——————(•·÷{Everyone's favorite part}÷·•)—
• [ Name ] Dimitri Verloren
• [ Age ] 17 - 24
• [ Sex ] Male
• [ Species ] Dhampir - half vampire, half human (genetically altered)
• [ Sexuality ] Homosexual

——————(•·÷{Mirror, mirror...}÷·•)—
• [ Height ] 6'1"
• [ Weight ] 128 lbs.
• [ Hair Color ] Short, dyed black. His natural color is a pale blond
• [ Eye Color ] Ice blue, sometimes with red creeping in.
• [ Complexion ] An almost sickly pale; next to no colour and almost transparant in places.
• [ Distinctive Features ] He has a USB port embedded in his left wrist.
• [ Other ] Dimitri has several piercings; on his right ear, he has an industrial, tragus and two rings through the lobe. On his left ear, he has three rings through the upper cartilage, as well as an 8-gauge plug piercing through the lobe. He also has the bottom left side of his lip pierced.
• [ Style ] His style of clothing changes from time to time; though he loves his graphic T-shirts and skinny jeans, he will often adopt a more classic jacket-and-scarf look. Other times, he will break out his favorite bondage pants and raving goggles for a night at the club.

• [ Personality ] Dimitri is a genuine sweetheart, albeit a little shy. It does not take much to crack his paper-thin shell though; a simple hello is often enough to spark conversation, friendship, possibly an exchange of phone numbers. He will also never hesitate to put others before himself. Above all else, Dimitri is an artist and loves bouncing ideas off different people, whether it be for artwork, song lyrics or short stories, he is always out looking for inspiration.
• [ Likes ] Chai tea, rainy days, cats, music, clubbing, brandy, piercings and tattoos
• [ Dislikes ] Early mornings, extremely bright days, white walls, hospitals and meat products - he's a vegetarian.

——————(•·÷{You're still reading?}÷·•)—
• [ Biography ] After leaving home (he lived in an extremely religious area, and him coming out of the metaphorical closet and staying with the family might not have been a good idea), he wandered around a lot. He was bitten by a vampire while taking what he thought was a shortcut through an alleyway and was picked up by a couple who had offered to help, if he was "willing to participate in a test-cure for vampyrism". He was taken to a laboratory where he spent many years, subject many tests. Regarding this so-called "cure": it turns out that he had been the first vampire-bite victim they got a hold of (before they turn into a ghoul). They gave him vampire blood and kept track of the transformation. They then injected him with every type of "cure" they had come up with. They must have had something right, as he was half-cured, but funding had been cut and he was supposed to be "terminated", as they said. He managed to get out, the facility coming under attack by a resistance group. which is where the real story begins.

——————(•·÷{Reference images}÷·•)—
[Shield] [your] ][eyes][!]