RP between Gumi's Makhi and Kimaria's Altair

He breathed in the fresh morning air with a feeling of both joy and sadness. he was torn about leaving this place. torn because the one true friend he had ever had was here. but he knew he had to go. He couldn't endanger the one true friend he has in this cold, bitter world. so it was that he shook the dust from his pelt and moved out into the ale morning light. "Might as well go now rather than put it off and make it worse."

Small ears twitched up at the sound of the male's muttered words, the lioness shooting up quickly from where she lay sleeping only a moment before. Mercury eyes fell on Altair sadly as she watched him move out of the den. It took her a moment, but, quickly she trotted out after him, catching him gently by the tail. " Now now, what's this? " She asked him, offering a smile. " Not about to sneak out on me a second time without a goodbye, are you, Altair..? "

He smiled at her, thinking her sweet holding his tail just so. And when she spoke his heart ached and he knew this would be a difficult thing to do. leaving her, that was. He cleared his throat and turned back to fully face her. "Not without saying goodbye. I never was much good at saying goodbyes." He paused and looked into her eyes. "I will moss you, Makhi."

Shaking her head, she stepped up closer to press her head under his chin, giving him a soft, affectionate nuzzle before reluctantly stepping back. " I'll miss you as well... You better take care of yourself, you hear? I'm hoping I'll be able to come across you again. " She chuckled out as she sat down in the sand. " You'll always be able to find me here... So, if you ever want to visit... " She glanced off to the side away from him, digging her paws into the sand a little. " Then.. I'll be here waiting... " Slowly, she let her eyes return to him, trying to ignore the horrible feeling that she may never see Altair again if she let him go... There was little she could do to stop him, and she didn't have any right to try. She could only leave the option open to him.

He felt his face warm at her touch and purred in return. He felt so relaxed in her company. "Me too. I don't want this to be our last goodbye. You are my dearest friend and I won't go forgetting you in a hurry." Altair brushed the side of his face against hers and sighed softly. He dipped his ears sheepishly. "I won't pass by without dropping in to say hello." If he knew what she was thinking he probably would have been saddened but not surprised. "Thankyou for the kindness u have shown to me,"

Her head tilted into his a bit when he brushed against her, eyes half shutting. " Altair. It's not something you need to thank me for. You're dear to me... You'll always find kindness and a home here. " She murmured out. It wasn't the whole truth... Him being dear to her.. It felt like more than that. But it was hardly something she could tell to the male on his way out... So she pushed back her sadness to give him a smile. " Just... Be well, Altair... "

"I will. And you, too. You and that brother of yours. Hoefully the next time I happen by you can introduce us. It's a shame I did not have the time this visit." Yes he was afraid that if he did not go now he might never go. Altair took a few steps back and found that smiling was more difficult than ever before. "Maybe one day I will be able to stay. If I settled anywhere it would be here."

She nodded lightly, barely resisting the urge to step after him, to see him off out of the lands. It would only make it harder. " I'm sure he'd love to meet you after hearing so much about you.. " She chuckled out weakly. " Next time you can meet everyone... " She couldn't help but smile at his admission, looking down. " Then, I hope one day you'll feel safe enough to stay for good... Goodbye.. " She murmured out quickly, turning to flee back into her den. She couldn't bring herself to draw their words out any longer, or to watch him walk away.

And so it was with a heavy heart that Altair stepped away, increasing the gap between them with slow and heavy steps. Maybe one day he would be able to stay and feel safe here. Maybe one day he would stop denying that he loved her. Beautiful Makhi. And when he was far enough away he released a roar; heartfelt and sad. "Goodbye my friend."

Her eyes shut against that faint distant sound as she curled back into the furs in her den, letting the tears go finally, now that he was gone. She knew she loved the male. She'd known if for a long time, despite the fact they should barely know each other with their rare encounters... The girl shut her eyes against the tears as she pressed her nose where he lay not long ago, taking in his fading scent to sooth her into a troubled sleep. She could face his missing presence later in the day... But not now. Not yet.