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Soft cream-tipped paws passed silently through the tall wispy grasses of the savannah, the lioness’ pale slender body low and lean against the ground. Her light colored coat made it slightly difficult to blend in at times, she was pale enough to stand out rather starkly against some terrains, but she never did all that badly when it came to hunting. But she wasn’t hunting in earnest at the moment. Considering it yes, but she wasn’t starving. Besides, she had Kisun around somewhere. Keena wasn’t about to eat in front of her little friend…
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A small hare bounded back and forth, leaping gleefully out of the tall grass to see if she could see over the tops. Her black ears poked out somewhat, though they were mostly plastered back with all the zipping around she was doing. The wispy grasses made shushing noises as she ran back and forth, and Kisun the hare found this to be quite amusing indeed. Easily distracted, or so it often seemed, it wouldn’t be hard to spot the black and brown hare as she raced to and fro on delicate little white paws.

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The movement caught his eye and Shibasa didn't even think before giving chase, his paws pounding against the ground as he raced through the tall grass, the scent of hare in his nostrils. He could see it now, mere feet ahead of him. Closer, he thought, he had to go faster to get closer. With that single drive he kicked up his speed.

Bouncing around was quite fun, yes. As was making that shushing noise with her fur. But even the shush shush of the tall grasses wasn’t quite enough to keep the hare’s sensitive ears from picking up on another presence. With a puzzled pause, she turned only to see a flash of red. Well! That was going to be exciting wasn’t it! With a leap that very nearly did clear the tops of the grasses, Kisun raced off towards where her much larger friend had been a few moments before. People were less likely to eat her when they meet Keena after all.

Keena was slightly oblivious to the intention and events that transpired behind her. She’d found a small pool of water just sitting in the middle of the grasses, and was trying to figure out where it came from. It was shallow and muddy, not quite pleasant to drink, but water nonetheless. Perhaps it was from a recent rain? Of course, when Kisun suddenly splashed through it, she was rather distracted from her curiosity. “What in the world?” she sputtered, shaking muddy water from her face.

A snarl lit his lips as the bunny veered off course and he almost fell as he tried to turn. It was a bit slippery for a moment as Shibasa got his bearings, but he managed to follow the rabbit, only to stop at the sight of the lioness. "What in the hell is going on here?" he finally asked as he looked at the bunny and the lioness. "Are you going to eat that?" he asked secondly.

Keena lifted a paw to wipe some of the mucky water from her eyes. Probably was just an oversized puddle from the rain. But it made it hard to see what was going on, and someone was talking to her. Someone she didn’t know. And they wanted to know what was going on, which she would gladly tell them if she really knew herself. Oh Kisun…she really didn’t understand her friend’s antics very often. “No, I’m not going to eat Kisun. She’s a friend,” the lioness explained, blinking her golden eyes to clear them, adding “I’m Keena,” because it was polite to introduce oneself.

“Well!” Kisun giggled, watching her pale friend brush water from her face. She squelched her formerly white paws into the dirt, making little spots of mud. “That was interesting.” She hopped a good bit closer, practically underneath Keena’s paws, and dabbled at the water a bit. If she waved her paw back and forth, it made little swirlies of mud in the water. So she proceeded to do so with great delight, the large lion that wanted to eat her apparently forgotten for the moment.

"A friend," Shibasa repeated after a long, blank pause. "You made a dinner a friend..." For a long moment he just stared at the two females, contemplating his luck with lionesses. All of them, he decided after a long moment, were freakin' insane. Godesses, bone throwing voodoo chicks, and rabbit loving--not in the right way-- crazy chicks! It was almost enough to make a guy give up on ever getting a mate! Then he had a thought, and his eyes narrowed. "You're... keeping her around for when you get hungry?"

