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[PRP] Every flower has it's song. Goto Page: 1 2 [>] [»|]

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X Purple--Platypus X

PostPosted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:30 pm
Who: Vyn, Ethan, Melisande.
When: Mid-morning, on market day.
Where: At the weekly farmer's market, plenty of quaint stalls selling home grown goods.
Weather: Fresh with a pleasant breeze, the morning dew still lingering on the grass.

This spring time freshness was certainly invigorating for the rose frei and she felt as if by taking this morning float in the fresh air her troubles were alleviated considerably; her bruising was going down - just a slightly unpleasant pinkish smear now - the nightmares regarding the atrocious events at the concert had released their grip on her slumber, and in general she felt happier, more comfortable at home with Ethan, drawn closer to the man since he'd protected her at the concert. The twittering of the birds provided a pleasant natural tune as she walked along and she didn't feel the need to drown out the world at large with her own music.

Up ahead was the farmers market.. Perhaps she could find a nice purchase to bring come and brighten up the penthouse - bring the spring into the almost sterile white environment? She patted the purse hanging from a strap over her shoulder. It was black with a rose motif on it, gifted to her by Ethan and she had a sneaking suspicion that it was custom made - the motif fitted so accurately to match the design on her own clothing. Inside would be enough money for something nice, Ethan wasn't renown for being stingy in regards to giving her things.

With this purpose in her mind she glided forwards, rune glowing vigorously. The stalls were all rather quaint and rural looking, with what appeared to be home-made table covers with an assortment of goods on them. Honey, vegetables, knitted jumpers, there was even a stall with a run in front filled with rabbits. She peered curiously at them as she glided past, but her attention was drawn to a large stall, bursting with colour. It was selling flowers; everything from sunflowers to roses. Of course, Vyn was obviously drawn to the later and she outstretched one pale hand to run a black nail along a red petal..

They'd look perfect in a nice vase on the dining room table...
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 12:09 am
Ironically, it was the sunflowers that attracted Pasha. The basket she carried was already half full, stuffed with red apples and fresh baked bread. She rested it high on her hip as she drifted towards them, bobbing in such a natural manner that one might be fooled into thinking there were legs under her long peasant skirt. She didn't mind helping Aki with the shopping, but dressing up was half the fun. Melisande had even looped a braided lock of hair under the blossoms in her hair, and wore her favorite cameo on an extra long chain!

She was so fixated on the bright, sunny blossoms that she didn't notice the dark Raevan until she was just a few feet from Vyn. Pasha's pale wings fluffed as she slowed, blue eyes wide and curious.

"P-pretty flowers!" Was this...someone she knew? Pasha couldn't bring herself to admit that she'd forgotten a name, even if the face was familiar. Cheeks just a bit pink, she made her comment, waiting to see if perhaps the girl remembered her.  

Aki Ana

Vyn -- LAB305

PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 2:24 am
A pretty woman came beside Vyn, but apart from a sidewards glance of acknowledgement Vyn did nothing. She was a human and the raevan normally kept to herself around humans, they could be rather judgemental of her peculiar eyes and lack of anything bust down, her upbeat mood wasn't going to change that. However, it seemed as though the woman shared Vyn's delight in the flowers. "P-pretty flowers!" She'd commented. Vyn turned and hesitantly gave her a smile, unsure how to react to the human making friendly conversation. Of course all humans weren't judgemental or rude, the guardians of other raevans were enough to solidify that into the frei's mind.. But even so, making small talk wasn't Vyn's strong point; human or raevan.

However, as the woman shifted Vyn noticed the wings on her back. Delicate, pretty things. Like lace with overlapping delicately crafted feathers. So she wasn't human? A simple glance downwards to inspect for feet confirmed that the woman was was, just like Vyn, a raevan - the purplish glow of her rune lighting the ground beneath her skirt. Her apprehension about being judged dissipated and Vyn's smile extended to her eyes, which had before been wary despite the curl of her lips. "Yes, very. Like your wings, they're pretty." She replied, nodding at them. She was quietly pleased at herself. Compliments where always well used in conversations as ice breakers, people had used them on her many times in an attempt to lure her out of her silences.

