Oshin Masaki
Silent Mo

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[│║║█║▌] [Personal Data]_____________________________________User Image

Name: Oshin Masaki
Nickname: Mo-Mo
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Birthdate: December 23
Age: 18
Blood type: O-

Occupation: High School student and Store Clerk
Mode of Transportation: Bus and friends
Hobbies: Watching the ocean, swimming, hiking, dressing up other people
Motto: "You seem a little cold."
Personality: Oshin is a very quiet and soft voiced person and almost never speaks her mind unless shes with her close friends.

[│║║█║▌] [Historical Data]____________________________________User Image

Background: Oshin was a very quite person even growing up as a child. She had a normal amount of friends which almost always said the same thing about her when asked "Shes has a very low voice." She moved away from her family to live with her aunt at the age of 13 because of a problem between her mother and her, she left behind her mother, father and younger sister; but this caused her to fall behind a year in school. Oshin began studying medical books at the young age of 14 after she was encouraged by her aunt. Not long after that she began to study fashion as a personal thing which ended up lander her a job at the local clothing store in Ginsei. Oshin is also near-sighted and wears glasses.

[│║║█║▌] [Combat Data]_____________________________________User Image

Who you Fight for: The Alchemist
Rank: Warrior in Training
Team: None at the moment
Rival(s): Red Masaki

Kakugane Serial Number: LVI
Name of Primary Kakugane: Buso Renkin: Crescent Moons
Special Ability Of your Buso Renkin: The crescent moons give temporary invisibility to Oshin. During battle her weapons can also become invisible, but she can only make one thing invisible at a time either herself or her weapons.
Image of your Buso Renkin: Crescent Moons
Other Equipment: A sealed vile of water given to her by her aunt.

[│║║█║▌] [Supplementary Data]_________________________________User Image

Theme song: Utada Hikaru - Sakura Drops