Well a long time ago, say when I was around 10 or 11, I woke up one morning simply lying on my couch. Actually, it was a chair like couch, that was pretty short, but at the time still large enough to allow me to asleep in it.

In the mornings, I used to lie in bed and just wait there until I felt like getting up and moving, like I did most times and in most mornings. And so, it very still looked like I was asleep when I wasn't.

But as the morning went on, I started to hear some really, really weird sounds. Not your dog groans and cats nocks over a lamp sounds, some really freaky s**t, not what I would call voices, and not what I wouldn't consider not to be voices. But regardless, I thought it was my dog up until a while.

Then it struck me. I didn't have a cat then, and I only had like a 5-6 year old dog. I looked underneath my covers, which were nearly translucent, and almost a pale-green white color, and saw my dog, laying on the couch. My heart sank to the bottom of the floor; At that moment I realized that the noises I had been hearing were in fact, not my dog, that quite possibly, it was somebody else, that actually, it was impossible to be my dog. As a matter of fact, I saw my dog look at me, and then look across the room, right, where I was starting to hear the noises get louder, right where my paranoia was starting to etch at my most. This wasn't paranoia, it was real.

The creature, whatever the hell it was, some random human breaking and entering or an alien, was humanoid in nature. I don't remember getting a very good look at it, not well at all, as I was extremely scared, actually too scared to look underneath my blankets, which, at the time, was all that was hiding me. I could barely breath. I was almost gasping, my heart was racing at a thousand beats per minute but I was trying to stay calm, and quite. I heard banging, each door of my house opening and closing down my hallway, things banging around, noises everywhere, I couldn't see anything and didn't care. It wasn't my dog, and so if it wasn't something of an alien nature, it was someone's dog or kid or something.

I was petrified. That whole morning I heard the door's screeching open and closed, open and close, like some sort of rhythmic chant that lost it's beat. Only peering underneath my blanket, I could still see my dog on the couch, raising it's ears to the noises as well; it wasn't just me hearing them.

Eventually, after a while went by, I felt something around me. I can't tell you what, but it was humanoid in nature. But I can tell you this. My dog started barking, loudly, repeatedly, and what made me nearly s**t my pants was I heard a growl back. My dog whimpered, and put it's head back down.

All I could see was the feet. It's black shape trembling and moving about, a long vein running up the foot and presumably up the rest of the leg, scraping across the floor with a screeching sound, making noise just like it had been doing before, scraping against my carpet floor.

I heard nothing but sounds, whispers almost, and a deep, harsh breathing. I remember the breathing. It was horrifying, to know that something else inside your house, not of your dog or of a normal persuasion, was there breathing, in your house, making noises...

I heard some more scraping, and didn't dare budge or move. At this point, I could nearly see all the way through the blanket, but not enough to make out every distint feature. I couldn't see the nose, or the direct shape of the eyes, but the eyes were yellow and black, and it stretched a deep, black mouth, what appeared to be nearly lipless, across it's face. It's entire body was slim, and it was tall, probably 6'2 or so now that I think about it, maybe more. The hands, which I only caught a glimpse of, were long and spindle like, spiny, almost like a lot of lizards have. And it was black, the whole thing was black, but not a normal black, and the skin wasn't a single shade, rather oddly shaded and covered in veins all about it's body, seemingly like it only had sploches of color around it.

And I saw it look at me. For a brief moment, even through the transparent blanket, we locked eyes, and we both knew what our thoughts were. I knew it was there, and I could hear it breathing, see it's feet, see it twitching, ready to move, but I didn't feel scared at that moment. It appeared to seem as if I was the confused one, and didn't want to scare me. You know when you look at someone and you can just tell what they're thinking, it was really in a sense more like that. I just somehow knew that it knew I was just caught in the moment, and for the moment, however small or brief, we basically connected. It from that point turned away and left me alone, going into the kitchen. Seeing it's feet cross into there, I threw up my blankets to see it, never seeing it's face, but glimpsing it's back.

What made this real for me, is that it starting tearing all my cabinets. The cabinets beat together and made noises and spread and slapped together with the sound of slamming and wood and even cracking noises, as this continued. I looked up several times and ducked only to see it's hands a few more time, and it' back and arms, probably not a simple black guy running through my house with long spindly hands, apparently no nose, and splotchy skin of a near opaque brownish black color.

It was horrifying, before this, to know anything was here, and I did not want it to think I was a threat, whatever it was, and it eventually left through my back door.

I was for sure it was my parents, it had to be.

Then the door got nocked on. Entering in, were my parents, and my little brother. No-one had been home. And, walking in, my mother gasped, screaming why there was black stuff and dirt all over my house, and my dad wondering why my cabinets had large cracks in it.

This was real. Bolting, I stood up and asked if my older brother was home- he was not.

There was no way it was him. I told my parents what happened thinking it was a thief, and they traced footprints, odd shaped footprints, all over my house.

Scared as hell, we called the police, reported it, and cleaned up our house later.

To this day I have no idea what it is and only caught glimpses of it's face, but I saw a lot of it's body. It was nearly no way human, unless the human was sick, wearing nearly identical skin colored shorts, and has splotchy colored skin, the splotches from some sort of disease.

It also was bald, or nearly bald, whatever it was, and don't think it had a single bit of hair on it' body- it's feet I think I stared at for 10 minutes did not appear to posses anything besides veins and translucent skin- I don't think I remember seeing any toenails. But it's feet, it's body, was nearly gruesome, and to this day I have no idea what that was.

But I remember the one day I thought it was my dog, it happened to not be, and be a freak of nature and coincidence walking through my house.

I doubted my paranoia twice that day, once in thinking it was my dog, the other in thinking that it couldn't possibly be in the room- both we're wrong.

Too frightened to even look at it, maybe I should, maybe I shouldn't... but when thing stands true, whatever it was, it was not a normal human, and definitely was a humanoid shape, that no-one, not even police, could find a single trace of human DNA in the place, though they could find DNA, and it definitely wasn't of a known animal...

I think it could have been an alien, but why would it visit me? Who could possibly know...

Maybe it was just some wierd black dude running through my house looking for cash and didn't find any, but nonetheless... something unknown was in my house that day, and nearly scared the s**t out of me, leaving a lasting impression for most of my life, even up to this day...