Now that she thought about it... She did recognise the other raevan. Something of the crisp blue eyes stirred a memory. It'd been a long time a go, that much she was sure. If she remember correctly it was at one of the festivals that the LAB had held. They hadn't exchanged many words, but she could recall drips and drabs of information on the girl, although a name eluded her. But certain things didn't correlate; she could remember the girl having brighter hair - a bright gold rather than the honeyed blonde it was now. Plus now she looked older too... But there was no point in trying to dredge up further memories from the scraps she could remember, best to excuse herself and delve straight into asking for a name.

"We've met before, haven't we? But... your name... it eludes me. It has been a long time.."
PostPosted: Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:59 am
Pasha's face positively lit at being remembered, and one wing stretched reflexively at the compliment. Vyn's attention was a sweet little morsel, and one of the blossoms at her temple unfurled in her delight. "I think so~! But it has been a long time." Her relief was lyrical, reflecting in Melisande's expressive tone. With the handle of the basket over one arm, she dipped a bit in curtsy...skirt pooling a bit oddly upon the group before falling back into place as she straightened. "I'm Melisande! Or Meli, if you'd like. I remember...your pretty flowers."

While she was careful to give the other Raevan her personal space, Melisande did approach...touching the sunflowers gently, as she'd seen Vyn touch the roses. "I don't know if I remember your name. Is it Rose?" Pasha took a hopeful guess, fingers curling away from the sunflower again so she didn't damage it absently while they spoke.  

Aki Ana

X Purple--Platypus X

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:53 pm
"Melisande." Vyn murmured, rolling the name round her mouth, experimenting with it, a petite smile on her lips as she did so.

It was fitting to it's owner, soft with a touch of refinement. It definitely rolled off the tongue with ease, the rose was familiar with the use of longer words - she studied Japanese after all. Plus Vyn thought it a shame to cut it to a simple 'Meli'; short and admittedly sweet but not as silky in the frei's opinion, not doing justice to the soft appearance of the owner of the name. However as she tested the word to herself, Vyn couldn't produce it in the same manner as Melisande had. Her velvety voice was entirely different to the melodic intonations used by the other raevan.

In fact, the blonde's words were almost musical to the sloped ears of the rose; the girl practically sung with pleasure after receiving a compliment from the shadow and her wings had flared out more, allowing Vyn to marvel at their light-filled beauty - opposite to her own leathery wings. When Melisande returned Vyn compliment, noting the circlet of roses on her head (( similar to the unfurling flowers in Melisande's own golden tresses )) Vyn blushed and raised a finely shaped finger to brush one of the ruby petals - pleased that the beautiful girl remembered the flowers and thought of them as pretty. "No, not Rose.. My name is Vyn." Vyn corrected, offering a tiny shrug and a smile alongside the correction to show that no offence was taken from the failed remembering of her name - at least she had tried.. Vyn hadn't even attempted to recall the girl's name.

Again absent-mindedly running a finger over the roses for sale, this time down the lightly barbed stem, Vyn gestured loosely to the basket that Melisande was clutching. "May I ask, what are you doing? A task for someone?"
PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 5:10 pm
"Vyn!" She pronounced it a bit longer than it had to be, almost adding an extra, delicate syllable in the center. Pasha's pink lips parted, forming a delicate 'o' as Vyn brushed her finger lightly down the thorned stem. Wasn't she worried? Melisande would have scratched herself for sure! The question distracted her, though, and Pasha nodded once in answer. "Yes! For my mother. I'm getting apples, and bread, and flowers, and milk!" Melisande hefted the basket a bit, showing what Vyn could obviously already see. "I get the milk last, because it's so hea...vy..."

A sharp, high sound caught Pasha's attention from across the street, and the muse trailed off. Again, it repeated, and again...it took her a moment to spot what was making the noise. Movement in a basket, similar to her own but much larger! A rather heavy set woman and several children were crowded around it, making happy noises. Melisande looked back to Vyn, eyes wide.

"Do you...want to go see?"  

