1: A young woman barley 21 has moved into a new state away from her over baring mother.
She has a sweet innocent pure soul which un knowing to her sweetens her blood.
And more than humans live with in her city, black blooded vampires also live, and whom will find her first?
What kind of vampire will take her life into his own hands?

2: Demons take over the world, and thing go black.
They feats on human souls and the Lord of the demons (not Satan) is in charge of keeping the world alive, and killing anything that gets in his way to use humans as food.
But his coldness is challenged when a young girl barley 17 becomes his own personal slave.

3: Darkness takes over the world and now there is only a week of sun light every two months.
Humans soon start to disappear and it comes to be known vampires are real and if any one leaves the company of light, weather of their homes, or the sun light they are sure to not live.
In order to save her cousin a girl falls into the darkness of the woods and is found by a black blooded vampire.
But, he can’t get himself to kill her after feeding from her.
So he takes her from her family and turns her into a pet.

4:There is another one where a Vampire is handed down from a girls Parents too her. He is also very cold and rude only because for generations her family has treated him badly..other than her... She will be his only first kind master...how would it work it?

5:Another one is when A girl works for a bad guy in kinda of a Naruto setting with Ninja and stuff like that...Well she fights this guy whom is kinda a good guy but always kills the ones he fights...they meet and we can go from there....

6:OR like in a super hero VS villain world a girl working for a bad guy killed a darker bad guys girl friend...He went to go kill her...He could not do it and now uses her as a slave..but her treats her very very badly out of anger

I need some one whom is some what literate and can write at least a paragraph...Please pm me when and if you like any...^^ thanks