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455. ACID = Con. Type Smart = Sp attack formula + 5 lowers defense and Sp Defense by 1

Sprays a hide-melting acid that is well known to be powerful enough to metal steel. This will cover all foes on the field as it can attack more than one pokemon at a time.

456. ACID ARMOR = Con. Type Tough = + 2 defense

Liquifies the user's body to sharply raise defense ...a move that can be seen as being painful to the pokemon, but, it doesn't seem to faze the pokemon themselves too much.

457. CROSS POISON = Con. Type Cool = regular attack + 5 critical & poison

A deadly poison attack that not only seriously damages the opponent, but can and does also poison the pokemon's body as well. If a critical is hit, the attack will do double dmg.

458. GASTRO ACID = Con. Type Beauty = cancel effects of foe's ability

An attack that places acid in the air, and as a pokemon inhales it slowly takes it's effect on the brain and on the body itself. This attack will cancel out any special abilities that a pokemon may have.

459. GUNK SHOT = Con. Type Cool = - 2 accauarcy [Sp Attack formula + 10dmg] & poison

This is a powerful attack that will coat a pokemon in a acid gunk that will not only tear the body apart, but eat the body from the inside out with a deep poisoning from the inside out.

460. POISON FANG = Con. Type Smart = regular attack + 7 Poison

A sharp-fanged attack that pierces the skin will place a poison so strong that it will boil the blood. This attack when it poisons an opponent will take off lvl x 2 in dmg for poison.

461. POISON GAS = Con. Types Smart = Poison

Envelops the foe in a toxis gas that may poison.

462. POISON JAB = Con. Type Smart = regular attack + poison

A quick jab that is tainted with a venom that if it manages to mix with the opponents blood will cause poisoning of the opponent.

463. POISON STING = Con. type Smart = Regular Attack + Poison

A toxic attack with barbs, etc., that may poison.

464. POISON TAIL = Con. Type Smart = regular attack + 5 critical & poison

An attack that uses a pokemon's tail to lash out with a painful poison fell sting. Depending on where this attack hits, it can cause more dmg than normal.

465. POISONPOWDER = Con. Type Smart = Poison

This attack scatters a toxic powder into the air that may poison any creature that is unlucky enough to be in it's path.

466. SLUDGE = Con. Type Tough = Sp Attack formula + Poison

Sludge is hurled at an opponent to inflict damage as well as to poison upon contact with weak points in the pokemon's skin.

467. SLUDGE BOMB = Con. Type Tough = Sp Attack formula + 2 dmg + Poison

Sludge is hurled in a greater mass upon the enemy to cause more pain, and to better ensure the chances of the pokemon being poison.

468. SMOG = Con. Type tough = Sp attack - 2 dmg + Poison

An weak exhaust- gas attack that may also cause poison.

469. TOXIC = Con. Type Smart = Severe Poison

Poisons the foe with an intensified toxin. This attack does double the dmg of normal poison.

470. TOXIC SPIKES = Con. Type Smart = Dmg equal to pokemon's lvl.

Toxic causes damage when an opponent switches pokemon during a match.

471. Acid Spray =Sp. formula [+5 =-2 Sp. defense]

The user spits fluid to works to melt the target. This harshly reduces the targets Sp. Def.

472. Clear Smog =Sp. attack formula

The user attacks by throwing a clump of special mud at it's opponent. All status changes are returned to normal, and resists the opponent's stats to normal including accuracy roll increases

473. Coil =+1 to attack, defense, and Accuracy roll

The user coils up and concentrates.

474. Sludge Wave =Sp. attack formula [+5 poison]

The swamps the area around it user with a giant sludge wave. It hits every pokemon on the field except itself.

475. Venoshock =Sp. attack formula [x2 if already poisoned]

The user drenches the target in it's special poisonous liquid. Its power is double if the target is poisoned