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[LOG] Meet By The Sea Yawo + Tandu

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Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:41 pm
Players: Unyawo`Olulula : iGotGreen and Tandu : Zingling

Although sweet the wind now seemed to have a sting of salt to it, as if he was close to the sea. Mother had told stories of the sea and its strange pulling effect on the heart. Like it was a beckoning mother, waiting for its child to rush into her arms, she would say with a misty looking eye. Almost as if she had once taken home near such a place. Though, he never was quite certain if she had or not, he always knew he should check the sea first.
Looking up towards the sky Tandu smiled, had the wind decided to bring him to his mothers old home, or maybe, his mothers new home? His heart certain grew with the ache of hope at the thought.
Pulling himself towards the nearest tree teal eye searched its bark, attempting to find a sign of life in the area. He would not cross any pride territory as he did not want to deal with the issues that could come of doing so. No, he would scout the area and make sure it was safe for him to move about.

It had been a beautiful start to the day, sun had risen up with her and the sea welcomed her. She had taken a nap by there in the early morn and felt it was now her time to look around some more. She decided to take her imagination to the very edge of the Bahari, where she wasn't allowed to be on a regular basis as a younger lion. She pondered about her rites, pondered about life, and what it would be like on the other side. Without her Mom always around, without a pride to be in, without others. She's never been alone in her life! She had just gotten away from the hustle and bustle, and lions when she scented the wind. It told her of a new lion, not a familiar scent, but refused to tell her no more. Who was at their borders?
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:43 pm
He had been studying a tree when he noticed the sound of another fairly close by, a bird suddenly flying off with a squawk giving the other away. He truly did hope he was not intruding on pride territory at the moment, but so far no trees had been marked nor scented for him to acknowledge. With a line forming on his lips he paused to look at the tree for a moment longer, then turned to wait for his company to arrive.
It would be cowardly for him to just disappear, especially since he knew the wind was blowing in the direction of the movement and they would definitely know he was there. The hard pounding of his heart and nerves however where still telling him to do so. He needed to move away, get out of there, leave. This place is of pride territory, yet his legs did not move.
Instead, surprisingly he called out, wanting to know who was close to him. With a deep, thundering bellow he called “Hello.” And that was all. Frightened as hell that he suddenly burst out like that, especially seeing as he normally calculated his actions to the ‘T’.
What if it is an enemy his mind began to question, but his gut intervened, it wouldn’t end badly it told him. Just calm down.
Just calm down….

A voice boomed and caught the newly grown lioness off guard, a beast? Her heart skipped a beat as the voices echo was carried away by the soft cooing of her sea. She stepped closer; eye’s clearing the fuzzy outline ahead to be a big, broad shoulder lion, pelt of brown with teal markings and bright eyes. He was brave saying hello the way he did; she was in her territory after all. Instead of making a formal defence she smiled sweetly and stepped closer to the male, now within a comfortable distance she spoke.
“Hello there.” She said, her voice sweet like the scent of most flowers and her eyes soft as the sea herself. The birds that had unsettled at the sound of the males voice had resettled and made the leaves up above rattle lightly. She glanced up for a brief moment, but knew better then to leave herself open for too long. “What is your name..?” She asks, her voice smoothly pouring out, she gazed up and down at him, getting in his full appearance before settling on his eye’s.

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:46 pm
Breathing noisily through his nose to calm his nerves he didn’t notice the female that made her way towards him, that is, until she spoke. It sounded pretty, like his wind seemed to sound when it wanted him to follow it somewhere pleasant. Had it brought him here to meet her? Teal eyed looked her over quick, trying not to seem rude as he did it. Not everyone enjoyed being eyed up after all and he didn’t feel like making her uncomfortable.
Nodding a hello at her he grinned some, paying no attention to the birds that were above him. There were more important things to deal with than settling birds. Finding out if he was on pride territory being his main concern.
“I am Tandu, am a wandered. My wind has taken me here, though I do hope I am not intruding on pride territory.” Rolling his shoulders some he relaxed his posture, hoping he would seem less of a threat looking like that. “I also wonder… is the sea close by?”

