Welcome to WAR's first ever Ghost Story Contest!

So, here's how it happened ...

So we're all sitting around a ginormo campfire, right?
Then Nathan decides to tell a horrible ghost story.
Katie decided to join in with an equally horrible story.
Something about a pair of shoes and a Credit card being declined.
Now we're all irate at this poor excuse of entertainment and we all start screaming out "I could do better than that!"
Well now's Becca's turn to shine (since I am of course asleep and totally oblivious to the entire situation).
She calls out, in her <********> voice, "Why don't we have a contest?"
Now this gets a mixed reaction from the crowd.
Everyone seems unsure.
That's when I get up (because the screaming and yelling certainly wasn't going to wake me but silence is just unbearable) and I shout out "That's a GREAT idea! Let's have a contest!"
After that I immediately fall over, asleep once more (think I should go to the doctor?).
And here we are now.

Send me a PM to sign up.
All stories have to be original.
Stories can be funny or scary.
Sign up by the 26th.
All stories have to be ready by the 26th, as well.
Voting runs from the 27th to the 31st.
The winner will be announced on November 1st.

Winner gets a Summoning Tome and 15k gold.

Also, I'd like to point out that voting is NOT limited to guild members.
Feel free to go around the chatter box and ask people to vote for you.
Unlike in real life, publicity is free on gaia.