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The night was chilly as the last frosty grips of winter still clung to the approaching spring season, the skies clear to make the temperature below freezing as the grass crunched softly under her hooves. The nights were always long for Sapphire, her days filled with was a never ending cycle of torture, sorrow and finally, disturbing dreams when she tried to escape the harshness of her reality. Fresh and old wounds littered her once pristine coat of ebony and blue, oh how her father would lose his mind if he saw her like she was. Unkempt hair holding bits of dirt and the occasional leaf from being pushed down to the ground...the mare was a bit thankful her pelt hid the bruises from her abuse thanks to its dark hue. Once a happy filly, filled with life and energy by the bucket was hard to just bare the day ahead each time she opened her eyes.

Wrapping her wings against her body to protect it from the cold as she wandered as she always did when Beelzebub was off killing someone else, she knew that she could never go far until he'd catch up to her. Each time the punishment getting more severe than the last. It almost cost Sapphire her life last time, struggling to survive for days until she felt good enough to walk once again. It was a mistake she was not going to make twice.

The moonlight was her only grace, the gentle light nearly making the mare glow under the hue, her blues nearly glittered in a luminescence unrivaled by her otherwise pathetic state. Her namesake eyes as beautiful as any gem despite the fire that had been put out many a months ago on the fateful day she met her tormentor, Beelzebub. Finding a slow moving stream deep in the heart of the woods that was not rancid from the stallion's victims, the mare stumbled down to the shoreline and drank profusely till she felt as if she could have been sick from the amount consumed...yet she knew she wouldn't get another drink of fresh clean water till tomorrow night after she returned to the Lord's side.

Pausing in her feverish drinking, Sapphire opened her eyes to look at her own reflection...her breath catching in her throat as she really was her father's daughter, able to see every bit of her father in her reflection. "D...Daddy...." A tremble overcame her features...did they miss her, were her brothers big and strong....was mommy angry when she was gone....did Cobalt gain the freedom he never had watching her all the time? Biting her lip gently as she hung her head, the mare silently sobbed as her tears fell and drifted off to be one with the stream. Her frail and tiny frame quaking in a mix of shivers and sorrow, as her hair fell over her eyes as a shield.

"S...Sapphire w-wants too g-go ho-me...."