[12:38] Y i n b u g: Miw grinned ear to ear as she wandered away from her home once more. She could swear she had too many siblings. 8 other brothers and sisters, there was so many... Sure she did love them all. She really did, even her step siblings. It was just that after a while she... wanted some one new to play with. Something different for once. So thats why she took moments like these to wander away from her family and find some one new to play with. It was something she always liked to do, meeting new friends.

She flicked her hair out of the eyes before licking her maw and looking around. There had to be some one else around. She giggled before picking up her trot some. Why couldn't she find anyone today! There had to be some one around. She sat down with a huff, leaning against a tree, she had no clue where she was. she knew her way back home of course... But she didn't know about the pride that she had gotten close to.

[12:44] Syrius Lionwing: Brutus padded across the lands that he knew was a part of his families lands, the lands of the ceasars, he was one of the ceasars sons and had to behave himself, which he found a little difficult, he was often bored, he liked to explore, he liked to brawl and fight and find interesting things to do in the world that just couldn't be done in his small world, so he had wandered off, again, despite his mothers warnings of staying close.

At the sight of a youngster he didn't know, he smiled widely, his interest ewas peaked, he knew all of the pridal cubs and this certainly wasn't one, maybe today, for a change, he was about to get in to an adventure. "Hey, hey you, who are you?" He calls raising his head high and marching up to the intruder.

[12:49] Y i n b u g: Miw almost jumped at the sound of another voice but instead she turned quickly twisted the sound of the voice, trying to get a good look at whoever it was. She flicked her tail once more and stood up straight, puffing out her chest bold ly before nodding as he approched

"My name is Miw-sher..." A grin grew across her face. "But you can call me Kitten! Almost everyone does." She then giggled softly before looking at him once more. "Whats your name?" She asked with her grin stretching from ear to ear her tail was flicking happily behind her.

[12:58] Syrius Lionwing: Brutus took a step closer to the newly dubbed kitten, he smiled lightly, as in most situations, he didn't really know what to do about those walking on their lands, he was young and kept away from the politics of the lands. "Brutus." he states simply puffing out his chest and standing tall, his smokey purple eyes looking the other cub up and down.

"You don't live around here." another obvious statement from the dusty blue cub, he pursed his lips "You do know you're on the Binadamu lands, my father rules these lands I'm not sure if you're allowed to be here." He squinted at the sky thoughtfully, he wasn't really sure at all.

[13:00] Y i n b u g: Miw looked at the other cub before giggling once more. "I like your name Brutus!" She wiggled a bit as she looked at him before looking around, she was wondering if there was anyone else around here for her to play with, maybe there was more firends she could make... But yet... she didn't see anyone. She shrugged it off before looking at him again

"I don't." She nodded ot the statement, she knew she didn't live around here and she could admit to it. Then his next statement made her ears fold backa little bit. "Oh.. I'm sorry! I didn't know... I was just looking for some one to play with." She looked at him witha nod and a soft smile.

[13:05] Syrius Lionwing:
Brutus pursed his lips thoughtfully. "it's okay, I don't think anyone will be that angry that you're here." he smiled, just a little and sat wiggling his tail. "I was out looking for a game too, but you're a girl and girls don't usually like my games." he huffs his small ears twitching.

"I was bored at home, mama went out to do her healing and papa was off doing his ceasar things and my sibs are al kinda boreing, so I decided to adventure today instead, s'long as I'm back before mama she won't ever know I was gone." he grins proudly puffing out his tiny chest.

[13:32] Y i n b u g: Miw looked at the male and grinned at the idea of having some one to play with. This boy seemed interesting. She kneaded the ground excited to play that was until he made his comment about girls not wanting to play. "I like to play games!" She giggled softly before nodding toward him and pawing at him. "I really love to play games."

She flicked her hair out of her eyes before grinning once more. "Same here! I wandered away from my mommy and daddy for a bit because my siblilngs started to get boring." She huffed slightly.

[13:35] Syrius Lionwing: Brutus chuckled. "I just don't think you would like to wrestle, it's my favourite game, and well, girls just don't like to play rough." he stated rolling his eyes. "Girls are wusses." He chuckles pulling his tongue out.

"Familes are just boreing sometimes." He sighs "They don't understand that I wanna be a warrior when I grow up they won't practice with me."

[13:40] Y i n b u g: Miw growled softly before she swiped at him and made a face. "I love wrestling." She growled lowly before making a face. "I'm not a wussy." She knealed down slightly wrigging her rump in the air in a playful manner. Staring at him.

"Mine isn't always boring." She stood up again trying to calm down from his comment. "I have eight other brothers and sisters, its just that after a while seeing the same faces..." Her voice trailed before she looked at him again. "But you look like you're fun to play with!"

[13:44] Syrius Lionwing: The big cub smiled toothily and batted at Miw "You sure? Most girls don't like to play fight. you won't go tellin' my mama that I hurt you?" He raises a brow, clearly he had been taddled on before because of this, and this was probably why he was cautious to wrestle with a stranger.

"I have alot of brothers and only one sister, but they just don't like to play rough all the time..." he trailed off and huffed whapping his tail about. "But if you're sure." He griins and growls playfully whapping a paw at the other cub.

[13:54] Y i n b u g: Miw looked at the male before shaking her head. "Of course I won't silly." She giggled softly then swipped a paw at him again. "I have a lot more brothers, they normally like to play rough... But my sisters don't some times." She made a face. They were a little to soft for her some times. And when she played with Neph she was so small.

She batted at him again before grinning. "Come on we can play." She grinned before bouncing forward a bit and nipping at one of his ears before pulling back and then bouncing back to where she was first.

[14:04] Syrius Lionwing:
Brutus grins and pounces after the female cub his tail in the air, a grin upon his maw. "Well, if you're sure" he laughes happily nipping at the other cubs shoulder, brutus, being a big cub, had alot of strength but not much speed, so his short limbs made him cumbersome but he was enjoying the run around.

Pouncing playfully and chuckles a grin on his maw. "You're fun kitten." he beams. "You should come here to play from now on, you're much more fun than my siblings."

[14:10] Y i n b u g: Miw giggled as she batted at the male as he started to n** at her. She was being a little rough but something told her because of his side he really didn't feel it anyway, or it wasn't as much of a hit. She giggled softly as she played with him. She always enjoyed romping around with er friends.

"Thank you! You're also fun Brutus." She bumped her head agasinst his before looking at him. "Well I can't be around all the time." She giggled as she tried to worm out from under his pounce. "But I can try to wander thi way when I can."She giggled again as she puled at a ear.

[14:19] Syrius Lionwing: "I should be getting home soon, one of my sibs will probably grass me up any ways and I don't want you to get in to trouble either." He rolls his eyes dramatically, clearly he was not amused by the boundries of the world he lived in. Rolling to his paws he stretches out his limbs and sighs.

"It was nice to meet you kitten" he grins broadly. "come back soon okay? next time I won't be so gentle on you." he winks playfully and bounces off the way he had wandered from, fully expecting a berating from his mother when he returned home.

[14:21] Y i n b u g: Miw looked him and looked back toward where she came from. "Yeah I should also be heading home anyway. You can only get away for so long with that many siblings before one goes to look to play with you." She shrugged before flicking her hair out of her eyes. And bounded over to him nudging him one last time. "I'll come back." Then she giggled before turning around. "Sounds like a promise Brutus!" She laughed then started to tort back home