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It had been quite a few months since Istas had met the love of her life. She couldn't be happier... Well, so she thought. She was now on her way to find her best friend, in a bit of frenzy. The night before, Istas and her beloved had a talk that just... Hasn't set right with the mare. Her brow was furrowed and she grumbled under her breath. Her bell tinkered, but it was almost dull with her heavy steps as she worked her way up the mountain to Claude's. It had been what, the third or fourth time that she had gone there. She never really felt comfortable just showing up out of the usual meeting times, but this... THIS WAS DAMNED IMPORTANT. She huffed her way up... Running the talk through her mind... She knew she could talk to Claude. He knew about her fear of family... But how come in all this time with her lovely mare mate... She hadn't been able to tell her that she had a fear of families...

Claude was lazily lipping at some of the alfalfa that Saki had set out for after his hunting with Nen. He folded his wings gently into his sides and sighed contentedly. He always did enjoy when they hunted together. It was sort of a connection he felt with his rider. He looked up at her as she cleaned buckskin and she smiled and waved. His wings flittered in response. His ears swiveled of... hoof beats. They sounded frantic. He immediately bayed softly and Nen looked up. He straightened himself out and placed himself between Nen and the intruder. Much to his relief it was only Istas. That relief largely disappeared when he saw the panic on her face. "Istas, what's wrong," he immediately asked as he ran over, circling her for signs of stress or wear.

Istas ran over and then blinked when he went around her. It was his usual thing, and she watched him, panting lightly, trying to gather her thoughts. " “She huffed out and lowered her head. She looked over at the human, her muscles were tighten, and when Claude finally stopped and pushed her head under his jaw, trying to let a calming sensation take over. “Wants... She... She wants..."I... Was with Misti last night.." She closed her eyes. "She wants... a family...." She finally managed it out. 'Family...' Istas had a strange fear of family because of her relationship withh her parents. It wasn't really -bad- but she was raised by two Usdia, and her Birth parents had like visitation rights... it was just something she knew was strange to others, and grew to hate that idea... and the last thing she wanted was to inflict something like that on her own foals were she to have any... "We were just talking... and it came up...”

Claude sighed softly and rested his head on Istas's. He looked around to Nen for help, but she only patiently cleaned. He looked over to him and shrugged. He shook his head slightly and tried to make words. He knew this would happen. Misti just seemed like to much of a family oriented person to not want kids. He nuzzled Istas into himself further and said, "I don't know what I can do dear. I know it's horrifying for you to think about, but... you also have to think about Misti... and what would make you happy. Maybe you could reach some kind of compromise? Like maybe just adopting a child, like a lost basket."

She had started to calm down... It was weird; Claude probably meant the most to her out of anyone other then her beloved, but it was strange that she just went to him for everything, a lot of people actually thought she and Claude were the couple with how she relied on him so much. "I know... And that’s what’s so scary Claude... I want her to be happy; I want to give her the world... But; I'm sure if I could handle being a parent, even to one." She stepped away from Claude and she looked down. "I want to give her the family, but what if I fail? Or what if she leaves me... I could never raise foals alone." Adoption? She wasn't to sure if her love could handle something like that.

Claude shrugged. "All you can do is your best. And if she's the mare you've said she was, and then she'll be thrilled with that. And if she leaves, then you know the way up the mountain." He smiled and nudged her slightly. "I will -always- be there when you need me, as corny as the sounds."

She laughed some at him, and sighed. "Can you imagine it?" She laughed some thinking of her trudging up there pregnant and him helping her raise the foals... She shook her head and smiled at him a little. ": I guess the idea is a little less scary, but I want to provide a stable family; you know?" She pushed her hoof into the ground and looks up at the sky. "I don't think she could handle adoption. To much touch and go, and you know the likely hood of basket finding isn't really high... I don't know how long she'd be willing to wait."

Claude nodded thoughtfully and followed her gaze. "Yes, I suppose you're right." Though he couldn't hold back a snarkle at the image her words begot. He glanced at her and then away to regain him composure. "On both counts. It's rare to find a lost basket... I suppose the next idea would be surrogate. Does Misti have one yet?"

She raised a brow at him and then tilted her head. "A surrogate...? D-does Misti have what?" She stuttered a little; wondering what 'have one' was... Was it maybe a surrogate to have the foals? She wondered... The two mares would probably prefer to have the genes of one of them..." She paced back and forth feeling a bit panicked again.

Claude nodded slowly. "You do know that two mares cannot have children together. They do need to have a surrogate stallion..." He looked to nen for help again, but only huffed when he saw they she was giggling behind her hand with Saki.

She blinked at him and then gasped. "CLAUDE I KNOW WHERE BABIES COME FROM!" She snuffed at him and blushed brightly. "I was just saying that... I wouldn't know if she had someone lined up... She hadn't said anything but I would have thought, that’s something she would have mentioned.... You know?"

