Sakai Yuurei

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Name: Sakai Yuurei

Nickname: Sakai, The Ghost, Yurrei

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Birthdate: 8/12/92

Age: 17

Blood type: O Negative


Occupation: Student, Experimental Solider, Mechanic

Mode of Transportation: TXR 9

Hobbies: Sleeping, reading, or excercising.

Motto: "I really don't care."

Appearance: He is 6'2 which is tall for his age, and his eyes are peircing but also appearr. dull. Around his eyes are dark bags from reading and because of the many hours he puts into his work. He usually wears sleek black gloves to cover the scarring that occured when he was younger, he wears dark sunglasses almost all the time, he also wears a white vest and a black tank top under the vest. His pants are black and baggy with fadded spots and on the pants he likes to have a few chains handing from each side. At all times he wears a small rectangular bandage on his face. His skin is also a light brown color.(Similar to my Avatar)

Personality: Sakai is a very cold, distant, and indifferent person because of his upbringing. He does not care about himself or anything he has been taught to be a cold functional machine and nothing else. He has only cared for one person and that person is long dead, which attributes to him distancing himself from other people.

Background: Sakai was abandoned as a child and so he was sent to the Alchemist Headquaters and was trained to become an Alchemist at a young age and was used as experements so he has developed a cold personality as the result and due to the harsh methods of training and does not trust people that much.


Who you Fight for: The Alchemists

Rank: Warrior 1st class

Team: Team Sakai?

Rival(s): Davis Sato


Kakugane Serial Number: XXIV

Name of Primary Kakugane: Busou Renkin: Ash Factory

Special Ability Of your Buso Renkin: Has the ability to encase Sakai in a very dense and hard layer of Ash, which allows him to withstand most damage. It also has the ability to create more ash to take form of weapons and other devices.

Image of your Buso Renkin:

Other Equipment: Alchemist Fighter Gloves.


Theme song: [Your RPC's main theme song, please only choose one, we don't need a list]