“Well…” Keena started shyly when he asked if she made friends with ‘dinner’. She knew more than a few people found it odd. But… but hares were pretty small anyway. A snack more than a dinner. And she’d met Kisun when she was full from a successful hunt, and once she’d spoken to her…she couldn’t eat her friend. “What? No, of course not!” Saving her for later? That…that was… “She’s too small to be a dinner anyway,” Keena tried to explain, her voice taking on a pleading note. She wanted him to understand…

Kisun’s long black ears barely even flicked at the strange lion’s suggestion that Keena was merely keeping her around for later. She didn’t move a muscle, apparently quite intent on making the little mud-swirls in the water. But she was listening. Keena’s answer didn’t much surprise her, and to be fair the lioness had only ever been trustworthy. But, as oblivious and carefree as she might seem, Kisun wasn’t actually stupid. She knew far too well that a big cat might decide to eat her. Several had already tried after all. Obviously with no success. But still.

"Yeah, you're right, shouldn't mention that in front of it," he said, starting to turn. "Well you and the appetizer have a good day, then," he added as he started to walk away. Obviously he was a jerk and didn't want to waste time on things like... oh, introducing himself, or even bothering to remember the name she had given him. To be honest, he was just waiting for her to bring out gnawed up bones and toss them around, chanting about something strange.

The way his life had been going recently, it would have only been fitting.

Keena’s ears dropped slightly as he scoffed and started to walk away. She hadn’t meant to upset him! But…but she couldn’t let him eat Kisun either! She fidgeted slightly, feeling miserably guilty for making him so upset. Why else would he be so grumpy? Oh! “W-wait!” she called, taking a hesitant step after him, “I…we could find something else if you wanted. I was thinking about hunting anyway…if…if you want…” Maybe he was so upset with her that he’d rather starve than have anything else to do with her. THAT was a depressing thought…

Kisun rolled her eyes at being called an ‘it’. As if she weren’t even here! Besides, he’d no call to treat Keena like that either! The poor silly lioness was going to be all mopey for DAYS if he just stalked off like that, she always seemed to think it was something she’d done. As if people weren’t just generally rude. She didn’t say anything though, just continued to splash away. Hunting was what lions did after all. Couldn’t live off grass like sensible folks. Oh well. Keena was still a decent sort.

Shibasa stopped, turning to look back at her with a cynical expression. "Well..." he said slowly, the expression fading. She didn't look like one that'd laugh at him and hog all the food. Hell, she kept a BUNNY for a pet. That meant a few things, one being, she was a complete ditz, and two, she was obviously well fed. A lioness that was alone like this one had to be a great hunter. "I... yeah, sure," he said. "I'll go hunting with you. You know any herds around here?"

Her expression only grew more apologetically hopeful as she saw the cynical look on his features. She really HAD upset him then, hadn’t she. What was she doing so horribly wrong? She just…she couldn’t let him eat Kisun! “I’m not from around here, so I’m not really sure. But I saw tracks earlier, so there’s something around…” she tried, hoping that he’d be less upset after he’d eaten. Hunger could do things to a person after all…

Shibusa had, quite unknowingly, just agreed with the hare he regarded as dinner at best. Keena and Kisun looked out for each other… in their own special and slightly absurd sort of way. Someone had to make Keena see sense, and that things weren’t always her fault. The major irony of it was that Kisun was the one attempting it, it was almost hypocritical of her but she meant well. She always meant well… well, usually.

"Yeah?" he said, heading back to them. "Where at?" he asked, looking around. If she could lead him to something good to eat, he might even offer to travel with her for a bit. It was lonely, going alone like he was. But then again, did he really want to spend time with another crazy girl? And a rabbit? He'd have to think about it. "I'm not from around here, either," he admitted. "I'm heading north to the mountains, cuz some crazy old woman with bones on told me to."

Keena practically beamed when he came back towards them. So he didn’t hate her? She hadn’t upset him so badly that the lure of food wasn’t enough to help earn back forgiveness? “Not too far from here,” she promised, eagerly starting to lead the way, though she glanced back at him to be sure he was following. “But the mountains are pretty far away…” Not that she was entirly sure why a woman with bones would have told him to go there…but… well. She had absolutely no reason as to where she wandered. Any reason of his was better than hers.

