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Aki Ana

PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 12:15 pm
Clutching her folded parasol with both hands, with a bouquet tucked into the crook of her arm, Melisande gazed up at the imposing closed door. It felt as though butterflies surrounded her rune, ribbon fluttering with the same nervous energy. She wasn’t expected, nor was she particularly invited, but Pasha’s concern was enough to give her courage.

Raising one pale hand, she rapped gently upon the apartment door. Mist from the unpredictable spring weather had stuck blond curls lightly to her cheeks, but freshened the bouquet beautifully. White sunflowers and swinging blue bells bounced as she knocked, cradled close to her slight chest. Taking a breath, Melisande drifted back a foot and waited.

Please let him be home!  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:01 am
If it hadn't been so deafeningly quiet lately, Zave probably would not have heard the knock on the front door of their apartment. He felt bad that he hadn't been out to see many of the other raevans lately, but somehow he just couldn't bring about much energy to do so.

"Who could it be at the door anyway?" Zave mused aloud, "Tsu didn't say anyone should be stopping by... and well... burglars probably wouldn't knock... especially not in the middle of the day." He pondered on this a little more floating down the hallway lazily.

Considering how messy the place was, he was half tempted to turn whoever it was away. After all, the apartment was a disaster zone. No one would ever accuse Tsu, Zave or Kai of having anything like a "woman's touch" as of late. Plates stacked in the sinks, a coat of dust on most of the furniture... and Zave was pretty sure that Kai had started naming some of the dust bunnies under the couch. Ah well... it wasn't quite spring yet, so spring cleaning could always be pushed back to a later date.

"I'm sorry, but Tsu is out right no-" Zavier swung the door open a crack, only to be met with a small amount of mist, and a very familiar face. The shock breaking up whatever he was going to previously say or do. "Meli!! Just a second!!!" Zave hastily exclaimed, fumbling with the chain to open the door wider for the other raevan. His moment of planning to act cool and collected flashed away right before his very eyes.

Man... I really should have at least straightened up my hair Zave thought sheepishly, a flush of red streaking across his face.

tsu 5 e

Aki Ana

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:02 am
Pasha tilted her head to the side to peer through the crack, brightening instantly when she saw a swath of Zavier's face. Seeing him so suddenly was like sun breaking through the clouds, and the same pink graced her cheeks as well.

The chain rattled against the door as she cleared her throat. "I...hope it's okay..." Offering the flowers forward as the door opened, Melisande watched him with wide and happy blue eyes over the horizon of blossoms. "I didn't call first, but..."

Meli's voice changed the slightest bit, her expressive tone quieting into something soft and almost lyrically tender. Dropping her eyes to the sunflowers and bluebells, cheeks still pink, she smiled into the bouquet.

"...I missed you."  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 3:25 pm
Zave looked at the flowers for a second, well aware of the words that Meli had just said, he seemed to waiver at the door, almost hesitating to make the next move, but he eventually said, "Please... come in. We should get these flowers some water to drink." Hopefully Meli wouldn't mind floating through the stacks of random junk that had accumulated along the walls of all the rooms.

"Thank you for coming to visit me." Zave said with a soft smile "Ever since Dr. Kyou and Laz have moved back to the lab it's been rather..."

peaceful? quiet? lonely?

"...empty here. To be honest... I... I missed you too. You don't know how happy you made me by dropping in."

tsu 5 e

Aki Ana

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:54 pm
Pasha brightened a bit at how thoughtful Zave was...surely the flowers were thirsty! Melisande was a bit thirsty as well, in truth, she'd had to try a few doors before she'd found the right one.

"It doesn't look empty~" She didn't mean anything by it, but it wasn't the most tactful observation. "...but it does look a little lonely." She watched him navigate the apartment with a tiny smile, enjoying the simple sight of him.

Bobbing a bit to catch up, Melisande offered the flowers forward again. She'd selected them carefully...the white ones reminded her of herself, and the lovely blue reminded her of Zave. In fact, she'd done many things carefully that day...the way her hair was pinned, the way her wristlet gloves matched her short pale dress, even the tiny glass earrings that she picked because they looked like rain drops. All of her preparation was forgotten now, though. All she saw was her dearest friend, and his kind words brought a kiss of pink back to her cheeks.

