In the Ukuucha'Wafalme pridelands, the litter of cubs born to the Vizier were certainly growing up as well as could be expected. What with one brother tagging after her father and the other doing who-knew-what, and her sisters minding their business with her mother and the other females in her father's harem, Farrah was a bit... out of place. It wasn't a bad thing, per se, but she felt odd sitting with all the older females, learning how to 'please' her mate. She didn't even have a mate! Since she'd been born, Farrah could count on one paw just how many males she'd met whom she wasn't related to in some way, shape, or form.

How could she consider how to 'please her mate' if she didn't even have any? Snorting, the little cub left her den with a brother following behind like always, and looked around. It was a bright day, but it wasn't hot enough for the dark-furred cub to go hiding in the shadows. Smiling to herself, she trotted away from her family's den and out into the open, keeping her pale eyes peeled for anything of interest.

His deep blood red mane had grown in, at last, and it now floated around his pale face making him look very handsome. Or so he felt. He had finally taken his place as pad and with his harem finally coming together he was overly pleased with himself, though he was a very young male really, still learning how to be a good pad.

As he padded along he spotted a small black furry blob in the near distance, raising a brow h took a beeline towards the tiny female. "What are you doing out here little cub? Don't you know the sun can frazzle you if you are out here alone?" He wasn't sure if he was concerned for the cub or if he was trying to frighten her. It didn't matter, a female cub really shouldn't be out and about on her own, what if she got lost or worse taken? "Shouldn't you be with your mother?" He raised a brow and pursed his pale lips looking at the young femme disapprovingly.

Farrah jerked when someone spoke to her; she knew immediately it was a pad. Turning to face him, she looked up and smiled gently, lowering her gaze. "I'm not alone." She said quietly, glancing back behind her. "My brother is watching me, so I may explore the pridelands a little. It's too nice a day to stay cooped up in the den, don't you think?" She smiled up at him, then looked down again. She wasn't sure of this pad, if he was nice and patient like her father or mean like that... Other one. The other Vizier, the one her father didn't care for very much.

"My mother is with my sisters, but she knows I'm out here." She added, nodding. Whether or not Tuliua did know wasn't really her concern; she had mentioned it on the way out of the den, but that didn't mean her mother had heard her. Ah, well.

The black streaked pale male lay down slowly so that he was on the same level as the little dark cub. He looked over her and nodded to the male cub behind her, a slight smile on his maw, before he turned his attention back to the female "Yes, I do think it is a beautiful day, more so due to recent happenings." He let his pale lips turn in to a very pleased grin though he soon turned his attention back to the shining marked cub.

"What is your name little explorer?" He whispers, she was clearly a good female, she knew to turn her eyes down,s he knew to follow orders from males, even her brother. She was a good female. He would mention to her father about her good behavior before him. He appreciated a good female.

Her smile only widened when she discovered he wasn't going to run off and tattle on her. Whether or not she'd done nothing wrong, she didn't want her father to be upset with her upsetting another Pad. She sat down in front of the lion, tilting her head. "Recent happenings?" She asked, frowning curiously. Did he mean the raid? Oh, she knew of that, but only very limitedly. Something about bringing more females to the pride or something...

"My name is Farrah." She answered, grinning a little. "What's yours?" Inquisitive as it was, she was careful of her tone even this young. Smart little cub, this one.

"My name is Kwea, little one." He smiled gently "And yes the raid, that and I am finally a pad now I have a female or two of my own.' He puffed his young chest out proudly at this, he was truly happy to have his own harem.

"Who is your father Farrah?" He paused and smiled gently at the little femme, he was very pleased with the way she was acting, like a proper female. He hoped his own females would be as well behaved as this very young girl "can I tell yo a secret?" He was quite enjoying being with the little female already, she was being so, correct, around him, it pleased him no end, his ego was getting a good boost from the tiny femme.

"I heard that the raid was a big success." She beamed; she had overheard it from one of the kajira while wandering. "Are you pleased with your harem, Kwea?" She asked curiously, tilting her head at him. He must've been, he practically oozed pride as he spoke of his ladies.

Farrah's whole demeanor changed when he asked about her father. She sat up straighter, eyes lighting up. "My father is Faiz, Vizier and Emir to the pride." She said with just as much pride as he had about his new harem, grinning brightly. Her ears flattened a little when he mentioned a secret, and she leaned closer, blinking owlishly. "Yeah, I won't tell." She promised, whispering loudly as though it was a great big conspiracy.