Moving off already? But she’d only just gotten herself properly muddy! Oh well. The hare shook herself vigorously, then bounded eagerly to her feet, racing to zigzag around Keena’s paws. It was fun for one thing, and Keena wasn’t going to step on her. Or fall over herself and land on Kisun. And also…the strange red lion wasn’t going to be able to eat her on the sly. Win. “What’s your name anyway?” she asked him, pausing to glance over her shoulder at the lion who’d honestly tried to eat her. She didn’t blame him for it…not exactly. But would she trust him, as Keena always seemed to trust the world? Haha, not really. But she wasn’t going to stop playing about over it.

Shibasa looked at the rabbit, wondering if he should even bother answering it.  Who had a conversation with food, anyway?  But he might as well act nicely, he told himself, since there was a chance of a meal in this trip.  "Shibasa," he said.  "I'm a rogue.  And yeah, I already realize the mountains are pretty far from here.  Thanks so much for pointing out the obvious."

Keena looked a bit downcast as the lion commented on her pointing out the obvious. She'd only been trying to find something to say...she'd thought it might be easier if they could talk to each other some. Maybe she'd been wrong. Maybe he really did hate her, and letting her help him find food was mere contemptous pity. But...but Keena hadn't meant to upset him! "I'm sorry," the lioness said softly, "I wasn't trying to offend you..." She only wanted to make things right! Why was that so wrong?

Kisun giggled, pleased that she'd finally gotten a responce out of the angry rogue. Poor Keena never did know how to deal with his type, why the lioness thought everyone who was mean to her did it because of some fault of her own the hare didn't know. "Well, Shibasa, that makes three of us then!" she announced with a wink. Convince him to start thinking of her as one of them, and maybe he'd stop reffering to her as an 'it'. Really, it was quite annoying! As if she weren't a real person just because she didn't eat the same things he did!

He groaned, feeling as if he had kicked a cub with that apology.  "Okay, sorry, I should have--I dunno, just sorry," he muttered, feeling like an idiot.  "It's not your fault I've been having a rough time.  I shouldn't have taken it out on you.  I've just been traveling for a while now, and every time I seem to find something, it just turns out to be another trip to someplace even farther."

"Sorry? But...I'm not mad at you though..." Keena said, apparently puzzled by his apology. He'd been the one who'd been upset, not her. Why would he appologize for something that was her fault? He was being so nice... and after she'd stopped him from getting his dinner too. But Kisun was a friend, she couldn't let him eat her... Pausing, Keena sniffed at the wind as it changed direction. Hopefully, if she found him some food to make up for it, he wouldn't feel so upset. "At least it seems like the herd isn't too far of trip," the lioness offered hopefully, unless there were a whole lot more than there should have been with the wind blowing harder than it felt like, they must not be too far off now.

Well, it was about time that irritable red creature stopped bullying poor little Keena! Kisun huffed, then shook herself vigerously. It seemed that the male was trying to ignore her attempts at conversation. But that was fine she supposed. She probably didn't want to be around the two of them when they went for dinner anyway. Keena always got awkward, no matter that Kisun had never said a word. "Well, I suppose I'll find my own dinner then!" she giggled, butting her head playfully against one of Keena's paws before bounding off. She seemed just as carefree as always, but she wasn't that stupid. She'd an ear cocked, in case Shibasa decided to pursue her.

"I can smell it now," Shibasa said as the scent filled his nose.  His stomach grumbled hungrily.  He was starving.  All the traveling he was doing took a lot out of him.  And she had been good to have around, even if she was way too meek and kept a bunny for a pet.  She at least had a really good nose.  "What was your name again?" he asked abruptly as they headed towards the herd.  "Keeneye?  Keanu?"