She watched his eye’s without moving her own, they followed the shape of her own body she figured; doing the same thing she had done to him. “Nice to meet you, Tandu; I am Yawo of Bahari`Mtoto.” Her smile never fades, though eye’s narrow. A traveller? Oh spirits! Her eye’s pull from their narrow form and they twinkle lightly. “No, you’ve just reached our borders and our Mother the sea is just a few strides walk.” She was excited, perhaps he had stories, where was he from, what was it like and would he tell her any of it? She nearly spilled her gut load of questions right there and then.
Instead she started with.. “Would you like to meet her?” Her eyes were lit up brightly now. The sea was her favorite part about being here. She was in love with it, it calmed her in the mornings, kept her pelt clean and was her favourite thing to see before she fell asleep. Her best friend.
PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:09 pm
Making a small bow and greeting to her Tandu watched her eyes. They suddenly had started sparkling after he mentioned the fact that he had been a wanderer. Had she never seen the lands beyond her pride before? A chuckle lightly escaped his maw at her excitement. They seemed to share the same wanting to explore, though she seemed a little more caged than him.
As she spoke of the mother sea he couldn’t help but think of his mother and how fondly she had spoke of it. Maybe she was from this pride back before she moved with father, and maybe he would find her here as well. Perking up at the idea of even being in the pride his mother lived in Tandu couldn’t help but grin wide and goofy. SUCH a good feeling it was, so peaceful and happy.
Then the offer happened. He had to hold himself down from leaping onto Yawo in excitement over seeing the sea and maybe catching a glimpse at his mother. “I-“ Holding his tongue for a moment he thought about what he was about to say. Would it be alright for him to just waltz around a unfamiliar pride? Looking out towards where he thought the sea was he watched, waiting for a sign.
And it did. Fluttering lightly a soft colored leaf drifted past his field of view, allowing him a peaceful mind.
“I would most certainly enjoy seeing the mother sea Yawo… for it reminds me of my mother, whom I have been missing for a very long time.”

She smirked a bit and almost let go a small childish giggle after his, she was excited to have a new friend, an outside friend. A friend she’d get to share her precious Mother with. “She’s absolutely stunning! And so large, you can see for miles across her!” She was so excited that she nearly bounced about on the spot, but seemed to hold herself steady. “You should see her when the sun rises or falls!” She sighs contentedly. “Well, shall we go?” Her paws were jittering with unspent energy and excitement. So before she could continue her blabbering she turned tail and began at a playful slow jaunt.
She turns her head and gazes at her friends. “Well hurry along! She’ll be sparkling by now!” She smiles and looks forward again, to continue her run.

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

Ctrl F Greenie

Colorful Waffles

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:08 pm
She was so easily excitable, but in a very good way. It was refreshing to meet someone with lots of energy and happiness. Someone his mother and father would enjoy if he ever had a chance to bring her with him. Energy was the best thing they always said as they stared at each other in the most adoring way he had ever seen. A smile spread wide as his memories washed over him and before he knew it he was moving with her. Excited to see the sea at long last, feel his fur curl and his nostrils sting with salt.
Bouncing after her his thick brown mane bounced with him, making him seem more childish than he actually was. His spark for light lighted anew with the sense of adventure. His mother had been here, he was sure of it, and now he was here about to watch the same sea his mother had. “I cannot thank you enjoy for such an amazing opportunity. I do hope your pride rules won’t be upset with me wandering around on their lands…”

Yawo gave him the broadest smile she had yet, he looked so silly with his mane bouncing the way it was. Silly goose, she thought to herself. “It’s really my pleasure!” She spoke between breaths as she led the way into a sandier part of their territory; she hoped the same thing he did. She had never met an outsider before now and had never thought about whether he’d be in trouble for being here. So she decided to stop thinking about it.
They didn’t have to go much further before the air thickened with the scent of salt and the under scent of sand. She slowed her running, head rising up to smell the air. She heaved a breath and looked at Tandu. “A scent you’ll never forget.” She promised him, her eyes sparkling as they had as when he said he was a wanderer. This was her home, where she thrived.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:01 pm
She was right, the smell of salt and sand mixed, filling his nostrils with a uniqueness that he had never before
experienced. It was lovely, something he wouldn’t mind waking to everyday, Yawo really was lucky to live in an area with such a scent to it. Looking at her sparkling eyes he felt a light ache in his heart he hadn’t really felt before, but pushed it aside.
“This place, how I wish I could have grew up here. It is so peaceful.” His eyes strayed towards the bright blue that he assumed to be the mother sea. She was most definitely beautiful, it was almost hard to believe stories his mother told of the raging sea. How could something so soothing become so full of rage?
“Your pride, what is its name?” Bright teal eye glittered, watching her with a smile wide on his face. He couldn’t help it anymore, the feeling this area gave him was absolutely incredible. “This place… is one of the most magical I have even been to. You are lucky to live here.”

