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A Little about myself.
Hi, my name is Samatha (no "n" b/c my grandma misspelled my name, and no, she wasn't drunk). I am 15 (sophmore) and I LOVE Christ. I go to a small church (on a good day, theres 10 people including the pastors faimly.

youth pastor's family, and mine.) It's called New Horizon worship center, and we're penicostil (holy rollers). At the bigining of this year, we lost half out church becasue of drama. Apperently we said something that really

upsetted them, but they won't tell us what. We've done all we could. They just won't forgive us. I have a younger brother, teddy, and an older sister, amber. My mom can't work, but my dad can. My mom has MS, so she could

freak out at any moment and go peralized :[. We live in a 4 bedroom house, my room is the smallest (I lost in a coin flip :/ ). I moved about 2 years ago from Texas to West Virginia because of family. I am in band, and I love

it. God blessed me with the Bass Clarinet (It's amazing!!) I don't have MANY friends becuase people think I'm weird and think I'm anti-social (which is wroung, I babble alot). I've never had a boyfriend because I fear that they

could put peer presure on me to do stuff I don't want to do (in other words, I havn't found and REAL Christians at my school). The ONLY guy I know thats Christian in my school, also does'nt date, whats the chance of that?

Anyways, I've never gone on a mission trip, but this year, I'm gonna try toUser Image go to Mexico with me old church in Texas, but it costs $600

and we're having problems getting money. I LOVE giraffes, turtles, armidillos, oposums,

elephants, frogs, and pandas. I love the color green. I have a dog name slim (when you pat your chest, he runs up you ^^) I used to have a turtle, but he died last september. Um... I think thats it. Oh, I was raised knowing

Christ, but I never REALLY understood him till last year. Thats it.

A little about STL:
STL stands for speed the light. It's an orginization (for youth) that raises money for missionaries. My church is in the traveling department. in 09' we made a goal to raise $2000. We only raised a little over $1000. Our goal

for 10' is $3000. This year, It's gonna be hard raiseing money becuase Me, my friend Libby, and my sister, amber, all wanna go on our first missions trip. Some of us are planing on going to camp for the first time too. We

have started funding for next year, but it hasn't gone very well. :/ We're worried we won't be able to get the money for the missions trip in time, also, we have people who have already lost their faith in colecting $3k.
The site is

User ImageA little about Libby and Amber
Libby and Amer are both seniors in High School, so they have a lot on their back right now, with colledges shoving their adds down your throat to planning their future. Libby is on band, she plays flute. Amber isn't in and

school activities becuase the is anti-social; the fact she WANTS to go on this missions trip is a miricle. I can't really think of what more to say about them...

My Goal:
My goal is to go OVER $3000, but I need your help. I need you to pray that the Lord will help us reach our goal. Thats all I'm asking for, just to keep us i your prayers. Mabye even give us some fundraising ideas :3

I just thought it was important for me to explain why I need you to keep me in prayers, and tell you of STL.
So... yeah. Thanks for your time'

if you would like to know some more, PM me.