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so I totally don't have her sac image

It was dark. There was not much to see here, she noticed. She felt as light as air, like the ground and the sky were not separated, but were the same. It felt light, but the heavyness of the ground was there too, pulling her.

She strained, wanting to go! Go! Go! Go!

She pulled, she pushed, and she couldn't go!

But then something sailed past her, lighting up the dark. She strained her head to see what it was, and she saw an entire line of the bright coming for her. Panicking, she pulled and went!

She was sailing! Going! She looked back, and the bright was catching up with her!

And then it caught her, streaking past. Some of them caught her, and they were warm! The streaked past, painting the Sky.

And then she knew. She was the Streaked-Sky.