What if everything
I accomplished just dissappeared?
What if
My life went from glory to despair?
What if
I decided to drop off the face of the earth?

What if
The one I love doesn't love me back?
Would my life be worth anything then?
Who would take this feline
in his despair?
Would anyone care if my life
Leads to nothing
or lonliness and sorrow?

Would my life be as
as depressing as I feel
When I am seperated
From my mate?

Would there be light
for me to look foward to?
I don't want to be alone...
Not after finding the one I love.

Would my wolf be with me?
Or does he desire more...
With somone else?

Am I not enough
Not cute enough
Not sweet enough
Not caring enough
or enough in other ways?

Please let me be enough for him
I would do anything
Give up anything
Just to be his.