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The morning fog was rolling into the swamp as the sun shone through the branches of the canopy above. Most of the swamp was still asleep as a few birds in the canopy began to sing, slowly calling to the land around them, giving them their wake up call. However, Stargarden could never sleep too long, he always heard this echo through his head so instead the starry coated buck was already gazing around, his bright eyes carefully scanning the water's surface. Stargarden had been tracking Bites For Fun as long as he could remember that they were like brothers, or even closer: the light to the other's dark. Usually he could find the crocodile in the early morning without trouble since the land was so quiet.

He was surprised when he heard a splash and turned around to face Bites For Fun. It was so odd to be so close to his friend who was usually running away!

Stargarden made some sort of gesture to the creature and they stared off at each other until finally Bites For Fun approached him. This wasn't how it usually went at all! Stargarden titled his head and made a grunt before he spoke at the crocodile in an unusually calm voice.

"Friend," he begun. "You are acting strange."

The crocodile snapped his jaws at the buck and Stargarden grinned.

"You're in a good mood!"

Bites For Fun snapped his jaws again but didn't move. Neither of them did, which lead them to a stand still. Stargarden usually followed the crocodile, so when Bites For Fun didn't move, he wasn't quite sure what he wanted to do.

Chirp chirp chirp.

If it weren't for that sound, Stargarden probably would have stared at Bites For Fun forever. But luckily, he tilted his head up to the tree and inspected the little bird. The bird however didn't seem to like that pair of glowing eyes on it and soon flew off. Stargarden wasn't going to let it go that easily though and set off after it.

Surprisingly and much to Stargarden's surprise, there was a snapping sound behind him. Bites For Fun was following HIM. Last time this happened Stargarden ended up missing a piece of his ear. Although, he didn't connect the two as he should.

"You're doing it wrong!" Stargarden stated abruptly.

Bites For Fun snapped his jaws in protest, edging slowly over the marshy land behind the buck. It sent a small shiver down Stargarden's spine. It really was unusual for Bites For Fun to take an interest in following him. Or maybe it was his body unconsciously knowing the danger he was in. Even if he didn't realize it, his body could sense it.

Stargarden kept chasing the bird, but every so often he'd look behind and be surprised to see Bites For Fun was still there. He was the middle pea in a very strange pod. Fortunately for Stargarden, the bird stopped running away and landed on the ground. As Stargarden stepped towards the bird, it flew up into the air again and then landed behind him. He didn't know where the bird went, and when he heard a snapping noise, he turned around to see Bites For Fun.

"Do you know where it went?"

Bites For Fun seemed to grin, and then turned away from the buck and made a splash as it landed back into the marshy water. Stargarden thought for a moment and then moved in the other direction then what he originally was going in when he had chased the bird. Since the bird had left, once again he would follow his grinning friend.