Aki Ana

Vyn -- LAB305

PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:12 pm
The musical femme was indeed doing a task for someone and the rose politely observed the basket that Melisande showed her - nodding politely at the additional information regarding the milk. "It makes sense." She commented, before adding; "I'm just here because I was out for a morning float." She gestured loosely towards the flowers and tapped her purse. "But I think I'll buy some of these roses." Turning she adressed the stall keeper who has slyly been sneaking glances at the winged and floating air as they conversed. The man had obviously overheard Vyn's statement and jumped into action, quickly selecting the roses and tying them in a neat bundle before placing them in a bag for Vyn. The shadow femme nodded graciously and took the flowers in exchange for a note from the purse. Ethan's maths lessons flashed through her head and she was pleased when she received her change, counting it as the man placed it in her hand, assured that it was the correct amount. Perhaps the numerical torture did have it's uses.. It didn't make it any more enjoyable though.

The screeching caught the attention of the frei after she'd finished her purchase and she also glanced around, following the cerulean gaze to the loud basket. Vyn had no idea what could possibly be in the basket and there was indeed a slight nag of curiosity. Judging by the joyous woman and children surrounding the basket it couldn't be anything dangerous and thus she replied with a nod and begun floating towards the item of curiosity - her new purchase clasped in one hand.
PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:46 pm
Melisande was too excited to wait for long. As soon as Vyn's flowers were wrapped, she simply made a circular motion over the entire bunch of sunflowers and nodded at the man with a smile...leaving him to wrap them at his leisure. She'd be back for them soon! Floating close to the other Raevan, a bit nervous in her excitement, Pasha edged into the crowd...drawing back at another sudden tiny yip.

"P-puppies!" Melisande breathed the word like it was sacred, bright blue eyes wide. They were so tiny, and so dreadfully ugly with their smushed up faces that they were actually cute again!

"Pugs!" Offered the round woman, sitting on a chair by the basket. "Just old enough to take home, if you're interested, ladies!" There were five of the little things, three buckskin with brown faces, and two in pure black. Pasha's mouth was open in shock, and she turned to Vyn...searching for an opinion the way a child searches a parents face for a reaction.

"Pugs!" She echoed, and a small, hopeful smile appeared on the muse's face. Pasha was obviously taken with them, cheeks pink and knuckles white on the handle of her basket. Though she didn't know it, a tiny bit of Melisande's inspiration found its way to Vyn, echoing between the two Raevans. "They're so...puggy!!"  

Aki Ana

Vyn -- LAB305

PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 3:46 am
Vyn didn't exactly react in the same way as Melisande. At the sight of the little puppies she recoiled slightly. What was wrong with them? They looked as though... it was hard to describe, but their faces looked squashed and their eyes were all buggy, tiny flecks of drool were on their mashed up chops. Melisande was right, their name was very apt - Pugs fitted them just perfectly. She supposed that they could be considered sweet; the way that they yipped and barked for attention was kind of cute. One of them, a black, pushed it's way forwards and popped it's head out of the writing mass of puppy fur. It's googly eyes examined the raevans and it yapped before leaving a pink tongue peeking out of it's mouth. Ugly, yet cute. It was a curious oxymoron. Of course. these dogs were nowhere near as intimidating as the beast that'd charged up to her in the park a while a go, that had been huge and fully grown - these were tiny compared to it and were just babies... But even so she kept her hands well to herself; grasping the wrapped roses tightly, but not so tight as to penetrate the bag and cut herself on the thorns.

The owner seemed friendly enough and beamed out of her chair at them. Vyn gave a hesitant smile back at her before pointing to the black puppy. "Has it got a name?" She inquired, black eyes locked on the inquisitive puppy - still head poked out, nose quivering as it tried to sniff her extended finger.
PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:25 am
Pasha's smile waxed and waned along with Vyn's expressions, watching curiously as the other Raevan reached forward a finger. "What ever you wanna name it!" The woman seemed to think her answer was rather funny, and settled back in her chair.

Melisande leaned forward as well, her empty skirt brushing the edge of the box. One of the little golden ones was laying quietly in the center...she poked it gently on top of the head, and then again. Slowly, the little thing stretched from head to tail, paws extended and trembling and brown face splitting with a ridiculous yawn before it went limp again.