"I'm glad. I worried for you. Last time I saw you...." She paused again, concern pressing her blond brows together. "Are you feeling better?" Flowers cradled in the crook of one arm, she let her fingers settle on the back of his hand, concern melting back into a smile.

"You look better." He looked wonderful.  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 9:00 pm
Zavier grimaced a little inwardly at his poor choice in words... but he managed to recover his composure a little and put a smile to his face. "No... our apartment certainly doesn't look empty at all. I don't think I've ever seen it empty at all. I guess I meant... it feels empty when I remember before. Not as many people talking loudly or laughing at each other. That sort of thing. Lonely would be a good word."

Zave looked back at the flowers absently making a comment, "This may sound odd, but somehow these white flowers remind me of you. The soft subtle nature of them really bring a sense of balance to the bouquet. These flowers really go really well together." They had finally reached the kitchen, but Zave was fairly certain that Tsu had nothing like a vase in the house. Never really looked like that type of person. However, he did find a watering can in one of the cabinets. It would have to do until he could get a proper container for it.

"Would you like something to drink as well?" Zave looked at Meli after putting the filled watering can on the counter. He was well aware of how Meli's gloves perfectly matched her dress, and how her earrings shimmered like drops of dew when they caught the light. Somehow he couldn't break his gaze away. She looked absolutely stunning like that.

Swallowing heavily, Zave nodded at Meli's question how he was feeling. "Tsu said I just spent too much time out in the sun. That I let my energy get too low or something like that. I've been feeling much better, but still make sure to get plenty of rest."

"How about you? How have you been? You look amazing." There weren't really words to say how great Meli looked... at least... none that could come to mind. She left him dumbstruck.

Noticing her fingers resting on the back of his hand, Zave felt a small tingle of hairs rising on the back of his neck. His ears became a deep shade of red, and instead of drawing his hand away, slowly he turned it over and opened it up, as if offering to hold Meli's hand.

tsu 5 e

Aki Ana

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2009 11:20 pm
Without hesitation, Pasha's fingers instinctively laced with his, a gentle and intimate gesture that she'd never thought twice about. The touch reminded her instantly of the beach, their last time together, and she smiled at the memory. "I think you do too~"

There were certain moments, when Melisande spoke, that the air simply trembled. She was unaware of it, but to any other, it seemed as though a song was about to swell. Aki had pointed the moment out in movies...the few weighted words that were spoken with intoxicating inflection just moments before the entire cast burst into casual choreography. "I've been...lonely. Like the sunflowers, if they were all by themselves." She poked the blue bells gently with one finger as she thought about his comment, other hand still resting gently in Zave's. "I think I missed you."

Saying it, finally saying it, freed something within the muse. "I know I missed you!" Ignoring his offer of a drink, Melisande let the flowers roll from the crook of her arm...stems filing neatly into the watercan with a series of dull plunks. As soon as her hand was free, she sought Zavier's other hand...pulling him close with a graceful, gentle tug. Suddenly, she was smiling...and not the shy, coy smile she couldn't quite hide. She'd waited for so long, been patient for so long, that the moment no longer seemed like the tenuous present. Pasha leaned forward in way of a hug, brushing her cheek along his slightly wild hair where the locks rested against his neck, like Lucia did when she was showing favor.

"If Tsu says you must rest, may I rest with you?" There was nothing but fond wish in her tone, as fitting with a youth that knew only of life from the waist up. Curls still sticking lightly to her cheek with spring mist, Melisande tilted her head as she considered the young man with a dimpled, dazzling genuine smile.  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2009 5:53 pm
"If Tsu says you must rest, may I rest with you?"