Kwea smiled gently leaning his nose down to the young lionesses ear "I'v never run a harem before and it's a bit scary finding out how to be a good pad." he smiles, a gentle smile, an unusual smile for him, he wasn't really used to cubs and they were far from used to him in the grand scheme of things. He'd never really had to deal with cubs before.

He wasn't really that surprised that she was one of the viziers cubs, she was clearly smart as a tack as well as proud to be what she was. It was something he wanted to have in his own females, he just wasn't really sure how to make them the way the Vizier created his girls.

Farrah's eyes grew incredibly wide, like he'd just whispered the great secret of the world, and she leaned back. "Really?" She asked, blinking at him. He didn't seem at all scared about running a harem, and it made her think about how hard it would have to be. It seemed like it was so easy for her father, her mother and the other ladies got along well enough. Mzu scared her a little, but she didn't think she was necessarily mean to the others. "It can't be that hard, can it?" She frowned curiously. "I mean, you're a Pad. You can just like... tell them to get along, can't you?" Pad-and-banu dynamics weren't something Farrah was very accustomed to beyond seeing how her father and the ladies in his harem acted, and they were all very close and loved each other. Could it be that different for others?

"My father is good with his harem, I think. There's not a lot of fighting or anything." She smiled a little. It was nice to have so many adults who weren't fighting. At least, for all she knew. They could be fighting behind closed doors, so to speak, but Farrah didn't like to think of that. The happy family dynamic was the best part of her family to begin with, contemplating anything else made her smile shrink a bit.

Kwea chuckles quietly blowing a tuft of red mane from his dark red eyes he gave an affirmative nod "I'v never done it before. New things are always scary aren't they?" He chuckles, perhaps he was talking to the wrong person about this, after all, she was so young, he doubted she had had an awful lot of new experiences under her proverbial belt.

"I would like to be like your father Farrah, but he is an experienced pad. I just hope I can be as good as him." He chuckles and lifts a paw to ruffle the young females hair tuft. "perhaps when you grow up, you will understand better. I want to lead my family well, it's a little frightening that I have to decide what I will be for my own family." He pursed his lips, this was certainly a conversation he hadn't expected to be having today. "And maybe when you grow up you'll want to see my harem hmm?" He smiles briefly at the little shiny marked cub, he almost wanted to show her he would be a good pad, even if he was a very young one.

"They are." She knew she didn't have a lot of experience with new things; very little, as a matter of fact. But on the other hand, everything seemed like a new experience for Farrah. She was still young and learning, and every day brought something new to her eyes. Like today's meeting with Kwea, the first male she'd met since birth who wasn't related to her in some way. She smiled a little. "But sometimes scary things can be exciting, can't they?"

She nodded a little, shaking her head to try and fix her tuft of hair after it was ruffled. Feh, like it wasn't messy enough! She huffed at him, grinning a little, and tried fixing it with a swipe of the paw. "I think..." She began slowly, frowning. "You will make mistakes. But mistakes are okay, because you learn from them." She smiled. "Every pad stumbles once in a while when they're figuring things out, right? They're only lions, after all." She leaned forward, bumping her head against him lightly. "But I bet you'll be a great Pad for your family." She grinned brightly, and nodded. "I'd like that." She smiled.

The pale male lion smiled in a pleased manner, "For one so young you certainly have a great head on your shoulders, your father must be very proud." he chuckles quietly nudging the cub back as she head butts him.

"You are right, I'v made so many mistakes in my life already, I suppose a few more won't make that much of a difference." Looking to the sky he gives a little sigh and gets to his paws. "Perhaps you should get yourself home Farrah, your mother will be worried for your safety and you don't want to upset your father by getting lost." He smiles and lowers his nose to the little cub "We'll talk again one day, I'm sure of it." He smiles in a charming manner, this conversation had been very unexpected but he almost felt like something had been lifted from his mind, one little cub had lifted the world from his shoulders.

Farrah sat back when she was nudged, smiling. "I like to think so. I get it from my Father." She beamed quietly, then glanced back towards her brother. He was getting anxious sitting around.

"I guess you're right." She nodded, getting up. "I think my brother wants to go find my father, anyway." She smiled a little. "It was nice meeting you, Kwea. I'll see you around." She grinned a little at him, and turned around, heading back to her brother so they could go home. She paused, and looked back. "And don't worry so much about your harem." She grinned. "It'll all work out." That's just how things were in Farrah's eyes. She trotted on to her brother so they could go home, and she could tell her Mother all about the lion she'd met.