Keena resisted the urge to giggle as his stomach growled it's approval of the scent he'd caught. Somehow it seemed like it would have offended him. "Keena," she answered brightly, not the least offended or hurt by the fact that he'd forgotten, or perhaps ignored, her name. It didn't bother her in the least, she was just glad he seemed to be less upset now. With a motion for him to be quiet, as if he wouldn't already know, she let herself fall into a low crouch as they made their way towards the edge of the tall grasses they'd been using as camoflauge. "Zebra," the lioness whispered as the wispy green screen faded and the animals became clearly visible. A zebra was a much better meal than some poor little bunny. A rabbit was hardly a mouthful, he'd need to hunt more to satisfy his hunger and then it would have been a waste. "I can sneak around and startle them to you, if you'd like," she suggested, peering at the group of prey. She could probably catch one and bring it down herself, but...well...

"Yeah, I can do that," Shibasa said.  "Where do you want me to be to catch it?" he asked her, looking for someplace nearby.

Keena looked around as he did, frowning thoughtfully. His bright red coat was really lovely to look at, but it seemed to stand out like a parrot in a leafless tree. She should therefore, discreetly of course, place him somewhere he could be out of sight. "Perhaps over by that tree?" she suggested, "Or in the edge of this grass? It might even help hide your scent, you'd have no trouble surpising one." It seemed like a good place to her, "Unless you've a better idea?" she hastened to add, not wanting him to think she was trying to tell him what to do. But she did need to know which direction to try to chase the herd in!

"Nah, the grass works," he said, heading for it and crouching.  He was pretty obvious, but he held so still that he seemed to fade after a few moments.  It was the only way he could catch anything, after all.

Keena nodded when he opted to hide out in the grass, and was honestly impressed at how quickly he seemed to disappear. Well! He'd certainly proved her thoughts wrong! "Kay, be back soon..." she murmered, creeping carefully in a wide circle around the peaceful herd. The tall grass helped to mask her approach for the most part, and luck and practice helped her in the spaces where the grass had grown thin. Her job was to be seen after all, but she didn't want them to run in the wrong direction. She'd hate to cost him TWO dinners! It might have taken some time, but she finally thought she was in the right position. She couldn't even see Shibasa anymore herself, he really had vanished. But this was half a circle, she was sure of it! Tensing, she leaped at the unsuspecting zebra, scattering them in the red lion's general direction and chasing the group that seemed to be headed closest to him.

He jumped at just the right time, his newly added weight snapping the zebra's back the second he hit it.  The muscles he had gained over the travel had come in handy.  Just out of instinct he ripped out the zebra's throat, making sure it was dead before he started to eat.  He hadn't had a meal this good since he'd been kicked out of his pride!  He was definitely going to enjoy it!

Keena was panting slightly when she came up to where Shibasa had been waiting, not from exhaustion but from excitment. Hunting was thrilling, especially hunting with a partner. "That was an amazing jump," she purred as she reached him, looking over the very dead zebra as he ripped into it. She was almost hesitant to see if he would mind her sharing, he had seemed to be very hungry. But she'd helped... surely he wouldn't mind? Shyly, the lioness crept up to a space he hadn't gotten near yet, sinking her teeth into the still warm flesh. If he objected, she didn't doubt he'd let her know very quickly.

He scooted over so she could help herself.  All he'd done was bring it down, after all.  And there was no way he could eat the entire thing himself.  Besides, the longer they took to eat, the more likely problems would show up to bug them.  When he was full he sat back, sighing loudly.   "That was great."

Keena was relieved when he not only didn't object, but also was kind enough to give her some more room. She ate fairly quickly, surprised that she was as hungry as she seemed to be. She hadn't been before she hunted. Licking the blood from her maw as she sat back she grinned at Shibasa. "We make a pretty good team!" she purred contentedly. Especially now that he didn't seem to be so upset anymore!

"Yeah," Shibasa said as he licked at the blood on his own maw.  "Yeah, we do, huh."  Well, that was worth thinking over.  But when a guy had eaten just like he had, it wasn't for long.  "Want to travel together for a bit?"

The lioness positivly beamed when he agreed with her. He didn't seem the least bit mad or upset or frustrated now. Maybe he really had just been hungry. "I would love to travel with you," she agreed instantly. Making new friends was what life was all about after all. Besides, it wasn't as if she were going anywhere in particular. The mountains might be very interesting to see, and getting to know the big red lion better would be fun too.