The words had caught Zave off guard slightly, but still it wasn't anything bad. The warmth from Meli, and when she smiled, when she truly smiled, it felt as if his chest was singing.... "I would like it very much if you were with me." Zave too smiled a genuine smile of happiness. Meli was someone he had held a deep adoration for when she came into the lab that bleak night a long time ago. Now here she was, causing the dreary apartment to almost glow, and the feelings he had before seemed so much more stronger.

Sure there might be people that would speak loudly about this. Meli was a young lady and he... well he was a boy? a man? something in between? Still... there shouldn't be problems if there was nothing from the waist down, right? Still he was at a loss of where to go from here. There was still a bit of time before he'd need to rest again, so what to do until then?

There was a small image that got painted into his mind of the gardens on the roof. Unsure if there was much blooming there yet, Zave still ventured an offer to Meli. "It's not quite time to rest yet, but there's a garden on the roof, would you like to go with me?" He tried to paint the image in his mind, unsure it would be passed along, but it was still worth a try. Quite frankly any time spent with Meli would be fine with me Zave thought quietly. His eyes were drinking up the first true smile he's seen from Meli.

His eyes finally meeting hers, he said "I know I missed you, too. I hope we're never that far away again."

tsu 5 e

Aki Ana

PostPosted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 11:47 am
A garden on the roof? Pasha could almost picture it...out in the open air, with early greens and a blossom here and there! Brightening even more at the image, she nodded...letting one of her hands drop as she reclaimed her parasol. She was very taken with Zave's kind words, and held his gaze for a long moment before speaking.

"I would like that." She agreed with his suggestion and his hopes together, her voice sweet and a bit wistful. Aki had taught her long ago that all good things must come to an end, but she hoped...truly hoped...it didn't apply to days like this.

"Zavier, I was wondering..." Melisande was usually so easy going that changing the subject was a bit difficult, but she tried her best. One hand still in Zave's as she followed his lead, Pasha thought back to their day in the orchard so long ago. "Do you remember the day we went to the house? The day we danced?" It was one of her favorite memories, out of every memory she held. She still hadn't asked her true question, distracted momentarily by the sweet remembrance.  
PostPosted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:03 pm
Zavier gave a firm nod of his head, smiling at the memory of the day as he did so. "Yes I do. It was my first time ever trying to waltz, but it was a lot of fun twisting and turning through the sky. That old man seemed pretty upset at us too...." Zave trailed off, unaware that a small frown had formed in the corners of his mouth at mention of the man that chased them off. In the end, he hadn't been able to find a way to tell Meli about his dreams, or about the oracle he saw yet. Now that he had a chance to meet with Laz after the summer event incident, he was more determined to go through with the summoning, but for some reason, he wanted to know what Meli thought as well.

As they reached the roof top garden area, Zave looked around the expanse. Normally many couples came up here during the spring to sneak some alone time while under the buds and blossoms of the new year, but right now it seemed still too early in the year for anyone to come up here.

Still, there were plum and peach blossoms on a few of the trees announcing that spring was on its way, and in each of the planters along the walks, the flowers were in bloom as if it were the most natural thing ever. A small group of birds were hopping along the ground trying to find scraps of food and other items to get ready for their nest making. Zave instinctively pulled Meli closer to him and told her, "Thank you for coming, I wanted to share this with you for such a long time."

tsu 5 e

Aki Ana

PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:18 pm
Unlike Zave, Melisande smiled at the memory of the old man, and how startled he'd been. He wasn't so bad...the next time she'd come to visit, he'd even secretly left her tea! She hadn't had a chance to tell Zavier this yet, but she hoped there would be time for stories later. "I wish, sometimes, that we could go back and have that whole day again! To dance, and to talk about all the things we wanted to talk about..."

Once they emerged onto the rooftop garden, though, the past faded in the light of the present. For a few moments, she paused, floating...totally taken with the scattering of blooms and the adorable tiny birds that scooted around the planters. As Zave pulled her closer, she relaxed against him...wings fanning as she rested her head on his shoulder. Fingers curling gently around the end of one of his pale locks, Pasha realized that for the first time in a long time, she was truly happy.

