"Light shined bright above me, but I did not move from the ground. Not even when my ally Bites For Fun came over and put his mouth on my foxbun." He paused, his audience curious. "My foxbun! And he said 'a lie' and then he tugged and tugged." He took a breath. "And tugged, and tugged. He just wouldn't let go. I held on, and then when he finally let go...!"

Stargarden looked around at his audience, who did not look surprised, or bother to state that Bites For Fun was actually trying to eat him, and swatted his long tail around.

"He pulled the foxbun off and... out came my tail!"

Turns out, his tail was actually hiding in him and just needed a good friend to get it out. And then, that's how Stargarden, and everyone else, got a tail! The audience stared in awe, and Stargarden would have continued to retell the story over and over if Bites For Fun hadn't splashed in the distance causing Stargarden to hastily follow the crocodile without giving adieu to his rocks.