Almasi stopped, recognizing the scent of border markers. How odd...what pride had she come across? She'd not paid much attention to which direction she was going, only the scenery. Well...prides had border guards. Perhaps, if she waited, one might come. If not, she would just skirt along the borders and continue on. Simple as that. So she sat for a bit, eyes and ears open for the telltale signs of approaching life.

Perhaps Kaimel was a little too eager to be walking the borders today, but to him... This was special. It was his first time out of the pridal camp as the Chache'Mwezi; his first time out among the area where he could bump into Rogues as Moto's heir. Maybe that was why, upon spotting the blue shape in the distance, he didn't hesitate to head towards it. This close to the Matembezi border, it was highly unlikely to find any violent Rogues.

Almasi turned her head as a scent reached her, curious. Ah. So there was someone after all. She stretched, then stood up and faced the oncoming lion. Her expression rather fit her wasn't cruel, but there was little warmth in it. Once the other lion was closer, she nodded to him. "What pride have I come across?"

"You've come to the Mwako'bi'Giza. And going by your scent, you're one of the Matembezi?" Kaimel said gently, shifting to sit before Almasi as calmly as he could. He wasn't sure if the pride had to hear of Moto naming his heir.

Ah, so she'd come across her home's allies. Good. She nodded in affirmation. "That I am. But I'm traveling for a time, seeking answers." She sat back down. "My name is Almasi-tifu. What is your name?" Perhaps he might hold an answer for her? One never knew.

"Well I wish you a safe journey, and I'm sure my pride wishes you the same," Kaimel said gently, nodding back towards Almasi. "My name is Kaimel. It's a pleasure to meet you, Almasi."

Almasi smiled slightly. "Thank you. It is good to meet you, Kaimel." She 'hm'ed, then nodded slightly. "Perhaps you might be able to help me? No one in my pride could, despite their best efforts." Even Na'ima could not figure it out. Perhaps one of the Hunters could.

"I would be more than willing to help you, Almasi. I've found I'm rather good at helping others, even unintentionally," Kaimel replied, returning the icey lioness's smile.

"I can't feel. Not like others." She was very blunt, not bothering with any sort of tact or fancy wording. "I don't get excited, or angry...I always feel like I'm going to melt around my sister who can feel." It confused her, and would have frustrated her, she was certain, if she could feel frustration. "I want to know why I'm like this...and how to fix it."

"That is an unusual situation," Kaimel said softly, his brow creasing as he thought it over. "I'm not sure how to fix it... But perhaps, you haven't felt because you haven't needed to. I know one of the Mwezi daughters hasn't spoken a word yet in her life, but there is nothing physically wrong with her that I can find... It may just be a matter of finding the right lion or leopard or what-have-you that can draw it out of you."

Almasi tilted her head, a spark of curiosity flashing through her eyes. "The right creature? Perhaps I may be gone longer than I thought then." The chance of meeting a single creature, the right creature, was a very, very small one. There were so many creatures out there.

"Don't rule anything out. They have a way of finding you when you need them most. Torame stumbled into my care when I was confused and uncertain, and she's been nothing but a help to me ever since. And I'm not sure what I'd do without Chinedu in the pride with me," Kaimel replied, his lips quirking slightly. "The world has a way of sending you just what you need at just the right moments."

The icy lioness nodded. "I shall keep an eye out then." She stood up again, and bowed her head. "Thank you for the advice." She hesitated to ask her next question, but her paws were weary. "Might I stay here a little, to sleep?" She was strong, but even she had limits.

"Of course. Our allies in the Matembezi are always welcome here," Kaimel said lightly, getting to his paws and motioning for Almasi to follow with his tail. "You're welcome to stay as long as it takes to recover your strength."

Almasi followed quietly, nodding. "Thank you again." She would not need long. Just a good night's rest. Maybe she would stick around long enough to see if anyone in the pride made her feel, though. It couldn't hurt.