They really were dreadfully ugly. "I love them." Pasha breathed quietly, and she glanced down at her pocketbook, nestled in her basket. For emergencies, Aki had said! This wasn't really an emergency, but...

Melisande took another peek at Vyn, and the black one at the edge of the basket. "That one would look cute with a rose, too~" When had she fished her pocketbook out of the basket? "Vyn? If...if I get one, can I get you one, too? So we can visit and they won't be lonely?"

She didn't know the dark Raevan well at all, but Vyn's company was very nice, and Melisande suddenly pictured meeting every weekend at the farmer's market, so their puppies could play while they shopped! Pasha dropped her blue eyes back to the sleepy puppy in the center, and gave it another cautious poke...giggling as it stretched in just the same way as the first time.  

Aki Ana

Vyn -- LAB305

PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 1:44 pm
Whatever she wanted to name it? Vyn mused over it. What was a fitting name for the pup? Following Melisande's lead Vyn put aside her slightly worry about dogs and moved her finger slightly closer. The black puppy eagerly scrambled forwards, leaning precariously out of the box to lick the tip of her extended finger. Vyn couldn't help but flinch back, withdrawing her hand and making the bug eyed dog whimper. But finding that he finger was indeed still intact, she put it forwards again. It hadn't been so bad. Just warm and slightly wet, plus the dog's tongue had a slight raspy feel to it - but not unpleasant. "He is rather cute.." She acquiesced, running a pitch black nail over his equally black head inducing a rally of short yaps of pleasure.

The suggestion of Melisande did take the rose by surprise. Own one of the puppies? Admittedly she was becoming fond of the little black one, who's tail wagged eagerly as she continued to rub and scratch his head and shoulders... But owning him? It was a little sudden and didn't seem the kind of thing that she should leap into without consulting Ethan first. However, if she did wait until she had the chance to ask Ethan, by the time they returned the black puppy might've been sold to another owner. Plus Vyn was in dire need of some companionship at home. Ethan had become more tolerable recently, but silences did still linger between them. For her birthday he'd given her a blue peacock that he'd received at Christmas.. But that just sat and preened itself in it's cage. A puppy would be her friend. Maybe it wouldn't be quite as talkative as her old companion Squirt, but she couldn't resist that terribly ugly yet cute expression much longer.

Almost guiltily she nodded and took out her own purse. "I suppose it would be nice to have one as a friend." She agreed, digging out all the notes and counting them out. The wad came to quite a sum and Vyn was pleasantly surprised by the amount Ethan had actually given her as casual spending money. Surely if he didn't want her to treat herself, he wouldn't give her so much! Vyn was sure that after a little sweet talking the businessman would be happy to comply to their new companion.. He was always so eager to please anyway. Guilty dispersing she smiled at Melisande before turning to the woman;

"How much are they?"
PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:02 pm
Melisande nodded, still fixated on the basket full of puppies. It would be nice to have a friend! She was so caught up in imagining what it would be like that she nearly missed the woman's answer. Her lips parted in surprise.

"200 each! They're papered, but smaller than the breed standard, so...half price!"

Melisande looked from her pocketbook to the woman, a little surprised. "So, they're...100 each?" She'd never been good with numbers, but Aki had taught her the value of money after Meli's last shopping spree with a credit card. That was a lot! Several mothers steered their lurking children away from the basket as the price was announced, beating a hasty retreat.

"Nope." The woman smiled and reached forward, grabbing one of the more active buckskin puppies and holding it up as it panted and wiggled. "200 is half price, darling! You seem like...nice folks though, if you each take one of my hands, I'll let two go for 350."

A deal! Pasha brightened instantly. Aki had also taught her about deals, they were a very good thing! "Okay! Vyn, I'll get you one too, as a present, since we're getting a Deal!" The idea of getting Vyn a gift seemed to go over very well with Melisande...the Raevan practically glowed! "Which do you like?"

Melisande already knew which one she liked. The little boy puppy in the center was still sleeping, even through all the commotion!  