Claude stepped back a bit at the yelling and tried to ignore the full out cackling behind him. He ruffled his feathers a little and took a deep breath. "Now, Istas, just... calm down. I know you do. Take a step back, and relax, alright? No use going at this if you're all flustered."

She paced around, not to sure what to think anymore. She shook her head and snuffed about. Who was that laughing? She looked over and shot a glare. "STOP LISTENING" She then started to pad her way down the slop a bit wanting to get some space between her and anyone listening. "Claude... She's my world... If I don't give her a family... She'll leave... won't she?"

Claude shook his head. "I don't think so. Not form what you told me. But, you know her better. Do you think she would? Think hard, dear. You've told me that she's kind, she smart, she’s sweet... doing you thinks she'd do that?"

"If she wanted a family... And I couldn't give her one...? Maybe..." She looked up at the sky again. "I think...those who want a family... it'd be like emptiness for her; and she wouldn't be completely happy..."

"Then I think she'd be happy to adopt. She'd know that she has you and that someday she has to opportunity to have children. And maybe, as a mew couple, this will be good for you. It's very hard to be romantic with children."

"I think she wants a big family... We could adopt one... but she wants like 3-6 from what she was telling me... I mean... I thought when she got off from the center that she would be happy to have quite, and she wants foals! And lots of them..." She looked over at him and sighed. "I think... she might want me to be the one to carry them so she could still work..."
Claude sighed. "Do you -want- to carry and birth children?" He had to admit, this mare was sounding more and more like a baby mongrel. Like she wanted Istas only for babies. 'It’s because the b***h is barren,' he thought bitterly with a huff.

"Well... I don't know... I never really wanted a family... Its kind of a jump; going from No family to. Carrying foals you know? But... I love her and want her to be happy... I guess I would, if I could learn to accept the idea of having a family..." She looked over at him and slid along his side, placing her side*

Claude watched Istas's distress with growing dislike for the mare at the source. But she made Istas happy, so he had to except that she would be a part of their lives. He sighed and fought with himself on his only solution. He wasn't one for flings... but this would hardly constitute one. They've always been a part of each other's lives. He sighed and said, "Well, you know me well enough... what if I was the one to get you pregnant?"

Istas looked over at him and a blush flittered over her cheeks. "Y-you...?" It was a strange notion. He in his own way, was her everything. But it was almost embarrassing to think of what they would be doing. They had never crossed that line or even gone near it before. Or so she felt. Him seeing her in that position... But he was right. If anything ever went wrong she knew she could count on him hell he was a good looking stallion. She looked down at the ground before she looked back up at him... "Are you sure you'd want to do that...? I mean... You have a good point... I trust you and I know you'd be there for me... But do you think we'd be capable of crossing that line...?

Claude sighed and looked around as well. A couple of his twoleggers who remained at the ready sensed the tension easily. He looked back at Istas and smiled. "I think I'd be able to swallow my pride and assist in whatever way is needed. Easily. I am a stallion after all. That's what we do. We make babies." He laughed and nuzzled her a bit. Of course this was how things were supposed to be. And who knew? Maybe this was they're destiny. To be parents of a brood. Maybe it was to bring them closer. Maybe they were to be mates. Who knew? But he'd take it one step at a time. And this first step was just getting used to the idea of laying with someone he saw as a sister.

Istas looked at him. That statement made him think more of Amitola then of Claude. But reproducing was a huge part of life... She just figured 'one less' wasn't hurting anyone. She would return his nuzzle, keeping silent. What was he thinking? Sometimes she wished she could read his mind. "Well... I guess in that case..." She couldn't believe she was about to agree to bare foals with Claude...”I accept that offer..."

Claude smiled and said, "Well... this makes for kind of an awkward situation, I suppose. And that bags an even worse question but... when do you want to go about doing this? I mean... it may take a while b-but I think..." He stopped talking and sighed. He wanted nothing more then to revert back to his adolescent ways and run away from this discomfort. But he was a knight now. He needed to stand his ground. If not for his own pride, then for Istas.

Istas felt herself flush even more. "Well... Um; I guess the sooner the better... To start so that you never know... Out first time might..." She stumbled over her words some. She liked mares, and was never supposed to experience this...But now she would be. She didn't know anything about it. "We need to make it fun... Not... uh I mean... so that... you know it’s not so awkward...."

Claude chuckled. "Perhaps a date first then. An adventure, like when we were younger?"

Istas took in a breath and she nodded at him a little. Maybe adventure... he games and role play they did would make things easier. "That seems like a very good plan."

Claude nuzzled her again and motioned down the hill. "I hear there's been a blood thirsty skin walker terrorizing a village down south. Shall we?"