"It's beautiful. Just like I pictured it!" Her voice was quiet, but her slow smile positively sang. It felt so wonderful, being so close to him, but for the first time Pasha wished that Zavier was a Sigel as well. Her desire for a real hug, tummy to tummy, was so sudden and unexpected that Pasha melted a bit in his arms. Her inspiration surged silently, though she didn't will it...encouraging Zavier to be his very best. She'd held good thoughts for his health for so long, it was as though those thoughts passed to him all at once, and the feeling left her weak.

Pulling away just a bit, just enough to see his face, Melisande caught his gaze and held it with her tiny, content smile. "Thank you for bringing me here. Thank you...for always being so kind." For a moment, it seemed like there was more she wished to say...but it was hard to keep her mind on anything but his eyes, and the way the cool breeze pushed gently at his hair.  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 8:35 pm
There was definitely a longing to go back to the mansion and relive that day over again, but honestly... what was stopping them from doing so here and now? In fact he felt more energetic than any time before that. Still, as he looked over at Meli, he couldn't help but feeling like she was the one that had been not feeling her usual self, and somehow he could only feel grateful to her.

Looking into her eyes to see if it was alright, Zave once again leaned forward and pulled her into a hug. Wanting to share the energy and warmth she gave him back with her. He felt bad that was about all he could give her, even when it seemed she was looking for something more. Slowly pulling away to be able to look her in the face, Zave said simply "If you'd like, we could dance here, and talk about those things that we didn't say that day."

With one arm he gestured from the sky and the wind blowing through the leaves to the birds adorning the planters. "These could be our orchestra, playing a song only we could hear." and with a dramatic flourish to the grassy knoll "And this could be our stage, my lady." Zave said with a warm smile. But like a cloud on a sunny day, concern etched across his features slowly. "Or if you need to rest, there is always the option of sitting on the bench, and just talking, and enjoying the day together. You must have searched at a lot of apartments before you came to ours."

"No matter which you want to do, I'll be happy." With those words he gently pressed his forehead against hers for a moment before moving back into a position of just being close to her and holding her hand, trying to see if he could will his strength to her as well.

tsu 5 e

Aki Ana

PostPosted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 10:23 am
She returned the hug with warmth, stronger than her usual gentle touches. She was a little overwhelmed, but she felt amazing...every time they were together felt like a dream! Fully letting go of the worry she'd held for so long, Pasha met his eyes with honesty, that same bright smile dimpling her cheeks. Her fingers curled delicately against the fabric between his wings, other hand pressed lightly to his chest as he pulled back just a bit.

Melisande's eyes grew wider as he spoke, filled with amazement as he motioned to the wind, the birds. She could hear the music...and he could hear it was well! It was a subtle, wistful, natural melody...and suddenly she thought of her brother Levi, who enjoyed dancing to the noise of the printer when Aki was spooling out work documents. Laughing at the memory, and with general good spirits, she closed her eyes gently as Zavier pressed his forehead to hers. "I did knock on a few doors, but I found you! I don't need to rest."

Her hand slipped from Zave's chest, down his arm until she could clasp her hand with his. She left her other hand where it was, nestled lightly under the junction of his wings, and drifted closer until his other hand slipped naturally down the curve of her waist. Face to face, one hand clasped, she rested her head gently upon Zave's shoulder. Her curls and petals brushed the side of his face, and she took a breath, enjoying the way he always smelled like the first breath of morning. "Or we could dance like this, just a little, and still talk about whatever you'd like. I'm glad to be here with you, Zavier~"

Melisande didn't use his full name often, but she said it like a little prayer. Lifting her head, she let the gentle wind put some distance between them, but didn't release his hand. The curls that tugged out of place just couldn't cover her smile, or her bright blue eyes, and her gaze was an invitation to talk, to dance...  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:02 pm
For just a second, Zave's mind went blank as felt the curves of her waist beneath the dress that matched her gloves perfectly, and a fresh flush of red splashed across his face. Had he feet, the first few steps would probably be awkward and almost stumbling over each other, but luckily there was none of that. Just a slow start that was out of pace with the melody the wind was playing. How could he just focus on that, with her in his arms like this? Every intake of breath brought the smell of her, the scent of the bloom in her hair to his nostrils. It was somewhat like a drug, intoxicating, encouraging. He had never wished he was a Sigel like her, so he could be more for her.