Aki Ana

X Purple--Platypus X

PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 3:43 am
Melisande seemed confused by the mathematics that the woman was spouting about the price but thanks to Ethan's basic tutoring she could just about keep up. Half price meant division, slicing the number in two. And the discount meant that she was taking away (minus-ing) a further amount of the money off the cost leaving the raevans with quite a good deal indeed! Vyn had enough money for the puppy and a little extra, however, her new companion seemed intent on purchasing the dog for her as a present and Vyn slowly put her money back. If she insisted then it would be impolite to accept the gift... Maybe at a later date Vyn could return the notion and purchase something nice for the other girl? Perhaps a nice broach or piece of jewellery? From what Vyn could see the other raevan dressed well and the shadow assumed that a gift like that would appeal to her.

As for which puppy she wanted... There could only be one answer. "This black one." She replied, as the pup rolled onto it's back and revealed it's wiggling black underbelly. Barely containing her delight she tickled him, reducing the dog to a flurry of tail wagging, wriggling and soft yapping of pleasure. IT was difficult to believe that she could already feel so attached to the ugly little thing, but some strange feeling had overcome her and all of her mild dislike for dogs had evaporated. There was nothing she really wanted more t the moment than to pick her up and cuddle him.

In fact Vyn turned her black eyes again to the lady and asked that exact question. "Can I hold him?!"
PostPosted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:29 am
Melisande was delighted that Vyn had agreed, and it showed clearly on the muse's face. It was almost too good to be true. BOTH of them would have little puppies now!! She handed over the money with a smile, and clasped both hands over her heart as she watched the puppies dance with excitement. The active ones were cute, the black one especially so, but the sleepy one in the middle was just so sweet!

"Sure you can, he's yours now, darlin'!"

Pasha took that as permission as well, though she hadn't asked the question. Gingerly, she reached into the basket, giggling as the other little pugs nibbled and slobbered at her wrists, and lifted the sleepy golden puppy with the puggly brown face out of the center. He hung limp, bulgy eyes opening slowly, before stretching in a yawn...mouth opening ridiculously wide, and his little pink tongue curling. As soon as the yawn was done, he went limp again, paws dangling as Pasha observed him at arms length.

"He's perfect. Thank you!" She settled the little puppy against her chest, amazed at how small he was, and giggled as he settled with a whuff.

"Here's some info, and pick a leash and collar if you'd like!" The smiling lady motioned to a box with a tangle of colored leads, and offered them each a fat envelope sealed with a paw print sticker. Melisande let it drop into her basket, and twirled a bit to face Vyn and Vyn's new friend.

"This has been a very good day. I'm so glad we met!"  

Aki Ana

Vyn -- LAB305

PostPosted: Thu Apr 23, 2009 11:25 am
With the woman's approval and the exchange of money complete Vyn scooped up the little black bundle inducing a mixture of tail wagging, scrambling to fill up the space and a few whines from his siblings. The rose frei felt a little guilty about the sad noises that a few of the puppies were making and wiggled a finger in the basket, silently promising to make sure to give him a good home and wishing them the best whenever they got bought. However, just like her companion her mind was quickly absorbed by the adorable bundle of life that she'd just gained. The pup was tiny and so warm! The way he wiggled also forced even the normally sullen rose's face to bloom into a grin. "Me too!" Vyn exclaimed, planting a kiss on her puppies head - the dog responded by licking her back with it's pink tongue, a slobbery kiss of it's own. "I definitely wouldn't have even gone over if you weren't here. And never would I have come away owning one!" She beamed a precious smile at the girl before swooping down to collect a lead for the dog out of the basket. A red collar and lead, now the dog matched her; black and red.

Letting the puppy, shivering with excitement, down onto the floor she held the lead proudly as she had seen other dog walkers doing. He sniffled around a bit, his forehead creased in an ugly cute way, making the other onlookers coo 'adorable' or 'cute' or other affectionate words. "We should walk them together often. Since they're brothers." The suggestion came as a surprise even to the Rose frei - it was the first time in a while that she'd early accepted further meetings with a near stranger. Something in the other girl just pushed her to be sociable.. Almost like she was inspired to just chat and talk like they had been good friends for a long time. It was peculiar but not unpleasant.
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