[Image of RPC]


Name: Jin-XIII

Nickname: XIII, Jinx
Gender: Male


Birthdate: Unknown

Age: Looks to be between 10 and 14
Blood type: U+


Occupation: First class BSU{Blows Stuff Up} and I kill s**t, enough said

Mode of Transportation: Kakugane

Hobbies: Reeking Havic, Causing Chaos, Desamating the Indesolate etc...

Motto: Where there's smoke there's fire....where there's fire I shouldnt be too far behind

Appearance: Still gotta find one....till then its as avitar shows

Personality: A sadistically happy go lucky indavidual who never takes anything seriously. Life is nothing but a game and if you loose you die. He's pretty hyper active and cant really contain himself most of the time but every now and again he needs to blow off some steam one way or another which usually leads to chaos.

Background: Jin was created in the early stages of his childhood. He was supposed to pass as an alchemist after his expirimentation and was to be a tool of war against the other humunculi but somthing went wrong. After he was fited with his embryo he went into a deep coma that lasted several years. He could not speek or see but what was unknown he was able to hear everything and while he was in a sudated state, his handlers felt that they should take this time to alter his genetics and enhance his senses. This was a rather painful process that he fought against for he was incapable of motion for the next two years and they imprinted the number XIII on the back of his neck which was a foreshadow of the bad luck he would bring. Upon awakening he broke from his containment unit and stole an expirimental Kakugane that was being designed for him specifically and contained the properties of both a black and a white kakugane but it was unfinished thus unstable, upon contact with his skin his very personality was altered and he was sent into a rage that layed the Labratory to waste soon after the base it was held in was gone as well. As far as what happened to those of the human...those who were found were unidentifiable.


Who you Fight for: Homunculus

Rank: Beta

Team: [The which you have been assigned to you]

Rival(s): Tokushi


Kakugane Serial Number: XIII

Name of Primary Kakugane: Tatsu Fenikkusu

Special Ability Of your Buso Renkin: Has the uncanny ability to control fire and consolidate it into solid weaponry

Image of your Buso Renkin: [An image of your Buso Renkin]

Other Equipment: Often puts on samurai armor that he stole from a museum


Theme song: [Your RPC's main theme song, please only choose one, we don't need a list]