Realizing that in his frustrations, he had picked up speed, Zave slowed down his pace again to match the music. Finally finding the right groove, he expertly lead Meli through the spins and twirls. No matter which way she spun, or the wind played with her hair, he could always see that brilliant smile that she had held back for so long, as well as her bright blue eyes. Finding a comfortable place to just slowly dance, Zave began the long process of telling her what had been eating away so long.

"I.... I.... I have been having some odd dreams for a long time." Zavier stammered a little, trying to hide that he didn't know how dangerous the act of answering questions might be. "I guess I could say nightmares more than dreams. In them, I see Tsu, but he looks so much slower and smaller than me. Yet... without fail... he manages to slow me down... and make me stop before placing some strange bottle next to me. I think... I think he kills me? Or he killed the old me." Zave furrowed his brows in confusion.

"I never really did understand the dream, and Tsu doesn't seem to like talking about it... so I snuck out and talked to an oracle... a fortune teller. She said that my answers will lie beyond a great storm. I wanted to talk about that with you on that day, the day we first went dancing together." Zave's voice dropped a little. "Then I got weak for so long... and in that time, I learned how to summon a tempest with Lazarus' help. I have still yet to find some of those objects for that spell, but once I have them... I would have to go for a while. I don't know if I should though... I don't want to be away from you. I...I..." Zave trailed off. Words oddly sticking in his throat, betraying him for once. He wanted to tell everything to her, how he saw her, his ambitions, and the fact that he was pretty sure she had the key to two hearts... her own... and his.

As if the pent up frustrations were shooting out from him, a distant wind came in, and picked up the blossoms that had fallen to the ground, spinning up around the two, before dying down once again. He looked in her eyes once again, searching for a response of some sort, a sign that she understood how important she was to him.

tsu 5 e

Aki Ana

PostPosted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 4:49 pm
Melisande listened carefully, smile fading as his words became serious. The muse was not concerned, only intent, and her little hand tightened gently in his. As he spoke, his words formed spectral images in the back of her mind...Tsu, and the bottle...Lazarus, and the storm.

"He killed...the old you?" She was trying, genuinely trying, but that just didn't make any sense. It was Zavier's dream, however, not hers, and these were not her riddles to untangle. As their dance slowed along with Zave's words, Melisande took his other hand as well. With the way he looked at her, with such kindness, it was almost impossible to say what she felt she should say.

"I don't know anything about bottles, or storms, or...Tsu." Pasha swallowed, but met his eyes bravely...her wings fanning a bit for balance. "But I know that there are answers, and if you have to face your dreams to find them, then...you should." Melisande had always had a way with words, but suddenly, they were failing her as surely as they had Zavier.

She couldn't say why it hurt to say it, but it did. There was a tiny, cold feeling at the core of her, as though her rune had vanished and been replaced with Lucretia's. Pulling him closer, Melisande clasped their hands high against her chest, almost under her chin. "There is music in more than the wind. Life has a song, and if you listen carefully, you can follow along. That's how I found the mansion, and...I think...how I always find my way back you."

Melisande lowered her head, and pressed a slow, sweet kiss upon Zavier's knuckles, where his hand covered hers. When she lifted her face again, her eyes were bright, but her complexion was pale. "It doesn't matter what anyone else says. If there is something you need, some song that only you can hear...you must. I don't want to be away from you, but if I can't come with you...I can wait. Right here, if I have to!"

Her little voice sounded much, much braver than she actually felt. As Meli's curls settled, one of the little blossoms at her temple tugged loose...spiraling away on a tense breath of wind. The cameo necklace she wore of Aria's portrait caught the light gently, the thin carved ivory almost glowing.

"Promise...you won't forget me." She'd almost forgotten how dark it had been, before she met Zavier. The idea of losing him brought that memory back, and she shivered...resting her chin gently on their clasped hands.  
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