Character Skeleton

My name is..Name of character

But sometimes I like to be called.. Nickname of character if they have one

My age is.. Age of character

I am a... Are you a Player, a Reaper, a bystander, possibly a Noise? If you pick Reaper, be specific like Composer, Game Master, etc.

How I ended up in this game.. Basically how they wound up dead if they are a Player or how they became a Reaper..

This is my life before.. Biography of the character

I'm usually.. Personality of the character, can include likes and dislikes

I look like this.. Appearance, can be description or picture or both

My Abilities Powers you have and the like including your Psych

Music to live by.. Theme songs just for fun..

I'm played by.. Username here

Character List

My name is.. Taya Natalie

But sometimes I like to be called.. Usagi chan or Usagi. She was nicknamed this by fellow competitive roller bladers for her ability to jump extremely higher than anyone else. Usagi means Rabbit in Japanese

My age is.. 18

I am a... Player

How I ended up in this game.. Taya died doing what she loved best, rollerblading. It was during a competition and she decided to take on a rather high jump, the highest jump for a rollerblader to attempt, the dragon coaster. This involved sliding down from the head to the tail of a large dragon statue in Shinagawa, a jump she thought was both terrifying and challenging. She had leapt off the tail just as she planned but something screwed up her way of landing and it all ended badly from there.

This is my life before.. Ever since Taya learned how to rollerblade, she loved every second of it and eventually got her own pair of rollerblades. She was taught by her friends while her parents were unsure of her safety with rollerblades. But she proved to be quite great at it and ended up joining rollerblading competitions, competiting mostly for the joys of doing what she loved.

But this would turn out to be her downfall when she decided to take the Dragon Coaster Challenge, one of the highest jumps of the competition, and missed her chance of a landing. Taya is well known by other skaters for her unique jumping abilities, able to jump higher than most others, so this challenge didn't seem too hard for her, but alas she failed. Before this she was nicknamed Usagi, or Rabbit by her peers for her jumping abilities.

Now in the UG she has become afraid to skate though is forced to due to the circumstances she died and ended up in the game with her rollerblades on which have become her Psych item. She wants to win to return to the world and be with the ones she loved and learn to overcome her fear of the one thing she enjoyed most.

I'm usually.. Taya is rather outgoing and doesn't mind talking or getting to know others. She does though have a cautious side and will play a bit to see how others act and to get to know them. Other than this rather mischievous side of her, she is rather friendly. She loves to rollerblade and is quite good at it, able to do tricks of all sorts, mostly involving jumps.

I look like this..
User Image
Taya is slightly tall and thin but not stick thin and has long pink hair. Her eyes are also strangely pink even without contacts and such and her skin is nice and fair. She died wearing her pink short shirt and a pink flowy mini skirt along with her favorite pair of rollerblades which are pink with little cloud clips on the back.

My Abilities Taya has her ability to jump extremely high in all sorts of ways mostly with her rollerblades. Though she is now frightened of doing rather large jumps she uses this ability to attack Noise using her skates. Her skates have become her Psych, giving her strength to attack with them and can give them power for more fierce attacks.

Music to live by.. "Jump" by Flo Rida

I am played by The Sphinxyness

"]My name is... Tsuyo Hakashi

But sometimes I like to be called... Tsu Tsu (little sister calls him that)

My age is... 19

I am a... Player

How I ended up in this game... Walking home one day after finishing his entrance exams, I was considering how I should bring up the good news. I did extremely well, scored in the top five percentile. It was raining, but that mattered little too me... Too bad the same couldn't be said about the bus that hit me...

This is my life before... I was always a good kid. I studied, did my homework, played with my little sis, stayed quiet in class, and took part in many activities. My sister means a lot too me, she is almost my world, but lately I haven't been able to do much with her as I would like. You see, I just got out of highschool and trying to get into college. I have to take this ridiculus entrance exam, which will either make or break my ability to go. So I have been studying a lot lately, as if it were my life. She keeps asking me to play with her, you know, take her to the park and stuff, but I kept telling her that I had to worry about the exam first. I felt so selfish, but I just finished my exam, so now I can finally get back to my family.

I'm usually... Calm, considerate, thoughtful, tactful, resourceful, level-headed, neutral, and easy to please.

I look like this...
User Image

My Abilities... Has the ability to instantly transport anywhere within eyesight. His psych is the earring that was given to him by his little sister.

Music to live by... Sleep Song by Rooney

I'm played by... Link2000

My name is... Amami Sachyo

But sometimes I like to be called... Mi

My age is... 18

I am a... Player

How I ended up in this game... After one late night party that she didn't want to go to, but needed to get out of the house for a few hours, she walked home. She should have been safe and sound, without one drop of liquor in her veins she was as alert as possible. However, the drunk who hit her, was not.

This is my life before...As a young girl, Amami came across a book of pagan, witch spells and decided to try it out, since then, she's kept that first book she found, bound in authentic leather, she carries it around in a large, over the shoulder bag/purse. In school she was always a quiet girl, sat in the back of her class sleeping and ignoring everyone. She was often called "The goth girl" and a lot of younger students would always dare one another to go up and talk to her, she ignored them and sent them scampering back with a deadly glare. It's not that she doesn't like people, well that's partially it, she's just been let down way too much in her life to ever trust anyone. Her parent's were rarely around, and if they were they were yelling, fighting, drinking and screaming. She decided then that she didn't care... let them do what the wanted as long as they left her out of it. Her father eventually left and she was left with her drunkard mother.

I'm usually... Quiet, distrusting, quick to judge, and scary.

I look like this... User Image

My Abilities Powers you have and the like including your Psych: She has the ability to cast spells, small spells as the bigger ones require some sort of pentagon or ritual, she has most of the spell requirements in her bag, but not the time to do them. She can summon forth small fires in order to do her bidding, but doing so takes a toll on her health, making her skin even paler, and pasty. Her psyche is a half-moon necklace that she's had for a few years, she will never say who gave it to her, but he is the reason she trusts no one.

Music to live by... Take You Back - Hardcore Rave

I'm played by... SilithDark