You must admit the programs are amazing.
they deserve their own topic.

anywhooooo ...
I think the qualify as 'cute.'
and, since I'm nice and stuff, I'll give you the links to my favorite vocaloid songs.
^ _ ^

Wide Knolwdge of the Late Madness ; sung by vocaloid Miku
Music Box of Time ; sung by vocaloid Luka
Magnet ; cover of a Volaloid song done by Razzy
(ohmigawd, this one has got to be my favorite.)
Alice Human Sacrifice ; sung by (kinda sorta) all the vocaloids
Trick and Treat ; sung by Rin and Len Kagaime
Waffle ; sung by vocaloid Miku

kyaaaa ~
there are a lot more.
these are just a few of the ones I really love.

Enjoy, mofos.