Yawo smiled softly, her rump was dropped to the ground as she reached the closer parts of the sea, and she stayed close to Tandu, her new companion. "It's a wonderful home; I hope to raise a family on these same beaches that was raised on." Her eyes' watered lightly; memories a treasure she carried like it were fragile as glass. "We, are the Bahari`Mtoto." She stated strongly, pride powerful in her voice. "Luck has nothing to do with this; it was my Mothers wonderful choice, her need to be home." She turned her white head to the male, her eye's still glittered with undried tears.


Timid Conversationalist


Timid Conversationalist

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:03 pm
Listening to her speak made Tandu smile, she was certainly an enjoyable companion to be with and best yet she was carefree. The look in her eyes however made his smile falter for a moment. What was she thinking just then that had her eyes sparkling with unshed tears? Deciding to nudge her lightly with his cheek he smiled at her.
“Your dream will come true some day and you will love it. I can see you care deeply for this place. The Bahari’Mtoto.” It was a beautiful sounding pride, strong but welcoming. “I hope my wind will carry me back here one day so I can possibly stay for longer. This place… needs more attention from me. It feels like home.”

Yawo hung still for a sec, welcoming his nudge, enjoying the touch of another no matter how brief, "Dreams are made to be achieve and I achieve to complete them." She said her words sure of themselves and sturdy. She loved her home, and loved the area; she'd probably never leave for long if she left at all.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:04 pm
It was true, dreams were made to be achieved some way or another. Grinning at her, his eyes watched the sea and he made a wish. He wished he would be able to make it back to the sea. Back to her and maybe even join this pride she was with. If just felt oddly right being near the sea and close to her. Would the wind allow that though?

“We must stay connected. I enjoy your company and wish to tell you my stories of my travels. Maybe take you with me some time. “He watched her now, the steady movement of the ocean lulling into ever peacefulness. Was this was it was like to live in a utopia? To be around others that he enjoyed immensely?
“Could you tell me more about your pride?”

Yawo's mind was a whirl, he was the sweetest lion she'd ever met and already he was talking about leaving? She felt an unusual ache in her chest. "I hoped you'd mention that. I want to stay connected as well." She smiled broadly, her giddiness never leaving for very long. "Stories, oh boy you treat me like gold!" She laughed happily, hearing stories, knowing of the outside world, maybe even venturing free of this place. Her mind wandered a moment then was brought back with his want of knowledge about this place.

"Well, it's all about the sea." She offered the obvious to begin with. "Everyone here is loving, kind, treasures rituals and just enjoys living." She smiled broadly again, but this time to the sea. Her enjoyment in the sea's presence was obvious.


Timid Conversationalist


Timid Conversationalist

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:18 pm
He grinned at her comment. Of course he would treat her like gold; she shared the sea with him after all, and even told him stories of the pride. What more could he ask for? Well, other than being next to a beautiful, carefree lioness that is. He was damned lucky for that. Though, as his mind wandered he felt the familiar movement on his mane and face, the familiar scent filling his nose. His wind. It wanted him to move again… but he was happy here. He was happy, wasn’t the wind supposed to take him to a place of happiness?!

Staring up at the sky he wanted to scream he was happy, because he was. He really was. This place made him feel at ease with everything, even his past. Yet the wind didn’t want him to stop. Turning to face Yawo again he sighed, it was time for him to leave. He would be back though, he made that promise to her, and he would be.

“Yawo… I need to leave now.. I will be back. I promise, but for now the wind needs me.” He felt his eyes sting with unshed tears. It wasn’t fair. None of it was. “I will see you again.” He said softly before turning away, not wishing her to see tears in his eyes. His paradise shown to him and then ripped away from his paws.

[IC] Rogue Lands [IC]

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