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260. AURORA BEAM = Con. type Beauty = Sp attack formula + 5 lowers Attack by one.

Fires a rainbow-colored beam that may lower the opponent's attack.

261. BLIZZARD = Con. type Beauty = Sp attack formula + 2, and if a +5 is rolled will Freeze opponent.

Hits the foe with an icy storm that may freeze it. Also, this attack hits more than one opponent.

262. HAIL = Con. type Beauty = half of lvl each attack turn user/foe.

Summons hailstorm that strikes for 5 attack turns, but doesn't effect Ice type pokemon.

263.HAZE = Con. type Beauty = eliminates all stat changes

Creates a black haze that eliminates all stat changes

264. ICE BALL = Con. type Beauty = Regular attack formula + 1 for each successful hit.

A 5 turn attack that gains power on successive hits. This attack will be repeatly used for 5 turns, whether it hits or not, and gains power each time that this attack is able to hit successfully. This attack takes place during attack & defensive turns, and is not counted as an counter attack.

265. ICE BEAM = Con. type Beauty = Sp attack + 2 dmg & if the user rolls +5 more than opponent will cause Freeze.

Blasts the foe with an icy beam that may freeze them.

266.ICE PUNCH = Con. type Beauty = Regular attack formula + freeze

An icy punch that may freeze the foe.

267. ICICLE SPEAR =Con. type Beauty = Sp attack formula/5dmg - 2dmg

Attacks the foe by firing 2 to 5 icicles in a row. This attack can only be stopped during the attack phase of the user, and thus if the opponent is unable to dodge they will take dmg both during that attack phase & defensive phase. Also, no counter attacks can be used while this attack is happening.

268. ICY WIND = Con. type Beauty = Sp attack formula + 5 equal -1 Spd.

A chilling attack that lowers the foe's Speed, and hits all opponents present on the field.

269. MIST =Con. type Beauty = stops reduction of abilites

Creats a mist that stops reduction of abilities, which includes the dropping on of any stats.

270. POWDER SNOW = Con. type Beauty = Sp attack formula + Freezing.

Blast the foe with a snowy gust that attacks all opponents. May cause freezing.

271. SHEER COLD = Con. type Beauty = opponent faints

A chilling attack that causes fainting if it hits. Only Fire type pokemon will not be affected by this move it it hits.

272. AVALANCHE = Con. type Cool = Regular attack formula [x2 dmg if hit last defensive turn]

An ice attack that can bury an opponent in a ton of snow. This attack actually gains more power if the user was hit perviously by the opponent.

273. ICE FANG = Con. type Cool = Regular attack formula + Flinching & Freeze

A powerful bite attack that once the user's latches on can cause flinching or freezing depending on the strength of the fangs & the intent of the user.

274. ICE SHARD = Con. type Beauty = Sp attack formula

An shard of ice is launched at amazing speed to give the opponent the ability to attack first. This attack if used when both pokemon have just been released will always strike first ignoring the Spd rule of determing battle order.

275. Freeze Shock = attack formula + 10dmg [+5 equal paralysis]

This move doesn't attack on the first phase, and to be successful the opponent must outroll it's opponent's twice. On the second turn, the user hits with electrically charged ice.

276. Frost Breath =Sp. formula x2

This move always inflicts a critical hit. The user blows a cold breath on the target.

277. Glaciate = Sp. formula [+5 =-1 speed]

The user attacks by blowing freezing cold air at the opposing pokemon.

278. Ice Burn =Sp. attack formula + 10dmg [+Burn]

On the second turn, an ultracold, freezing wind surrounds it's target. This move doesn't attack on the first phase, and to be successful the opponent must outroll it's opponent's twice.

279.Icicle Crash =Attack formula [+6 =flinch]

The user attacks by harshly dropping an icicle on it's opponent. It may also cause flinching